Hello OneSheep.
P.S. Keep the prayers comin’ Looks like more surgery for me. UGH!!! I hate stiches. They itch but you can’t scratch.
The revelation of God to His Church is complete. Nothing more will be added to it nor will anything of it be taken away. Science has nothing to reveal to the Church. Doctrine is doctrine and the shrink and the nero aren’t going to assist us in anyway to know God one bit better. If fact, most of them would agree that revelation is way out of their respective fields and our doctrines need no assistance from them. Another of your Boo-boos OneSheep. You have plenty don’t you?…I am with you, the RCC is led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus does not leave us orphans. It is in ignorance that a person outright reject Church teachings, for all of them are inspired. Revelation, however, unfolds.
Some Church teachings, though inspired, contradict one another in the minds of humans, and they are in need of clarification. After all, they are written by humans. And, revelation is also found in creation, as said Aquinas, and we are learning more and more about creation through the use of sciences. The revelation of the sciences, especially psychology, neurology, and so forth provide new material to add to inspired doctrine.
P.S. Keep the prayers comin’ Looks like more surgery for me. UGH!!! I hate stiches. They itch but you can’t scratch.