No. There is a clear difference in that Biden actively endorses the ability for a mother to end her child’s life so long as it is in the womb (through all 9 months), whereas Trump does not nor has ever actively endorsed racism. There are, however, some rather deceptive statements concerning Trump going around.
For instance, he did not call Mexicans in general these nasty things. If you listen to his words in context, he clearly is referring to some who illegally cross our border. Look at legitimate crime statistics for this group, and the human trafficking data. It is clear that oftentimes, these descriptions fit.
He has also denounced white supremacy repeatedly, agreeing to denounce it at the debate. His words about Charlottesville are also taken out of context. While I can see why some may wanna call it racist, being born in the US is one of only three requirements to be a US president, so it is kinda important.
Under his presidency, there have been record low unemployment for both Hispanics and Blacks. He got through prison reform. His support from minority communities is a lot higher than last time around.
Now, compare his record with Biden’s. Why not? He’s been in politics for over four decades. It’s clear to see. Has he ever done stuff that seems racist? Yes, though in charity I will not declare it actual racism. “Racial jungles,” “clean black”, “you ain’t black”, “Unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Hispanic community is very diverse,” heck even the Corn Pop story seems to play on stereotypes. His support against busing or his once-championed “Biden crime bill” has been said to have not been good for minority communities.
I’m biased here, but who isn’t?
(Ps the quotes are from memory and may not be exact)