Is our free choice real

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Can the choice between ecstasy (Heaven) and torment (Hell) be considered a real free choice. Is it not more “do it my way or else”.
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Hope all is well for everyone.
Your question is not clear. Do you mean to say that it seems “unfair” that God says “it must be done this way” rather than us simply choosing our own way to Heaven?

The problem with that is that Heaven is the consummation of friendship with God. We can only be friends with one we love, and when we love someone we unite our will with theirs. In the case of God, we will see that His desires and commandments are best for our happiness - which is God Himself.

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God is not giving us an exam. God is letting us know how we can conform ourselves to the image of His Son, how we can prepare or bodies and souls to attain him, how we can move from our natural life (Bios) to the supernatural, true life of God (Zoe). Those who choose themselves over God unsurprisingly don’t share in God’s life.
To go to hell, just exist.

To go to heaven, you need the grace of God and horrific suffering throughout your life.

It is ridiculously easy to go to hell. It is tremendously hard to go to heaven.

What’s a free choice? Is it real?
Can the choice between ecstasy (Heaven) and torment (Hell) be considered a real free choice. Is it not more “do it my way or else”.
I hope this is the right forum.
Hope all is well for everyone.
I’m gonna follow this thread, because I have the same question.
Your question is not clear. Do you mean to say that it seems “unfair” that God says “it must be done this way” rather than us simply choosing our own way to Heaven?
My difficulty is explaining - God loves us so much he gave us free will to choose. But is it really free if the only alternative to choosing God is torment. It’s like being forced rather than having a real choice. Many Atheists/Humanists are “good people” by human standards but in rejecting the idea of God through the free will given by God they suffer torment for eternity. I’m sure they are not choosing eternal torment they just believe existing/existence is possible without God.

I’m sorry if I’m not being clear in what I’m asking.
Can the choice between ecstasy (Heaven) and torment (Hell) be considered a real free choice. Is it not more “do it my way or else”.
I hope this is the right forum.
Hope all is well for everyone.
If you did not have free will (free choice), you could not have made this thread. As to your question, read up on Saul Alinsky. An atheist who would choose hell, because people there suited him better.

Also consider abortion: if mankind lacks free will, those aborted babies were doomed even before their conception. Yet, we know that God takes no delight in the destruction of the living, and that all flesh is created in His immortal image and likeness.

This forces us into a choice between God as bi-polar, or mankind with free will.
If you have a loving mother…this might help and anyone who is more knowledgeable…please feel free to correct this.

Your mother is very loving and want what is best for you. Your free will is to love her back and do all you can to always have her in your life. Your free will also allows you to reject your mother and remove her from your life. The torment of hell is knowing that your mother is out there and loves you…but you rejected her love and can no longer be close to her to feel her warm hugs and loving support.

That’s the way I understand it but also keep in mind that I am still learning and thus I may be wrong. If no one else on here can provide an answer I would suggest talking to a priest or your local adult education teacher at the church you attend or is near you if you are not practicing.

God Bless and good luck on your search
Does it really matter if our “freewill” is mostly a mirage?

We are still called to make good use of our apparent freedom.

My difficulty is explaining - God loves us so much he gave us free will to choose. But is it really free if the only alternative to choosing God is torment. It’s like being forced rather than having a real choice. Many Atheists/Humanists are “good people” by human standards but in rejecting the idea of God through the free will given by God they suffer torment for eternity. I’m sure they are not choosing eternal torment they just believe existing/existence is possible without God.

I’m sorry if I’m not being clear in what I’m asking.
How many of these atheists knowingly reject God? A great many do know of God. And they reject Him outright in this life. So why would they want to be with God in the afterlife. There is only two ways to go heaven or hell.
To me it seems those that have heard of the Gospel reject God mainly for not having seen the Gospel lived out in their lives. Many atheists know that salvation comes from God alone, yet they blame God for their needing of salvation. Since God made this mess i don’t need something like that EVER!
I think it may help to look at it like this:
God is not good, he IS goodness. Therefore, if you reject God, you are rejecting goodness. How could an existence without goodness be anything other than horrible? And note that this choice to reject God lies completely with the individual. Anyone who is in Hell is there of their own free will. (Now the problem of Hell is much more complex than this. Please don’t read this post and think that it’s meant to be comprehensive).

