Is it ok to listen to Dr Taylor Marshall?

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This is the first pope in centuries who walks among the people not speaking from a throne or from prepared notes but rather amidst the people in the world.
I am pretty sure other popes spoke without notes and walked among the people also. There is historical evidence for it. Pope Francis, unfortunately for him, is the first pope to have so much internet, news media and social media hearing and repeating everything he says. I believe there are times he is misquoted and then other times he is not. It depends on what he is saying and who is doing the reporting.
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You didn’t say he was “different”, you said he was “the first pope in centuries who walks among the people not speaking from a throne or prepared notes”. Now you’re misrepresenting what you said.

Your animus for Dr Marshall has now boiled over to the point that you’re personally attacking two Pontiffs. PLEASE STOP.
And now you’re illustrating an example of how a false narrative is built based on fake news.

—According to you, I personally attacked the two previous popes. You took my comment out of context and built an accusation against me. If you were a biased reporter or a blogger who did not like me you would come up with a big fat headline like: “gab123 slanders and personally attacks St. John Paul II!”

But the truth is that I admire both the two previous popes greatly and fondly, and obvious point is that Pope Francis is the first pope to walk among the flock like no other pope in recent history. This is not a slam against the two previous pope’s but simple fact. He is not a pope who is speaking from merely papal audiences and being far far off and almost inaccessible to the regular public, albeit for security reasons, but today we have a pope that goes against his security detail to be among regular folks in the world, just as he did as Archbishop Argentina. A clear example of this to illustrate the point was when he first became pope, his first act after becoming the Supreme Pontiff and Vicar of Christ was to simply go pick up his luggage and pay for his own hotel bill. As news came out about this, some sensationalized it and accused him of staging a public show of false humility.
Many of these people with blogs and internet shows judging and denouncing the pope apparently had recent conversions back to the faith. Instead of pointing out everyone’s sins they should remind themselves where they were not long ago, mired in the rot and filth they so quickly point out in others…
I don’t think you understand what people such as Dr. Marshall are trying to do. Your whole post was aimed at drawing a comparison between Pope Francis and his desire to walk amongst the people, as Jesus did.

And you set up those who are critical of Pope Francis as merely wanting to attack him for emulating Jesus, who was all about forgiveness and mercy and compassion.

You cannot deny that Dr. Marshall is wholly devoted to the Catholic Church. He’s not calling out people’s sins, as you claim. Instead he’s seeking to clear up the confusion and ambiguity that has unfortunately plagued our Church within the recent decades.

Perhaps you should listen to some of his podcasts and videos and then perhaps you’d have a better understanding of what his goal is.
You cannot deny that Dr. Marshall is wholly devoted to the Catholic Church. He’s not calling out people’s sins, as you claim. Instead he’s seeking to clear up the confusion and ambiguity that has unfortunately plagued our Church within the recent decades.
I love his topics that edify the spirit. The problem are the shows that operate on gossip and false narratives. Simply look at the fruits in the comments on those shows which are rabidly and mockingly against the Holy Father.
You cannot deny that Dr. Marshall is wholly devoted to the Catholic Church. He’s not calling out people’s sins, as you claim. Instead he’s seeking to clear up the confusion and ambiguity that has unfortunately plagued our Church within the recent decades.
I know Sede Vacante Catholics who have large families and are ferociously devoted to their faith, yet slander the current and past popes as antipopes and teach others that the Novus Ordo mass is invalid and twist the writings of the Second Vatican Council with the same skill that Protestants and anti Catholics spin and distort the Sacred Scripture against the Church. No doubt out of ignorance and even well-intentioned sometimes, yet tools of the deceiver nonetheless. Satan is tricky.
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Perhaps you should listen to some of his podcasts and videos and then perhaps you’d have a better understanding of what his goal is.
His theme seems to be that he’s “red pilled” on Pope Francis and encouraging others to do the same. I am grateful that I speak and understand Spanish fluently and can tell you that what the pope has often said is lost in translation, upon which false narratives are built. It’s almost as if the Marxist dialectic is at work behind the scenes, pitting one group against another to create conflict and spark revolution. After all, we live in the Information Age and Satan is the great deceiver, who operates in the realm of the intellect and the twisting of the truth. Fallen angels, Powers and Principalities working to slander and slam the Church and the Holy Father with lies and half truths to divide and conquer…
How does one disprove gossip?

But false narratives are an example of the damage. Take for instance the “who am I to judge” quote by pope Francis, or their insinuations that, while pope Francis speaks about the devil very often, that he probably doesn’t believe in a real devil, etc. It’s a slow chipping away at the trust people have in the Church and ushering some into Sede Vacante, others away from joining the c]Church, others into slandering the pope, etc. It-s a messy trail leaving many casualties in its wake. What’s more, even detraction is actually telling the truth yet it is still a sin because of the damage one does. Marshall’s own personal friend Fr.Dwight Longenecker explains what is wrong with those shows. You can read it here.
Earlier stuff is probably fine, but don’t listen to something that may lead to schism.
Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong now considers Taylor Marshall to be a “radical Catholic reactionary.”
The problem here is that Dave Armstrong will have to say that about A LOT of others too.
You’re right, he does say that about a lot of others. Because there’s a lot of them out there.

