Is it ok to listen to Dr Taylor Marshall?

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then of course there are the many times he’s insinuated that if you don’t have TLM close to you and you don’t move to be close to one, you’re not “on the team.
I’m pretty sure it’s if you are not praying the rosary you are not on the team rather than attending or moving where you can attend a TLM.
If he was saying you’re not on the team if you dont attend a TLM that would mean Timothy Gordon is not on the team because he has mentioned many times that he attends the ordinary form.
Yes, I always wonder how he doesn’t feel slightly insulted by Marshall’s insinuations. Perhaps because Gordon has said repeatedly that he’s hoping to get his family out of California?
Who else is Dave Armstrong talking bad about (which isn’t a very Christian thing to do)?
If “talking bad about” someone isn’t a very Christian thing to do, then the following weren’t very Christian: Jesus (Matthew 23:13-34), Peter (Acts 8:20-23), Paul (2 Timothy 2:14), no small number of saints (e.g. the opening of Jerome’s “Against Vigilantius” in which he compares Vigilantius to various mythical monsters), and various ecumenical councils (Nicaea: " it was unanimously decreed that he [Arius] and his impious opinion should be anathematized, together with the blasphemous words and speculations in which he indulged")

I don’t know if he had some full “list” of people he considers to have the label somewhere, but an index that mentions some (albeit a whole lot of other stuff also) is here.
Yes, so that’s what I’m saying. Dr. Marshall says if you’re not praying the rosary, you’re not on the team.
Yes, he says that directly. As I stated earlier, he insinuates the same is true if you don’t move to be able to attend TLM.

(For the record, I like that he encourages everyone to pray the rosary daily. Imagine if all Catholics did so!)
he says that directly. As I stated earlier, he insinuates the same is true if you don’t move to be able to attend TLM.
Hmm. I’ve never heard him insinuate that you need to move. I do agree he encourages people to attend the TLM but there is nothing wrong with that.
Yes, he says that directly. As I stated earlier, he insinuates the same is true if you don’t move to be able to attend TLM.
I’ve never heard him say that if you don’t attend the TLM you’re not part of the team. I’ve never even heard that insinuated before either.

He does state that you need to be praying the Rosary or else you’re not part of the team, as others have already stated, but I don’t think you can make the assumption that he also infers that people need to move closer to a TLM.
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he says that directly. As I stated earlier, he insinuates the same is true if you don’t move to be able to attend TLM.
Hmm. I’ve never heard him insinuate that you need to move. I do agree he encourages people to attend the TLM but there is nothing wrong with that.
Of course not! I love TLM. If I listen again to the episode(s) in which he makes this insinuation, I’ll share the links with you.
he says that directly. As I stated earlier, he insinuates the same is true if you don’t move to be able to attend TLM.
Hmm. I’ve never heard him insinuate that you need to move. I do agree he encourages people to attend the TLM but there is nothing wrong with that.
Of course not! I love TLM. If I listen again to the episode(s) in which he makes this insinuation, I’ll share the links with you.
Please do, because I’ve never heard him say this. I’ve only heard him talk about being on “Team Fatima” by praying the Rosary.