Now one of the questions you raised was about atheists who live otherwise good lives, but still don’t believe in God. Why should they be sent to hell?
  1. I’m not entirely convinced that atheists necessarily do go to hell. Remember, as Catholics we aren’t supposed to speculate on who goes to Heaven or Hell. That is between each of us and God. Who’s to say that God can’t save an atheist? Some atheists are atheist out of a knowledge and rejection of God, but not all of them are. Some are atheist because the evidence seems to point that way. Others are because they’ve never heard good arguments for God. Others might reject, not the real God, but only a caricature of him that they’ve learned from well-meaning (although mistaken) friends or family. Who’s to say exactly where God draws the line? I think it was C.S. Lewis who said that we all have to be saved through Christ, but that doesn’t show the ways in which Christ might save.
  2. Another thing to note: we aren’t judged based upon human standards. All of us, atheist and theist alike, are judged by God’s standards. It’s still possible for an atheist to commit a mortal sin and be sent to Hell for that reason.
Also, in your original post you mention that the problem of Hell seems like ‘do it my way or else’. This implies that Hell is an arbitrary punishment that God tacks on to you for doing things he doesn’t like and that he could have changed if he wanted to. But I don’t think that’s so. I think that the pain of Hell is a direct result of sin, and that ultimately Hell can’t be separated from (unrepented) sin.
My difficulty is explaining - God loves us so much he gave us free will to choose. But is it really free if the only alternative to choosing God is torment. It’s like being forced rather than having a real choice. Many Atheists/Humanists are “good people” by human standards but in rejecting the idea of God through the free will given by God they suffer torment for eternity. I’m sure they are not choosing eternal torment they just believe existing/existence is possible without God.

I’m sorry if I’m not being clear in what I’m asking.
Well, we don’t merit any rewards on our own. We have our whole being from God. Just being nice and thinking it’s your own is like a child asking his dad for five dollars to buy dad a gift with and thinking its his own money. God doesn’t just call us to be nice. He calls us to realize we are bankrupt without him and that in him is true life which he wants to share with us and to transform us into something perfect. A nice guy has his temperament, history, his very being from God. Same with someone with a worse temperament. A dad doesn’t judge a child he gives ten dollars to as being better than a child he gives a dollar to just because the first child has more.
My difficulty is explaining - God loves us so much he gave us free will to choose. But is it really free if the only alternative to choosing God is torment. It’s like being forced rather than having a real choice. Many Atheists/Humanists are “good people” by human standards but in rejecting the idea of God through the free will given by God they suffer torment for eternity. I’m sure they are not choosing eternal torment they just believe existing/existence is possible without God.

I’m sorry if I’m not being clear in what I’m asking.
What an experience actually is not necessarily how it is perceived. Those that love good will not seek evil and the converse. So those that choose evil do not want to be around God, and do not know what they are missing.

John 8
34 Jesus answered them: Amen, amen I say unto you: that whosoever committeth sin, is the servant of sin. 35 Now the servant abideth not in the house for ever; but the son abideth for ever. 36 If therefore the son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. 37 I know that you are the children of Abraham: but you seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. 38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and you do the things that you have seen with your father.

The Children of the Devil
42 Jesus therefore said to them: If God were your Father, you would indeed love me. For from God I proceeded, and came; for I came not of myself, but he sent me: 43 Why do you not know my speech? Because you cannot hear my word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. 45 But if I say the truth, you believe me not. 46 Which of you shall convince me of sin? If I say the truth to you, why do you not believe me? 47 He that is of God, heareth the words of God. Therefore you hear them not, because you are not of God.
Can the choice between ecstasy (Heaven) and torment (Hell) be considered a real free choice. Is it not more “do it my way or else”.
I hope this is the right forum.
Hope all is well for everyone.
We have the capacity to act in accordance to what we understand to be the greatest good. We have free will. Freedom does not have to do with doing what we want without consequence. It means that we are separate from the influences that affect us and that we can decide and act.

We as individual persons are not simply a reaction within a greater whole as is a reflex action like pulling one’s hand off a scalding object without thinking. Some believe that even higher functions of the brain, although far more complex, are merely elaborations of primary reflexes; they would understand free will as being illusory. The reality of free will lies in our being persons - a unity of matter and spirit. It is that unity that perceives, decides and acts. The wiring of the brain is the person seen through the lens of the physical universe. Although activity in the physical universe is determined by physical laws, the person is more. Describing a two dimensional figure by its coordinates on one axis will fail to describe its complexity. A circle centred on (0,0) will appear as a straight line on either axis - the diameter. We are simple in the union of our complex components which transcends and does not emerge from them. We can try to reconstruct ourselves from these components, like some Frankenstein monster, but the reality of the person lies in the wholeness that encompasses them and is who we are.

The universe comes into being as an expression of God’s love, revealing His glory. Day to day, this is not what we see in the world around us. We exist in a fallen state, chasing after illusions and transient goods that can never fulfill. We can choose to gain for ourselves or to give of ourselves. Giving connects us to God. Taking ultimately depleted us, by shutting off the font of love that gives life, beauty, goodness and joy.

We did not create ourselves. We are ultimately bound to what our Creator means for us. It is to be good. Do good and goodness will follow. Do what is not good and goodness which includes truth and freedom will dry up. Think drug addict; “Do it my way or else,” is a warning not coercion.
Feel free to expand more clearly what I’m trying to get at.
I wasn’t planning on it, because you explained it fairly clearly. But apparantly some people think the issue is free will. It is not.

