"It's fun to shoot some people"- only counseling?

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:rolleyes: ONly prayer will help you my friend…that comment is sick.
An abortionist probably takes pride in his work. And this general is on the same moral plane as an abortionist.
FIrst off…you don’t know anything about rank, the military, how it works, or the battlefield…you should be on your hands and knees thanking this General and other soldiers like him for the liberty, freedom, and sovereignty we have today…to bash him is to bash our military and you should be ashamed of yourself.
He should be stripped of his rank.
Nice thought, but it ignores the fact that this guy has a bad case of foot and mouth disease and ought to be kept far away from the press. He’s what you call 'bad for business". The guy made a huge propaganda blooper, making it sound as if the U.S. miltary is run by bloodthirsty goons.
Please define “Real Marine”…I think I am in for a treat…I would love to hear what you have to say about Americas finest.
thnak you, my faith-filled friend. i will pray for your son that he may stay out of harms way. You, good Christian parent, have raised a REAL Marine. God bless you for your faithful witness.
When the Military is in business to kill bad people…how are his comments bad for business? We are not in the business of propaganda…unless you are the ultra left wing media…we deal in facts…the facts are these are bad people that need to be killed. He stated his point clearly and I commend him for that.
Nice thought, but it ignores the fact that this guy has a bad case of foot and mouth disease and ought to be kept far away from the press. He’s what you call 'bad for business". The guy made a huge propaganda blooper, making it sound as if the U.S. miltary is run by bloodthirsty goons.
An abortionist probably takes pride in his work. And this general is on the same moral plane as an abortionist.
You are a provocateur. The general is a warrior who protects you from killers like those that committed 9/11. Can you comprehend anyone taking satisfaction in killing people like the Nazis or those that committed 9/11? If not, I suspect your instinct for survival may be lacking and thank God you’re not in a position to make policies that jeopardize the lives of my children and grandchildren as well as your own.
Amen Swampfox…well put…Katherine is one of those people like Neville Chamberlain…so naive and unwilling to see the truth…she actually thinks Detente and appeasement will give you security…how sad is that??? How do you think ole Francis Marion would respond to the original question??? LOL 🙂
You are a provocateur. The general is a warrior who protects you from killers like those that committed 9/11. Can you comprehend anyone taking satisfaction in killing people like the Nazis or those that committed 9/11? If not, I suspect your instinct for survival may be lacking and thank God you’re not in a position to make policies that jeopardize the lives of my children and grandchildren as well as your own.
Ladies and gentlemen, don’t get caught up in the left-wing media legerdemain. They don’t like war because they don’t believe that evil exist. They don’t like the military because the military protects us from evil; therefore, they’re out to tear down the military at every opportunity. Now mind you, this is the media that will jump all over the Marine’s remarks, but yet defend to the last man a woman’s “right” to kill her baby.
The Marines are there to protect us, and all that man did was call a spade a spade. Yes, there is evil. Yes, we have to take measures. Sometimes those measures are unpleasant, but that’s the world we live in. Let us look closely at the messenger;in this case the media.And let us scrutinize their motives. This man is on our side. He’s out to protect the good, the beautiful, and the true. Let us pray for him and for all who recognize evil and recognize absolute truth.
Just wanted to add something else. To subject somebody to “counseling” and “sensitivity training” is something that we Catholics should be very wary of. Why does this Marine need counseling? What that amounts to is the counselors trying to convince this Marine that his beliefs, his awareness of truth, is an illusion, and that he should embrace some sort of moral relativism. The counseling session will probably try to convince the Marine that there is no evil in the world, and that his remarks are misdirected. Indeed, he himself is the evil person for even thinking that another human being could possibly be evil and deserving of such a fate as that which the Marine spoke. If secular counselors had their way, they would have us believe truth is relative, religion is restrictive, and individual freedon is to be pursued at all cost. No, the last thing that this Marine needs is a counselor. Instead, he needs Christians, with Catholics in the forefront, to explain that evil exist and that it cannot be relativized, accommodated, pandered to, or ignored. Counselors would want our heads to be in the sand, including the military. As a matter of fact, they would try to render the military impotent. So no, let’s not send the Marine to counseling.We don’t need a politically correct army. We need rather a muscular military stands as the secular counterpart to the Church Militant.
Reminds me of the movie, “A Few Good Men.”