Even though he’s attended an FSSP parish for 10 years, he quit a university job when the university president started talking bad about the Ordinary Form.
Dr. Taylor Marshall is totally okay for you to listen to, not just okay, but I think a very good theologian in this day and age for Catholics to listen to. Sure, he is hard-hitting and his style is blunt but that is exactly what we need in our world and our Church today which is run amuck with heresies and lots of ambiguities. He does not hate Pope Francis or any of the clergy. The people who try to convince you of that, usually Catholic Patheos bloggers (God bless them!), misunderstand his whole mindset and approach to the troubling times we face today in our Church. Pope Francis is indeed the true successor of Saint Peter, the real Pope of our Church. I believe this, Taylor believes this, all Catholics believe this. However, the Pope is human and his personal statements tend towards ambiguity more often than not. Also, the facts of the Amazonian Synod and the liberal German bishops should be self-evident enough to convince a faithful Catholic that there are definite problems in the Church today. All Dr. Marshall wants, as I have come to see, having followed him for a while now, is for the Church to live how it was supposed to, in holiness and unity in the truth.
And then of course there are the many times he’s insinuated that if you don’t have TLM close to you and you don’t move to be close to one, you’re not “on the team.”
I think the whole point of him saying this is that he sees the real abuses in the Church and especially in her liturgy which rose out of Vatican 2 and he just wants everyone to recognize the inherent goodness and holiness of the traditional liturgy which was practiced throughout the History of Christendom literally almost since the beginning. I myself attend a very reverent Novus Ordo parish in Lincoln, Nebraska and I personally have no problem whatsoever with what Dr. Marshall says about TLM and ‘being on the team’ for several reasons. First, the norm for your average Novus Ordo church isn’t the best, generally speaking. Given the bad sermons with many ambiguities, the bad music, the bad architecture, the irreverence for the Eucharist, and not to mention the faith-formation, especially when it comes to morality, it is totally understandable to see how someone would advocate for a return to what the Church had always practiced before Modernism infected the Church in whatever way. As Dr. Marshall has said before, TLM is more than just Mass in a different language, it involves a whole worldview, a traditional and orthodox Catholic stance on one’s life and indeed on everything. Anyway, bottom line: Taylor is not driven by hate, pride, or any vice or just plain rudeness. All he wants is for the Church to be holy and to have a traditional, orthodox Catholic vitality and practice in this troubling world today. Same goes for me. Sure, some things he says may come off as blunt but he is acting out of concern for the good of the Church, not anger or pride.
That’s the guy people are saying attacks Pope Francis. He defended him even when disagreed with him and even when he became frustrated he said he only went silent and never outright attacked him. And still says decade of Rosary for him everyday. How many Marshall critics in here say decade of rosary for Pope Francis every day?
And then he famously said that he’s “red-pilled” on Pope Francis…

If one listes long enough, the TnT show spreads much gossip built on false narratives, which, in the end, only plant seeds of suspicion, animosity, confusion, division and ultimately slander against the Holy Father. Like the lady who spends all her time in church doing all kinds of pious religious practices, but then goes around spreading gossip about her Neighbors, not realizing the fires she’s set and the damages she’s caused.

The problem with a world wide internet show, is that gossip quickly turns into a monstrosity affecting countless people in countless ways. There are so many warnings in the Bible about spreading gossip that there are too many to quote here. A warning to us all:

“But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matt. 12:36

“There are six things that the Lord hates—but seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.-Proverbs 6:16-19

“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.”-James 1:26

“Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. . . . With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers these things ought not to be so.” James 3: 4-10
Anti-Pope Francis in what way?

As in he doesn’t think he’s a valid Pope and that Catholics don’t need to follow him or recognize him as a valid successor?

Or merely because they are critical of his encyclicals and many of his statements?
I take Marshall at face value… he advances radical conspiracy theories about Pope Francis. He attacks the Pope as having a plot to destroy the Catholic Church. He does this openly in his book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within.

So no, not merely because they are critical of him… but because he actively opposes and seeks to undermine him.
he advances radical conspiracy theories about Pope Francis
I agree there are things that he says about Pope Francis that are bothersome, though having listened to Mr. Marshall quite a bit, I do not believe it is as much Pope Francis as it is modernists and modernist heresies that Taylor Marshall is adressing, taking a quote from Pope Pius X regarding modernism infiltrating the church, for the title of his book.
He attacks the Pope as having a plot to destroy the Catholic Church. He does this openly in his book Infiltration:
The book is NOT about Pope Francis’s plot to destroy the Church but that a modernist mindset has infiltrated the Church as a plot dating as far back as the French revolution.
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Bishop Athanasius Schneider wrote the forward to his latest book so that’s a pretty significant endorsement and he has clergy in good standing that appear on his show.
I agree there are things that he says about Pope Francis that are bothersome,
I’d call his public comments about the Holy Father far worse than bothersome… They are radical enough that I certainly wouldn’t let my children hear him speak.
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