How am I going to in good conscience vote for a party that supports war, torture in many cases, and the death penalty? A party that supports sending potentially thousands of Americans to die overseas in Iraq and Syria…how is that pro-life? How can I support a party that wants to cut the safety net right out from under millions of Americans who are struggling in dire poverty to survive, while the top one tenth of one percent lives in unspeakable luxury? No, the GOP is a gross and morally destitute gang of unfathomable proportions. I refuse to ever vote for them.
I am all for voting for Bernie Sanders, he is the only one that will solve the healthcare crisis and ensure that all Americans have access to higher education. He is the only one who will raise the minimum wage (which right now is not enough to live on), fight for universal single-payer healthcare (like most civilized countries have), and universal tuition-free education. Yes taxes will go up. I’m fine with that. Render unto Ceasar. Certain things are too expensive for working people and should not be paid out of pocket, but by the state via a progressive taxation.
By the way, Bernie Sanders is not going to “improve” Obamacare. He’s going to abolish it, he’s in favor of universal single-payer healthcare, muck like exists in the UK.
Yes, vote your conscience, vote for Bernie Sanders. The abortion issue is not going to change at the federal level anytime soon, same with gay marriage. The supreme court has decided on those issues, its terrible but it is what it is. Our efforts as Christians are best focused on helping the poor and breaking down the obscene wealth gap in this country.
If there was any party in this country that was socially conservative and fiscally liberal, I would vote for them. Unfortunately no such party exists. If some of you really think its immoral to vote for a democratic candidate, what should those of us do who cannot in good conscience vote for a republican? Should we just stay home and not vote? Or is that “immoral” too?