So, if I understand your position correctly, any and all regulation of guns, or of what kind of guns or accessories may be owned by the citizenry, must be resisted because they are “incremental” steps along the road to bans and confiscation.
No, you don’t understand my position. I’ve already stated over and over.
But again, I think the current line of restrictions, that being that selectable and fully automatic, is appropriate.
Considering that the overwhelming majority of semiautomatic rifles and handguns of all kinds are never used for crimes. That those individuals who do should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. That law enforcement should be held accountable to vigorously enforce not only current gun laws, but also laws that cover threats of violence, domestic violence, mental illnesses that make someone a threat to themselves and others.
And finally, in a society founded on the principles of individual rights and limited government, We don’t infringe on the individual rights of the masses because a small number of individuals abuse those rights and harm others and their rights. Punish the perpetrators, not the law abiding.
No matter how dangerous they are, how much demonstrable harm they cause balanced against their utility (if they have any utility) to gun owners.
99.9999% of AR-15s have not harmed a single person. The issue is the individual, not the masses or the firearm itself. The rifle itself causes no harm. Individuals do. Punish the perpetrators, not the law abiding. Target those who demonstrate a threat, not those who don’t.
Demand that law enforcement vigorously enforce the law.
The right to keep and bear arms must be a right to keep and bear all arms, in any quantities, with any capabilities, otherwise we will see it taken away from the citizenry.
Is my understanding correct?
As you can see, no, you it isn’t. I am not a collectivist. Rights are individual. Because a small number of individuals abuse their tight and harm others is no reason to limit the rights of the law abiding individual.