"It's fun to shoot some people"- only counseling?

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He mis-spoke. Who doesn’t take pride in their work?

It may be a gruesome topic, but the job of a Marine is to kill the enemies of the US. They get medals for being good with a rifle. They are trained to kick the snot out of bad guys. That is what he was trying to convey, he is proud of the job that they do.

He just needs some help with how to phrase things in public.
He was saying it is fun to kill abusive men. Men who treat women so badly for being seen!!! And we aren’t talking about a love slap, either. It sounds as if he was badly taken out of context.
Its perfectly human to want to hurt someone who does this. Does it feel good to know that you killed a wife-beater…probably a heck of a lot better than knowing you killed a good man who was just attacking you…

This is the military, not the playground
He mis-spoke. Who doesn’t take pride in their work?
An abortionist probably takes pride in his work. And this general is on the same moral plane as an abortionist.
He may have spoke much too strongly…but when one has been up close and personal with Evil…I would imagine it would be hard to be charitable. He used a phrasology which is flippant…but who hasn’t. Especially when it involves the likes of dealing with very evil murdering thugs.

It is not a picnic in the park and to say “He should be stripped of his rank”, is over reaction. :rolleyes:
Throughout our history, Marines have given their lives in the defense of this nation and human rights around the globe," Hagee’s statement read. “When necessary, this commitment helps to provide us the fortitude to take the lives of those who oppress others or threaten this nation’s security. This is not something we relish, yet we accept it as a reality in our profession of arms.”
“Lt. Gen. Mattis is a superb leader and one of the Corps’ most courageous and experienced warriors,” Hagee wrote. “I remain confident that he will continue to serve this nation with dedication and distinction.”
Added Marine Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “The last three times that that general has been in combat, when he was leading Marines in Afghanistan and the two times that he led his division in Iraq, his actions and those of his troops clearly show that he understands the value of proper leadership and the value of human life.”
He may have spoke much too strongly
He spoke evil. I spoke immorally. Anyone who declares any act of killing another human being “fun,” regardless of the circumstance has no business in a position of high rank.
He enjoys his work. 😦 He needs our prayers.
He has a job to do that probably tries his ability to remain objective…but it is a nessecary and difficult task few have the ability to do.

I agree…he needs our prayers. We all need prayers. As none of us have walked in his size 10’s…I leave it to his superiors to judge his compantency.
The guy said ‘fun’ I’m sure he meant it. He spoke from the heart. He gets off on killing people, apparently. In an unguarded commented, he bared his soul… 😦
He may have spoke much too strongly…but when one has been up close and personal with Evil…I would imagine it would be hard to be charitable. He used a phrasology which is flippant…but who hasn’t. Especially when it involves the likes of dealing with very evil murdering thugs.

It is not a picnic in the park and to say “He should be stripped of his rank”, is over reaction. :rolleyes:
If someone enjoys violence there is some danger that they will lower the threshold of who their acceptable targets are. Once you have a license to take out the bad guys you start finding bad guys all over the place.

Christians at any rate are bound to be charitable in their relations with all.
43 "You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, F44 what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matt 5
Something’s backwards here.

Shouldn’t the liberals be supporting his right to free speech, and the conservatives attacking him for disregard of human life?
The guy said ‘fun’ I’m sure he meant it. He spoke from the heart. He gets off on killing people, apparently. In an unguarded commented, he bared his soul… 😦
Not being God…I have no way of knowing that. If we were each to look at stupid comments we ourselves have made from time to time…how would any one of us like it if our whole career and life was judged upon a moment of irritation?

We would all be judged as wanting. 😦
Something’s backwards here.

Shouldn’t the liberals be supporting his right to free speech, and the conservatives attacking him for disregard of human life?
I guess I’m more pro-life than I am liberal. Others can make up their own minds.
Something’s backwards here.

Shouldn’t the liberals be supporting his right to free speech, and the conservatives attacking him for disregard of human life?
:rotfl: :rotfl:
He’s a marine. That is the way marines speak. You pay him for killing the bad guys. That’s his job. He likes his job. So crucify him. He isn’t a priest. I guess we could put only priest on the front lines, might give the Islamofascists a fighting chance. 🙂

“Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
“God loves the U.S Marine Corps. Because we keep heaven full of fresh souls.”

Sound familiar?
Sound familiar?
Sounds sinful and barbaric. More appropriate for the SS than the defenders of democracy, human decency, and respect for human life.
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