Is it ok to listen to Dr Taylor Marshall?

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I haven’t read the comments yet but this forums seems to be more and more liberal every time i log on. SO I assume it wiill be a bunch of posters saying they are doing evil or hurting the church or whatever.

The truth is that they are fine to listen to. They are not right on everything and they can come off as brash and harsh on certain subjects. I simply ignore the podscasts that are on topics that I know will upset me and either make me resent them or resent the church.

But they are doing very important work in opening regular Catholics eyes to what is going on behind the scenes. Catholics can’t just setback and accept that the people in charge of the church are doing God’s will anymore. We know better and must become knowledgable, informed CAtholics.

So I do listen to them on certain topics and you should too if you enjoy it. They don’t preach anything that is antiCatholic or heretical
Interesting thread. This thread clearly demonstrates there are two ideological approaches Catholics have when it comes to their faith. One is very traditional and the other is more progressive. We must always remember we are still one Church. As long as the Magisterium authority and dogma remain in tact, we are all good regardless of which side you are on.
Probably more than just two ideological approaches… You have the traditionalists, the Conservatives, the Reformers and the Modernists. It is very hard to just separate in four groups as very few people fit exactly in one group, but more have mixed features of each.
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As long as the Magisterium authority and dogma remain in tact, we are all good regardless of which side you are on.
Not sure what you mean by this
Look up the Catholics ‘Deposit of Faith’. It is the Public Divine Revelations made by Christ and the original Apostles. Everything they taught is dogma…can’t be change! The last Apostle died in 99 AD, thus there is no more ‘Public Divine Revelation’ that can be added to the Deposit of Faith or teaching.
As long as the Magisterium authority and dogma remain in tact, we are all good regardless of which side you are on.
Not sure what you mean by this
Look up the Catholics ‘Deposit of Faith’. It is the Public Divine Revelations made by Christ and the original Apostles. Everything they taught is dogma…can’t be change! The last Apostle died in 99 AD, thus there is no more ‘Public Divine Revelation’ that can be added to the Deposit of Faith or teaching.

I think it is pretty dangerous to be lukewarm. As long as the deposit of faith is in tact we shouldn’t care about how the church operates or be involved in discussions like this?

I think it is pretty dangerous to be lukewarm. As long as the deposit of faith is in tact we shouldn’t care about how the church operates or be involved in discussions like this?
For me, the deadly sin of Pride does not allow me to judge people for being ‘lukewarm’. That would mean I would be God and have his knowledge of ‘Predestination’ which I do not. Thus I will look into my eyes, judge my actions, and remove my planks; and leave the judging as to whether someone is ‘lukewarm’ (whether that is even a sin) to Christ.
Right now there are dollars going into commentating, and Pennies into Catholic evangelism. The reason is that Marshall, Lepanto, 1p5, etc, have a ready made target audience, that feels intensely about the Catholic Church. They send money to those who support their views, like CM, etc.

Evangelists have to build their audience. They put ideas out there that individuals will think about. They challenge their audience to personal change, unlike the commentators. Hardly any of their audience will write a check to the evangelist, though over time some will enter the Church and support Catholic causes.

