I don’t disagree, but there seems to be a notion here that the man’s pursuits take precedence, not to mention the underlying notion that women who don’t want children at all are inherently defying their own nature.
A husband shoulders the responsibility as head of the family, so there is that precedence. Plus, IMHO most husbands and father are not “pursuing” careers the same as women. Women pursue a career to find self satisfaction. Yes, many times it is because of finances but, and you can tell by the posts here, that it is about self fullfillment for women. Men pursue a job, I don’t even think they call it a career, to provide for his family.
When a man and a woman marry in the Catholic church they take a vow that they will be open to life, so if a woman does not want children she should not marry because otherwise, yes, she is going against her nature. God gave woman the ability to carry life into the world, so contraceptives or any other way of blocking that ability is going against her nature.
I.e. It’s spiritual motherhood if a woman is loving someone, fatherhood if a man is loving someone. Even if they’re doing exactly the same thing, or if they have the same level of a particular trait in question. So then it just reduces to adifference in biological sex.
In a way yes, it is biology. So a father can repeat to his kids the exact same words, try to act the exact same way his wife does towards his kids but that does not make him the mother. It is the same with the mother, she can repeat the exact same things to her kids as the father but it won’t make her the father.
Men and women are wired differently. Biological differences in men and women are not just physical attribute but we are different in the way we parent. Father’s play, talk, discipline differently than a mother.
It would be the same in spiritual motherhood vs spiritual fatherhood. If I had a problem and went to my husband I would get a totally different response than if I went to a girl friend. Women can work to quiet their emotions, do their best to stop behaving as a woman and work hard to get men to act more like women - “share your emotions”, “be more nurturing” but these are things we are doing because society is asking us to deny our feminity and masculinity not because that is how we are made.