So there has always been agreement amongst scientists on the nature of physical reality?
The progress of science is what, then, simply facade? Scientists have it secretly all figured out and there is no debate, contention or dissension in the ranks. Ultimately, scientists are all of one mind about everything scientific? :ehh:
The truth of it is that scientists still hotly debate an endless number of topics precisely because the truth about those topics is not fully understood in much the same way that philosophers debate a plethora of topics for exactly the same reason.
We appear to be back down the rabbit hole in Millinocket.
We seem to have lost each other. I’ll rewind.
In something such as physics, experiment is the final arbiter, and all physicists from all cultures can agree on that.
But that doesn’t apply, for example, to systems of ethics. There are many competing ideas, with no agreement on which if any is best. Not because philosophers of ethics are irrational or incompetent but because no one agrees on what the final arbiter should be, or even if there is one.
And that’s often the case with humans, we don’t all live in the same subjective or collective reality. What we think is reality varies hugely by period, by culture, by station, etc.
So to get back to the OP, a person or group can
try to dictate to everyone else how we should conceive of heaven or of God, and what is and isn’t rational, and what is and isn’t the truth, but they can’t succeed because rational people do not agree with them by reason of period, culture, station, etc.
And while some may not like the mess, it’s not a problem, it’s good, because if everyone thought the same then no one would question anything and nothing would ever change for the better.