I think the issue is that God sounds like some sort of gangster. “Believe in me or burn forever.” If anyone else said this to us, we would perceive it as a threat and extortion, both rightly prohibited by law. The ‘free choice’ we have is about as free as an armed robber offering us the choice to hand over our money or die. It’s not much of a choice at all.
I wasn’t planning on it, because you explained it fairly clearly. But apparantly some people think the issue is free will. It is not.

I think the issue is that God sounds like some sort of gangster. “Believe in me or burn forever.” If anyone else said this to us, we would perceive it as a threat and extortion, both rightly prohibited by law. The ‘free choice’ we have is about as free as an armed robber offering us the choice to hand over our money or die. It’s not much of a choice at all.
It’s precisely because God declines to violently coerce our belief against our will that we have the option to choose Him or not. Heaven isn’t some cash reward or permanent vacation you get for being good. It’s participation in the His own divine life itself. If we want participation in the divine life, we’ve been advised how to conform ourselves to it so that we can receive it. But that’s precisely the issue. Since God does not force himself upon us, we need to open our souls to Him, to orient ourselves so that we are moving towards him. If we don’t, our end is not in God.

There’s also the issue with viewing our lives as our own and God as some external tyrant imposing Himself upon what is yours. But nothing you have is your own. Your being, the being of everything around you, the being of everything in the universe, exists only because God wills it to exist. This isn’t even the same as you making a robot and then expecting it to be yours forever just because you made it, it’s more akin to your imagination and the things inside it only existing so long as you choose to continue imagining it. Our existence is not ours intrinsically. We are all called to be stewards of God’s creation, including stewards of our own lives. They all belong to God already and have just been entrusted into our care for the time being.

Another way to look at is as God calling us to a fuller existence and reached out to try to help us to obtain the fullest existence possible as rational creatures. And we cannot obtain that perfection on our own. God is perfectly willing to help form us into such perfect creatures, which can only be found in God, but only if a person’s will is directed towards and accepting of that end. If a person does not will that end, God won’t coerce them into doing so.

Some are punished for being exceptionally bad stewards, yes. But Hell isn’t just a fiery pit that all are subjected to. Maybe for some. But for some it just may be never obtaining participation in God’s divine life.

I think we also need to understand eternity after death. It’s not “for all times”. Eternity is outside of time. Thinking of it as punishment or even just absence of God for unending years doesn’t seem quite accurate.
. . . I think the issue is that God sounds like some sort of gangster. “Believe in me or burn forever.” If anyone else said this to us, we would perceive it as a threat and extortion, both rightly prohibited by law. The ‘free choice’ we have is about as free as an armed robber offering us the choice to hand over our money or die. It’s not much of a choice at all.
There is a choice, but not in the moral structure of creation. We do not choose what is right and wrong. We choose what to make of this one life we have for all eternity.
Matthew 24:36"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
42"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43But understand this: **If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. **44So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
Thessalonians 5:1Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you. 2For you are fully aware that **the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. **3While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief. 5For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day; we do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6So then, let us not sleep as the others do, but let us remain awake and sober.
Revelation 16:13And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs, coming from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God, the Almighty. 15**“Behold, I am coming like a thief.** Blessed is the one who remains awake and clothed, so that he will not go naked and let his shame be exposed.”16And they assembled the kings in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. 17Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came from the throne in the temple, saying, “It is done!” 18And there were flashes of lightning, and rumblings, and rolls of thunder, and a great earthquake, the likes of which had not occurred since men were upon the earth—so mighty was the great quake.
Give not just your money, but your all.
My difficulty is explaining - God loves us so much he gave us free will to choose. But is it really free if the only alternative to choosing God is torment. It’s like being forced rather than having a real choice. Many Atheists/Humanists are “good people” by human standards but in rejecting the idea of God through the free will given by God they suffer torment for eternity. I’m sure they are not choosing eternal torment they just believe existing/existence is possible without God.

I’m sorry if I’m not being clear in what I’m asking.
I think that reality is not black and white. I think that God is fair because we do even have choices in this life hence we will have choices in another life. I think that Christianity offers an odd picture of God.
Can the choice between ecstasy (Heaven) and torment (Hell) be considered a real free choice. Is it not more “do it my way or else”.
I hope this is the right forum.
Hope all is well for everyone.
The choice is real. The issue is that one lives in a comfy mansion and the other a hellhole, pun intended. But one should make the choice freely regardless of the comfort of the abode. A bare simple room in my Father’s mansion will do because I don’t think I can accept the company of the other, no matter how luxurious an apartment the other guy promises. Bottom line, one can be trusted , the other you can’t. The surroundings are mere auxiliaries. One is family, the other, I don’t know what word to describe it, but contains nothing good. He is not family, period.
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