Sounds like your friend is paying attention. Good for him.
Yes, but listening to what?
Based upon what I stated in my first post I told him I didn’t like Trump. But to say my interest in Catholic Mysticism (which has nothing to do with Trump at all) is the result of being lead into some kind Catholic cult through Trump’s gaslighting and brainwashing is simply not true.
My friend and I are both cradle Catholics. We both went through Catholic high school together. And we are best friends, and we are not enemies.
He’s aware I have asperger’s, and he knows I have always been active in the church, but he’s probably not so much aware of the healing masses I started attending back in the later W-era. These were not politically motivated at all. I’ve been trying to find peace through faith since 2003, and I’ve made progress through various forms of worship and praise - and a lot of hard work which he doesn’t know or inquire about, and which I don’t impose upon him… I simply have found respite in going to church a devoutly as possible… long before W-slacked off, or Obama and Trump became pronounced…
As best I can remember, I made a generic statement about prayer, and no mention of Trump at all… The next thing I know I’m being told I’m being gaslighted and lead into a cult where Trump is setting himself up as a messiah… and he even showed me (err, made me) the podcast where he got the ideas from to prove it… he asked my opinion, and I told him I didn’t buy any of it (for the reasons I mentioned above), but its like he couldn’t get any of it…
Forgetting about Trump, it doesn’t surprise me he wouldn’t get it… Understanding Catholic mysticism is beyond man’s comprehension - which is why it is called “mysticism”… I don’t even understand it, although I love and believe in the words of scripture, praying with the Saint and Angels to the glory of God, and simply putting forth the effort to go to church and observe the sacraments… But I dont think he even takes his family to church very often - maybe he does, I don’t know, but he never makes a point of it, if he does… He just set some odd psychological podcast as his point of reference…
Given all that… does it still seem like he was really paying attention?
I didn’t even want to talk about any of it… If I had had my choice, we’d have talked about Jesus, not Trump… I see them very clearly as two very distinct people… Jesus is the Creator, Trump the created - they are not the other way around, which is what my friend was telling me he thought I was thinking…