That’s why there’s a whole army of commentators, and so few evangelists.
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I think it is pretty dangerous to be lukewarm. As long as the deposit of faith is in tact we shouldn’t care about how the church operates or be involved in discussions like this?
For me, the deadly sin of Pride does not allow me to judge people for being ‘lukewarm’. That would mean I would be God and have his knowledge of ‘Predestination’ which I do not. Thus I will look into my eyes, judge my actions, and remove my planks; and leave the judging as to whether someone is ‘lukewarm’ (whether that is even a sin) to Christ.
I’m not saying to judge anyone. I’m saying your statement seems to support people being lukewarm.
Maybe I read it wrong but it came across as “well the church is still in tact so it doesn’t really matter what we do”
Jesus was not forbidding us to correct. That is why He gave us the Spiritual Works of Mercy. Of course He says first remove the plank before doing so. For some reason people read that as we are not rebuke, correct or counsel. We are all instruments of salvation.
I’m not saying to judge anyone. I’m saying your statement seems to support people being lukewarm.
Maybe I read it wrong but it came across as “well the church is still in tact so it doesn’t really matter what we do”
Ah, OK. I certainly did not mean that. But I do know the history of the Church for the past 2000 years. And that history shows that even during the time of Peter and Paul, Paul publicly calls out Peter for not including the Gentiles. The Church has lived through many heresies, schisms, and reformations throughout it’s history. What remains, what is infallible…is the Church. That’s where I was attempting to go. Hopefully that clears things up.
Jesus was not forbidding us to correct. That is why He gave us the Spiritual Works of Mercy. Of course He says first remove the plank before doing so. For some reason people read that as we are not rebuke, correct or counsel. We are all instruments of salvation.
What are you ‘rebuking’? Whether you know for a fact someone here is ‘lukewarm’ or not?
They put ideas out there that individuals will think about.
That might be the problem lol.
Actually, the evangelist puts out new ideas that call for the listener to think about, and act on. Marshall and the other commentators put out ideas that his audience already has, just a bit more detail. He doesn’t ask his listeners to do anything.

As long as I don’t have to do anything or change, sure, I’ll keep reading his stuff.
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They put ideas out there that individuals will think about.
That might be the problem lol.
Actually, the evangelist puts out new ideas that call for the listener to think about, and act on. Marshall and the other commentators put out ideas that his audience already has, just a bit more detail. He doesn’t ask his listeners to do anything.
Actually he does… He wants them to pray the rosary every day, to go to church on sunday (preferably but not exclusively the TLM), go to confession and pray for Pope Francis.
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They put ideas out there that individuals will think about.
That might be the problem lol.
Actually, the evangelist puts out new ideas that call for the listener to think about, and act on. Marshall and the other commentators put out ideas that his audience already has, just a bit more detail. He doesn’t ask his listeners to do anything.
Actually he does… He wants them to pray the rosary every day, to go to church on sunday (preferably but not exclusively the TLM), go to confession and pray for Pope Francis.
Those are all good things to do. But his audience is likely to do most of that, even without hearing Marshall. So he’s saying “keep doing that”. The evangelist job is a whole lot harder, which is why they are so few.
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Those are all good things to do. But his audience is likely to do most of that, even without hearing Marshall. So he’s saying “keep doing that”. The evangelist job is a whole lot harder, which is why they are so few.
I completely disagree with your assessment that Dr Taylor Marshall doesn’t evangelize. I know personally for a fact that statement is in error!
I listen to Michael Voris and Dr. Talor Marshal. I agree with what they say. It can be abrasive on the soul to listen too much. So I take a break now and then. Most of the time they are more clear than Hannity or Rush Limbaugh, although they approach from a different angle.
Some bishops and priests told Michael Voris that Church Militant is causing problems with their reporting. Voris said ,“we are not causing the problems we are shining a light on the problems you are causing.” Voris forces them to be more transparent. We need to apply pressure on the church leaders. In the history of the church God always sent a saint to correct the course of the magisterium. St. Francis, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Paul, St. Catherine of Sienna to name a few. I believe the Holy Spirit operates from bottom up and top down.
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That’s why there’s a whole army of commentators, and so few evangelists.
Well in all fairness it’s difficult to know the reasons why we need to evangelize, when so many clergy and other Lay folk are under the impression that God wills the plurality of religions and JESUS is merely the privileged way of salvation and if we have a reasonable hope that all are saved anyway, then there is no reason to evangelize.

If people can attain heaven outside of entering the Church or even believing in Jesus, then what is our goal? Because many people believe the sole aim of the Church is social justice and ensuring everyone is shown mercy and forgiveness. Salvation is no longer the driving force, because salvation is found outside the Catholic Church.

And it’s people and organizations like those you mentioned above, which are trying to correct that false premise.
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