-complicent with inhumane border control detention centers where people are put in cages, and some even dying.
The Obama administration built those cages. Do I agree with Trump’s child separation policy? No. It was a mistake and poorly managed in any case. However, the Democratic Party’s solution to the problem is simply to give illegal immigrants who bring children into the country a free pass and essentially amnesty. This encourages more illegal immigrants to come here with children, breaking our laws and in many cases placing children in danger on the journey.
-looking down on the welfare system that would allow poor mothers to actually take care of the child when it’s born.
Republicans don’t look down on the welfare system. However, we do worry about financial sustainability and creating a culture of dependency. Government assistance is a blessing that helps people in need, but there are some families who have depended on welfare for generations. Sometimes people can exist in a cycle of poverty that creates learned helplessness. In these situations, it can seem easier to receive welfare than to actually get a job.
There is also something to be said for welfare policy contributing to the breakdown of the family. I’m not sure about the current situation, but I know that in the past, mothers on welfare received less assistance if there was a father in the picture.
-Passive on climate change.
As opposed to the Democratic platform which wants to shut down the oil industry and replace it with wind and solar? The Republican position is that there is climate change. Human action is contributing to it. However, joining the Paris Climate Accord will not solve anything. First, the US can’t stop climate change on its own. Second, the world’s biggest polluters (China) are not going to voluntarily cripple their own economies to combat it. Third, if the US went all out to fight climate change the affect would be negligible on the climate but ruinous to our economy.
-Blackballing people who protest police brutality and racial injustice.
I don’t know what this is referring to. Lots of Republicans agree that police need to be held accountable for brutality. Many Republicans would object that this is a racial issue. It’s more likely a social class issue. People in poorer neighborhoods have more interaction with the cops and are more likely to be involved in incidents with them. See
“Police Kill Too Many People—White and Black” written by John McWhorter, who is black and not a Republican.
Some conservatives object to the organization Black Lives Matter. It was founded by self-proclaimed Marxists and advocated for the destruction of the nuclear family. It’s not just nice slogan; it has a political agenda beyond race. See
“Like the Soviets, Black Lives Matter Purges Its History.”