I don’t know enough about Marshall to offer whether I think Dave Armstrong is correct on him, but when it comes to people I did know enough to weigh in on, I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed with his assessments as to whether someone is a “radical Catholic reactionaries” (for those unaware, that’s his preferred term for “radical traditionalist” as he feels “radical traditionalist” is unfair to traditionalists).
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Your animus for Dr Marshall has now boiled over to the point that you’re personally attacking two Pontiffs. PLEASE STOP.
Easily could be a slip of the tongue or something that wasn’t thought out. It happens to everyone.
I’ve seen all of the TnT episodes. It can be enjoyable to listen to Marshall and Gordon discuss philosophy and theology. At times it’s educational and at times it’s problematic (e.g., every ill leads back to feminism for Gordon, I don’t think either fully understands “Hegelian dialectic” but they use the term repeatedly, etc.). More worrisome than their shows for me are their Twitter accounts. Gordon, for example, has stated that real men don’t cry. When a priest pointed out that even Christ wept, he didn’t respond. He has some very strange ideas about masculinity. Both Gordon and Marshall mocked a group of priests who made gingerbread houses for being effeminate. The hell? I like people who are rational enough to recognize that in many cases every side likely has at least a kernel of truth to it. These guys aren’t that for sure. I do think they’re great family men, which is refreshing.

(Unpopular opinion: I also find it really bizarre that a man who only converted 13 years ago is now making a living as a face of Catholicism.)
Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong now considers Taylor Marshall to be a “radical Catholic reactionary.”
The problem here is that Dave Armstrong will have to say that about A LOT of others too.
You’re right, he does say that about a lot of others. Because there’s a lot of them out there.

I don’t know enough about Marshall to offer whether I think Dave Armstrong is correct on him, but when it comes to people I did know enough to weigh in on, I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed with his assessments as to whether someone is a “radical Catholic reactionaries” (for those unaware, that’s his preferred term for “radical traditionalist” as he feels “radical traditionalist” is unfair to traditionalists).
Who else is Dave Armstrong talking bad about (which isn’t a very Christian thing to do)?

Taylor Marshall hasn’t spoken bad about anyone as a person (other than McCarrick & Archbishop Bugnini). He has only disagreed with theological positions of some bishops (including the Pope) and has challenged them based on theology.
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Taylor Marshall hasn’t spoken bad about anyone as a person
Well, except when claiming that Armstrong was “creating a controversy so he can create click bate [sic]. He’s paid by the click.”

Oh, and when he mocked seminarians who made gingerbread houses as part of a Christmas show for their professors and their children by calling them “effeminate and puerile.”

And then of course there are the many times he’s insinuated that if you don’t have TLM close to you and you don’t move to be close to one, you’re not “on the team.”
Perhaps you should listen to some of his podcasts and videos and then perhaps you’d have a better understanding of what his goal is.
Great point. In Dr Marshall podcast where he had long time Catholic Answers host Patrick Coffin on, Marshall states about Pope Francis:

“I constantly defended Pope Francis, even when I disagreed with him. He’s the Holy Father. In first year of his papacy, he said ‘we’re talking too much about abortion’ which shocked me. But I still gave him benefit of doubt and defended him against people I knew who were upset at time. Then he said ‘Catholics shouldn’t breed like rabbits’ and having 8 kids it wasn’t great to hear. At that point I told myself ‘ok I won’t speak out against him but not defending him either. I’m going silent’ But I still prayed for Our Holy Father every day and still do to this day. I say decade of rosary for him”

That’s the guy people are saying attacks Pope Francis. He defended him even when disagreed with him and even when he became frustrated he said he only went silent and never outright attacked him. And still says decade of Rosary for him everyday. How many Marshall critics in here say decade of rosary for Pope Francis every day?
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Perhaps you should listen to some of his podcasts and videos and then perhaps you’d have a better understanding of what his goal is.
Great point. In Dr Marshall podcast where he had long time Catholic Answers host Patrick Coffin on, Marshall states about Pope Francis:

“I constantly defended Pope Francis, even when I disagreed with him. He’s the Holy Father. In first year of his papacy, he said ‘we’re talking too much about abortion’ which shocked me. But I still gave him benefit of doubt and defended him against people I knew who were upset at time. Then he said ‘Catholics shouldn’t breed like rabbits’ and having 8 kids it wasn’t great to hear. At that point I told myself ‘ok I won’t speak out against him but not defending him either. I’m going silent’ But I still prayed for Our Holy Father every day and still do to this day. I say decade of rosary for him”

That’s the guy people are saying attacks Pope Francis. He defended him even when disagreed with him and even when he became frustrated he said he only went silent and never outright attacked him. And still says decade of Rosary for him everyday. How many Marshall critics in here say decade of rosary for Pope Francis every day?
In that episode, Coffin likened the Holy Father to a drunk father running around naked and Marshall agreed. 😳
You just proved my point. Coffin said that any child wants to defend their father even if he says or does things that are embarrassing. Great job wrenching that out of context. Not Marshall’s words. The level of deception here is troubling
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You just proved my point. Coffin said that any child wants to defend their father even if he says or does things that are embarrassing. Great job wrenching that out of context. Not Marshall’s words. The level of deception here is troubling
Yes, Coffin did say he wanted to defend his father for quite some time. Then he described his father (in this case the Supreme Pontiff) as a drunk father running around naked. And Marshall agreed. Just as I said.

Troubling deceptions indeed.
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2477 Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word likely to cause them unjust injury. He becomes guilty:
  • of calumny who, by remarks contrary to the truth, harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them.
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Dr Taylor Marshall has amazing videos and books. His theology is very Catholic. Traditional catholic to be exact. His video of explaining Mary to protestants has helped many protestants I know. He does go off in anti Pope Francis tangeants, which will only make you angry, doubtfull, frustrated. So I avoid those.
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