The problem these apparently sub-human “leftists” have is that an individual is too dangerous to other individuals when they have quick and easy access to semiautomatic firearms.
Leftists are not “sub-human”, evil, or anything like that (well, I think evil is drawn to the power accumulated in the hands of a few people that leftism provides, see Stalin, Che, Mao, or Castro as examples), and I never inferred they were. I think leftists are wrong, and politically dangerous, but not sub-human…so please stop conflating.
Access to semiautomatic firearms like my handgun? Are you suggesting we ban 90% of handguns in the US??
In order for psychopaths to get them, they need the cash and no felony convictions. That’s a mighty low bar to meet in order to purchase weapons that are usually designed primarily for military function and only mildly neutered for civilian consumption…
Cash (or credit), no felony convictions, no adjudications of mental incompetence, no misdemeanor domestic violence convictions, have US citizenship, be of age 18 (likely soon to be 21), not be a drug addict, not have a dishonorable discharge, not be a fugitive, and not have a restraining order.
You consider changing a low caliber weapon from fully automatic to semi-automatic “only mildly neutered”? Now instead of conflating you are minimizing the differences.
Another problem these leftists have is that this notion of relying on yourself for protection is farcical. If someone is willing to kill you in a home invasion, they’re probably not going to give you a fair warning of when they plan to kick in your door. So at best, your defense weapon is in another room and they’ve already got you sighted in theirs. So you’re dead already.
I am responsible for protecting myself and my family, and my firearms are simply one layer of that. Situational awareness and an ego that lets me escape potentially dangerous situations is the first layer of defense.
True, sometimes you don’t see the threat coming and an armed person may not have access to their firearm. Othertimes, with appropriate situational awareness, you can identify the threat coming and prepare. Unfortunately leftists would limit our preparation to calling the government so they can come and take a report.