The problem in the internet age is that You Have To Be Noticed. Nowadays nothing gets you noticed better than controversial, extreme statements.I liked him for awhile. He gives some good, clear answers about matters of faith. He is a gifted teacher.
There were things that made me feel uncomfortable even then, like his infomercial style of marketing his products. That may just be me.
What turned me off about him altogether was when he said that he wanted to red pill 1 million Catholics about Pope Francis.
Since then, I can’t take him seriously. Red pill like in the movie Matrix?
His writings from about 5 years ago seemed to be very good, IMO.
Now I think he has lost his focus.
He is competing for attention against 1p5, CM, Lepanto, LSN, and others.
Part of it is our fault.
When I was a child, tv commercials would go at least a minute. Now
they often are 15 seconds. If you want to see a drama with thoughtful character development and plot better switch to the classic movie channel. Modern tv shows or movies have to shock/titulate/disturb you in the first couple minutes or they lose you.
That spills over to Religious entertainment too. Taylor doesn’t exactly give you a car chase, a beheading, or a sex arousal in the first couple minutes. Instead, he or Remnant, or whoever, has to provide the equivalent of that, to make your blood boil. He also has to give something memorable, edgy to almost the point of irreverence.
That’s the hook to get you to come back. I’m not saying he doesn’t offer rational analysis, but I think it’s the other stuff, the blood boil, that’s the hook.
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