Every theist is at some level an ID proponent. YHWH/God/Allah/Brahman etc. created/designed the universe and all it contains. That is a religious/philosophical concept and is generally outside science. Science merely studies the mechanisms YHWH etc. used.The problem with Intelligent Design is that it tries to be both philosophical and scientific at the same time.
The Discovery Institute version of ID (DI-ID) is on a much smaller scale, it sees the Designer (God isn’t allowed in US schools) as twiddling base pairs in DNA. That is understandable, because DI-ID is fundamentally a political attempt to replace the teaching of evolution in schools. On a political level, it has had a few successes. However, because it is so politically focussed, DI-ID has failed almost completely on the scientific level.
DI-ID has no scientific support. Behe’s work was interesting, but ultimately a failure. Dembski has tried, and failed, to provide mathematical backup. At base, the best DI-ID can do is, “It sure looks designed to me”. That is not good enough for science.
I am glad you noticed. Many ID websites throw around probabilities, which are either not becked up by figures at all, or else the figures are derived from false or inapplicable premises. I do not blame DI-ID supporters for this, they are basically being lied to by the Discovery Institute and repeat those lies here in good faith. DI-ID has no real experimental support, so they have to fabricate the appearance of such support.You, for instance, began defending ID with claims of statistical improbabilities. But when pressed for scientific backup for these claims, you switched to your philosophical/religious (and better) defense.