Full context:See Isaiah 45:7 God is quoted as saying:"…I make peace and create evil."
Isaiah chapter 45
1 Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus,
whose right hand I have grasped,
to subdue nations before him
and ungird the loins of kings,
to open doors before him
that gates may not be closed:
2 “I will go before you
and level the mountains,[a]
I will break in pieces the doors of bronze
and cut asunder the bars of iron,
3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
and the hoards in secret places,
that you may know that it is I, the Lord,
the God of Israel, who call you by your name.
4 For the sake of my servant Jacob,
and Israel my chosen,
I call you by your name,
I surname you, though you do not know me.
5 I am the Lord, and there is no other,
besides me there is no God;
I gird you, though you do not know me,
6 that men may know, from the rising of the sun
and from the west, that there is none besides me;
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
7 I form light and create darkness,
I make weal and create woe,
I am the Lord, who do all these things.
So the sense in which God ‘creates woe’ is the same sense in which He ‘creates darkness’. When we shine a light, shadows are created, and yet it is not a fault of our own that shadows form when we present light. When God creates good, their is ‘woe’ or ‘evil’ made in contrast only to the weal or the good.
Should God refrain from creating light/good so that no darkness/evil is formed from the absence of His Light/Goodness?