You and other leftists fear the individual and look to the state for protection, while us conservatives fear an overly powerful state and look to our individual selves for protection.
The problem these apparently sub-human “leftists” have is that an individual is
too dangerous to other individuals when they have quick and easy access to semiautomatic firearms.
In order for psychopaths to get them, they need the cash and no felony convictions. That’s a mighty low bar to meet in order to purchase weapons that are usually designed primarily for military function and only mildly neutered for civilian consumption…
Another problem these leftists have is that this notion of relying on yourself for protection is farcical. If someone is willing to kill you in a home invasion, they’re probably not going to give you a fair warning of when they plan to kick in your door. So at best, your defense weapon is in another room and they’ve already got you sighted in theirs. So you’re dead already.
And as an answer to national tyranny - a bunch of middle-aged men and women with, at best, ARs and a few 50 cals are going to defeat an army with Abrams tanks and Apaches??? So in that case also - you’re dead already.
In sum: to these leftists, the main reasons conservatives give for defending the right to own these child-killers are rooted almost exclusively in fantasy and delusion.
Florida teaches us that even when you put an armed “good guy” in the same scene as the rampant killer, a whole bunch of kids still get shot because the “good guy” gets reasonably scared and looks at his feet.
“Well I’d have behaved differently!!!”
I’m sure he said the same thing until the shots rang out…
There’s no good reason to own these things. If they’re ever made illegal, I’ll be the first to turn mine in.