Is this a good or bad idea?

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Oh my, honor killing is false attribution to Islam. Because, a civilian whether he is Muslim or not, haveno right to do this but only Muslim authorities and Muslim court have the right to do this. This is a great corruption indeed and that’s all because of terrorists. There is absolutey no such thing as honor killing in Islam. Honor killing have no place in Islam. And what the Islamic Court does, is not honor killing, it is punishment.
But it’s done in Muslim run countries legally all the time
I have just looked on New York Post and I found a random guy who killed his own child, and what are you doing? Are you intentionally attributing this to Islam? I simply loose my mind. Those Muslims who do that, they deserve to be arrested and executed for committing murder and Fahisha(Great Immorality). I strongly believe that this must happen in every Muslim country, so injustice will be gone
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Are you intentionally attributing this to Islam? I simply loose my mind.
These type of killings are fairly common in Muslim countries. A simple Google search brings dozens of articles such as the one randomly picked below. What would you suggest we attribute it to???

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That’s it! I’ll need to have a immodiate talk with all Muslim countries and have a discussion with them on how Islam should be practiced. I simply cannot stat here and watch people critiqing Islam. I want to do a great and drastic changes and quick in Middle East and I hope I’ll be taken into consideration. Also, I’m gonna do my best to talk with all Muslim countries to allow Freedom of Religion and Apostasy Law I’ll discuss about it, because there is a bit misunderstanding. Because, an apostate should be executed only when he does great mischief, this is what I want to implement in all Muslim countries including in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I’ll also ask all Muslim countries to lift the Age of Majority permanently and to practice Agreement and Arrangement marriage and those who commit extramarital sex shall be lashed one hundred times. And those who commit murder shall be executed even if he murders a non-Muslim. And if a non-Muslim citizen is under threat, then all Muslim citizens have to protect and defend the life of thatnon-Muslim whether he is Hindu, Christian doesn’t matter. And if any Muslim want to subdue aadd non-Muslim, he shall be jailed for violating Quran and if he forces his religion on non-Muslim, he too shall be jailed as his punishment
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I suggest that if you want the west to view Islam as a religion of peace, you work amongst Muslims that are violent. When we see more Muslims speaking out and condemning those horrible actions, our views will change. You won’t convince Christians of how peaceful Islam is as long as there are so many examples of when Islam is not.

I know that many Muslims are peaceful. I’ve worked with them and have had discussions with them. I know they, too, hate the violence and bad actions of their faith. So, just telling us your peaceful isn’t enough. Islam has to condemn the bad actions within Islam. SHOW us, don’t tell us. Actions speak louder than words, yes?

Finally, Catholic theology doesn’t not approve of executions by the state. It is still considered murder. It’s only tolerated in areas where there is no other way to assure the security of the citizens. Since we now have a jail system that can assure safety, it is generally condemned. Catholics believe in the right to life from conception to natural death. Arguing for capitol punishment in our current climate is unacceptable. We have no right to make decisions that belong to Allah.

You have good intentions on your wiki but it is doomed to fail. Just as you don’t want Christians to tell you what you believe, Christians have no need to have Muslims tell them what to believe, either…and this is what your wiki page will look like.
Would it be good idea if I make a plan on how we Muslims can annihilate the terrorist groups like ISIS and burry them as their punishment for committing mischief and corruption on Earth? Because, I believe that if we only unite together and stop being so divided, then we can easily defeat and annihilate ISIS from it’s existence and we will show them no mercy just as they showed no mercy to people. That is a form of revenge in behalf of non-Muslims. And whenever a terrorist group appear, we will definitely declare war all at once and we will annihilate it as a form of punishment for committing murder and injustice. How would you view Islam then? And I’m also planning to make all Muslim countries to give great respect for Ahlul Kitab(People of Book), because we velieve that People of Book are also believers but different believers. Because People of Book(Jews and Christians) share a lot of things in comon with us but Hindus, Atheists, Budhists don’t have anything in comon with us and People of Book, but still they should be respected as Children of Adam
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Because, an apostate should be executed only when he does great mischief, this is what I want to implement in all Muslim countries including in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
An apostate should never be executed at all. Neither should anybody, IMO.
Finally, Catholic theology doesn’t not approve of executions by the state. It is still considered murder. It’s only tolerated in areas where there is no other way to assure the security of the citizens. Since we now have a jail system that can assure safety, it is generally condemned. Catholics believe in the right to life from conception to natural death. Arguing for capitol punishment in our current climate is unacceptable. We have no right to make decisions that belong to Allah.
Thank you for this, Patty !
I’ll need to have a immodiate talk with all Muslim countries and have a discussion with them on how Islam should be practiced.
I can’t tell whether you’re serious or not…
If you use terror to eliminate another terror, what have you accomplished? Do you not see that this would just further the perception of Islam only knowing how to use terror to accomplish its aims?

