Most Rs don’t think you need government coercion. Many companies are going green of their own accord. There is even a company claiming they can literally pull Carbon Dioxide from the air, named Carbon Engineering.
4) Blackballing Social Justice
I don’t think the R’s are Blackballing them, but in general they probably disagree with the idea that Blacks are systematically attacked more than whites by cops. The data shows something like 19 unarmed Whites killed last year by police officers, compared with 9 unarmed Blacks (compare not with general population but with how often each group has interaction with cops). They often view the marches as pushing and pushed by a false narrative, one I view as very dangerous. If you thought someone was gonna kill you, how many would just follow their instructions? Then you don’t follow, and then you actually put yourself in real danger. It’s a vicious cycle. But in terms of Black Lives Matter, they were calling for Marxist stuff, so while obviously Black lives matter, the organization did not get R support.
While all the issues matter, the literal genocide going on of abortion is more important. Without life you have no further rights to protect. Third parties have no chance of winning, and hence a vote that could have gone to actually stopping it goes to something that has no chance to stop it. This is why I find I cannot vote prolife. Like, imagine it was a 2 party system like in the US. Candidate A’s only platform is abortion, candidate B’s is abortion and also the genocide of all Asians. There is a 3rd party with 0 chance of winning, but it’s completely ok with Catholic moral teaching. To me, voting this 3rd party is taking away from A’s chance to beat B, since A is obviously the better choice.
This isn’t a party issue: democrats, I believe, used to be the prolife anti-abortion party. They aren’t anymore, though individual democrats may still be prolife like the governor of Louisiana.