I think that we need to seperate all of these different elements that have been thrown into the cart of “the patriarchy”.
The sexual harassment or abuse element is simply bad or even sometimes criminal
behavior perpetrated by sorry individuals. When it happens I have no issue with dealing harshly with the offender. Millions of males do not fall into this group but the common blather would like everyone to believe that we all do. The worst sexual harasser I have ever personally had experience with was a female. What should I conclude from that? That all women are potential harrassers?
Equal pay for equal work is a more than reasonable demand.
A lot of the rest is not discrimination but competence. If you hire certain services done for example, the provider is likely to be male. Not that there are no female electricians or plumbers for example, nor are females prevented from entering the trades, but historically most are male. Does anyone truly believe that there is a tradesman mafia?
This is not oppression but choices that people have made.
I would never claim that none of the problems that people experience are not real, just that they are not by default part of a nefarious agreed upon male plot to hold women down.
We all have our own strengths and weaknesses and interests.
Many of the things that are blamed on the evil patriarchy are the result of society developing the ability to overcome mass hardship and poverty. Tour a cemetery from your great grandparents time or from a generation before them for our younger members. Too many of those families lost more children than lived to adulthood.
That was a hard world but they persevered and made the world what we know today.
We all must decide what our place in the world will be. Never in history have both male and female had the freedom to decide that place for themselves.
In spite of that freedom, we should not forget the structure that has made it possible.
The sexual harassment or abuse element is simply bad or even sometimes criminal
behavior perpetrated by sorry individuals. When it happens I have no issue with dealing harshly with the offender. Millions of males do not fall into this group but the common blather would like everyone to believe that we all do. The worst sexual harasser I have ever personally had experience with was a female. What should I conclude from that? That all women are potential harrassers?
Equal pay for equal work is a more than reasonable demand.
A lot of the rest is not discrimination but competence. If you hire certain services done for example, the provider is likely to be male. Not that there are no female electricians or plumbers for example, nor are females prevented from entering the trades, but historically most are male. Does anyone truly believe that there is a tradesman mafia?
This is not oppression but choices that people have made.
I would never claim that none of the problems that people experience are not real, just that they are not by default part of a nefarious agreed upon male plot to hold women down.
We all have our own strengths and weaknesses and interests.
Many of the things that are blamed on the evil patriarchy are the result of society developing the ability to overcome mass hardship and poverty. Tour a cemetery from your great grandparents time or from a generation before them for our younger members. Too many of those families lost more children than lived to adulthood.
That was a hard world but they persevered and made the world what we know today.
We all must decide what our place in the world will be. Never in history have both male and female had the freedom to decide that place for themselves.
In spite of that freedom, we should not forget the structure that has made it possible.