How about instead, publicly condemn them. Encourage resistance (peacefully) against their ideas. Round up lawbreakers and subject them to a fair trial and prison sentences but no further killings. You don’t win a war of ideas by eliminating the opposition, you win by reasoned discussion and by condemning those actions. Arrest the Imams promoting violence but without turning them into martyrs!
Of course I’m very serious about it. That is the only way I believe we can prove that Islam is the Religion of Peace, Justice and Equality.
I believe that I can acomplish the fact that non-Muslims will see that Islam is strictly against terrorism and does not allow terrorism and it always have spoken against terrorism.

What is the point in speaking against them peacefully? People will take us as a joke and liars.

Also, I believe this is the only way I can prove to Robert Spencer that he is wrong about Islam.
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What is the point in speaking against them peacefully? People will take us as a joke and liars.
Since that hasn’t even really been done yet, how do you know.

Using slaughter to rid yourself of slaughterers seems contradictory. Arrest them! Give them a trial. Imprison them. If all you are going to do is kill them then try to say you are peaceful, don’t you see the problem? Until Islam breaks away from this vengeance mentality it will NEVER be considered a religion of peace. You are only confirming other people’s fears!
Loool. But how we can arrest them since they are in great number and have weapons?
Honestly, that’s a problem for all the peaceful Muslims to figure out.

If millions of Muslims are peaceful, you should have the ability to face them.
Let me add…you start by changing the minds of all those being recruited into radical Islam. You begin with education.
Thank you dear, I really need that. I’ll also do my own supplication(dua) but I will try to make a very powerful supplication. But my dad who is a Muslim disagrees with my idea and he orders me not to do to this, because he thinks that I’m not qualified and no credibility and there is someone greater than me who can deal with terrorists and Middle East like God Almighty. But I also disagree with my dad for personal reasons which I forgot to mention to him.

Would it be ok if for example in all Muslim countries if Muslim police officers caught one who committed Bestiality he shall be executed and the animal the same? So that the disease will not be spread. And if one commits pedophilia he shall be arrested and lashed one hundred times as a proof that Islam does not allow such immoralities and if one commits adultery he shall be lashed one hundred times, because he have disrespected his own wife and lashed one hundred times if he commits fornication, because he have done outside the marriage and this applies to pedophilia, bestiality etc the same capital punishment. Would you think then that Islam is tolerant religion? And also, would it be ok if I plan on lifting Age of Majority on all Muslim countries and allow only Agreement Marriage and polygamy shall be forbidden but only after the battle has ended? Because, I believe that polygamy is allowed only when the Muslim Supreme Commander grants permission to such marriage but this is only after the battlefield have ended but right now there is no need for polygamy. How would you think of Islam? And the purpose of this is to prove that Islam does not accept false attributes to Prophet Muhammad and it does not accept immoralities and is very serious about immoralities.
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I’ll try my best to do that. In fact, I will correct their understanding of Islam
And if I see someone who is not a Christian and wants to be a user, then he is automatically rejected and kicked out.
Do you mean you want to keep Muslims out, so that they can’t disagree with you in public?
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