Is medjugorji fake?

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The Vatican and Pope have said they believe the first 7 days of the Apparitions are authentic.

The apparitions are still ongoing and the Pope said to journalists that he was sending a Bishop to Medjugorje and would pass judgement on it very soon. Since then a Bishop was sent to Medjugorje by the Pope, twice, as a Papal visitor. This bishop who visited Medjugorje has expressed that his personal views is that Medjugorje is authentic.

The Pope himself also has said you cannot deny the fruits of Medjugorje. The conversions.

I would advise you to wait and keep devotion.

Padre Pio was banned by the Vatican, and never accepted by his bishop, and is now a saint. Many were healed through visiting him for intercession.
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What about the miracle of the dancing sun? When our lady appeared to marianna( not sure how to spell her name) I was standing right behind her it felt real to me and also my friend who was next to me fainted when the apparition started and then burst into tears she said she felt so happy and that’s why she was crying
The priest is incorrect. In order for a catholic to accept an apparition, it must be approved by the competent authority.
Can u explain how my brother in laws 11 year old first cousin was healed from bone cancer in medjugorji it was on the newspaper and everything google it
I was in Medjugorje. One of the irish tour guides, a famous soccor player/ singer, David Parks (I think his name was), was healed from the dying stages of chron’s disease when he visited Medjugorje.
Miracles, healings, conversions, vocations etc. attributed to or brought about by apparitions are not the principal of judgement of wether the apparition is authentic or not.
There are spontaneous, in explainable cancer remissions. They happen to believers and non believers, no one knows why. Thank God that one of these spontaneous remissions happened to someone you know!

I’d hope that the parents submitted this remission and their medical records to their Bishop to have it investigated.
On December 7th, 2017, a major announcement came by way of Pope Francis’ envoy to Medjugorje, Archbishop Henryk Hoser. The ban on “official” pilgrimages has now been lifted:
The devotion of Medjugorje is allowed. It’s not prohibited, and need not be done in secret… Today, dioceses and other institutions can organize official pilgrimages. It’s no longer a problem… The decree of the former episcopal conference of what used to be Yugoslavia, which, before the Balkan war, advised against pilgrimages in Medjugorje organized by bishops, is no longer relevant.Aleitia , Dec. 7th, 2017
I don’t know him personally but my brother Inlaw does their have been plenty of healings at medj the holy Mary statue at the top of apparition hill was gifted to the town after a Korean boy was healed there they gave it as a thank you and the cross at the top of cross mountain has a relic of the true cross inside it, it was sent by one of the popes as they where having terrible hail storms that where destroying there crops ever since the cross was put up they haven’t got any more hail storms
As was said above, these things are very nice however I will repeat what another poster said:
Miracles, healings, conversions, vocations etc. attributed to or brought about by apparitions are not the principal of judgement of wether the apparition is authentic or not.
there have been over 500 medically approved miracles of healing handed into to St James’s Parish at Medjugorje.

Bible quote:
‘To show to you that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins, I tell you, pick up your palette and walk.’

‘Tell John what you see, the lame walk, the blind see, the lepers are made well.’
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I am glad I went there with no expectations. Having been there during wartime and needing some calm from the mess in the Balkans when I was with the Army, I found it a a very enriching and calming experience. As with all such places, it is what you make of it. If you come back spiritually enriched or otherwise improved, than it is very real. Conversely, if “nothing happened” the question would be what is it that you were looking for or expected?
In the Medjugorje local history, their parish priest in the early 1900s told them that Our Lady would eventually appear there, and that they needed to build a big church, he told them that so many pilgrims would come that not everyone would fit in the church . They built it.
He was martyred by the Communists for his act.

And his prophecies came true, about pilgrims, and Our Lady (as the vatican has stated that the first 7 days of the apparitions are authentic).

The current bishop sent as Papal envoy to Medjugorje has said the ban on pilgrimages to Medjugorje has been removed.
Pope Francis said to journalists that he would send a Papal Envoy bishop to Medjugorje to finalise his decision on Medjugorje. This Papal Envoy is currently after being sent back to Medjugorje for a 2nd indefinitive duration of a stay.

I am sure the Vatican will make a definitive closing statement once the Papal Envoy has passed on all relevant information to Pope Francis.
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Does anyone know what happened to the Spiritual director to the children that claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary?
The commission’s role was to make recommendations to the Pope; its report is not an official church judgment on the apparitions. Pope Francis told reporters on May 13 2017 that “in the end, something will be said,” but he gave no timeline.
The Pope told Journalists more investigation is needed into the first 7 days of the apparitions. No condemnation spoken over those first 7 days of apparitions.
He also said of the current apparitions he can only offer his opinion, but that he will send a Papal Envoy bishop to Medjugorje before judgement is made (this Papal envoy’s visit is currently ongoing),
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