On the stand, Col. Nathan Jessup (played by Jack Nicholson) tell the court: “You can’t handle the truth!..”

Lighten up, warriors do unspeakable things so that you, me Afgani’s, Iraqis and most of Europe and a host of other peoples can live in FREEDOM!!!
Originally Posted by katherine2
An abortionist probably takes pride in his work. And this general is on the same moral plane as an abortionist.

So I guess that means you’ve repented of your moral support for the abortionist’s choice for Chief Executive last presidential election. Good for you.

– Mark L. Chance.
this whole issue is a joke, I have heard far worse out of the mouths of people around me. but when someone does it in public, everyone, and I mean everyone, likes to condemn, even though ALL of the stone throwers are guilty of sinful talk in one form or another…just as bad as what he was saying…

In context of what he was saying about shooting cowards that kill women and babies, I would happily shoot them too…

thats just the just crusader in me…

Peace of the Lord be with you all!
Ladies and gentlemen, don’t get caught up in the left-wing media legerdemain. They don’t like war because they don’t believe that evil exist.
Catechism of the Catholic Church **2317 **Injustice, excessive economic or social inequalities, envy, distrust, and pride raging among men and nations constantly threaten peace and cause wars. Everything done to overcome these disorders contributes to building up peace and avoiding war:

Insofar as men are sinners, the threat of war hangs over them and will so continue until Christ comes again; but insofar as they can vanquish sin by coming together in charity, violence itself will be vanquished and these words will be fulfilled: “they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
The Marines are there to protect us, and all that man did was call a spade a spade. Yes, there is evil. Yes, we have to take measures. Sometimes those measures are unpleasant, but that’s the world we live in. Let us look closely at the messenger;in this case the media.And let us scrutinize their motives. This man is on our side. He’s out to protect the good, the beautiful, and the true. Let us pray for him and for all who recognize evil and recognize absolute truth.
[2302](javascript:openWindow(‘cr/2302.htm’)😉 By recalling the commandment, "You shall not kill,"94 our Lord asked for peace of heart and denounced murderous anger and hatred as immoral.

*Anger *is a desire for revenge. “To desire vengeance in order to do evil to someone who should be punished is illicit,” but it is praiseworthy to impose restitution "to correct vices and maintain justice."95 If anger reaches the point of a deliberate desire to kill or seriously wound a neighbor, it is gravely against charity; it is a mortal sin. The Lord says, "Everyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment."96

[2303](javascript:openWindow(‘cr/2303.htm’)😉 Deliberate *hatred *is contrary to charity. Hatred of the neighbor is a sin when one deliberately wishes him evil. Hatred of the neighbor is a grave sin when one deliberately desires him grave harm. "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven."97

He was saying it is fun to kill abusive men. Men who treat women so badly for being seen!!!​

What a man. A real marine. What do these people expect him to be a girlscout??? Marines are KILLING machines. What do you think they are taught in basic training? how to kill the enemy…
speak for yousefl. Jesus is my first line of defense.
You and the other women are hopeless…that is why WOMEN do not run the country or fight in direct combat…you too soft…you can never promise that you’ll be able to do what needs to be done…especially when it comes to killing.

I dont blame you all for this, you are the nurturers…but for you to condemn a man for his ability to defend our country from guys WHO KILL WOMEN AND CHILDREN is an outrage in itself.
How dare you chastise him.
I also don’t understand how you think the ability to kill is somthing that can be just turned on or off at the flip of a switch… You and the other is here that are berating this guy need to look in the mirror and figure out yourselves for a while, then pray to God that it doesn’t have to be you that does his[marine] job. You just get to sit around in a country where you can be safe and do what you please without threat of being killed everyday…

Peace of the Lord be with you all
An abortionist probably takes pride in his work. And this general is on the same moral plane as an abortionist.
Abortionists take innocent life, the general spoke of shooting men who can in no context be considered innocent. God hates the hands that shed innocent blood.

You and the other women are hopeless…that is why WOMEN do not run the country or fight in direct combat…you too soft…you can never promise that you’ll be able to do what needs to be done…especially when it comes to killing.​

Oh for Pete’s sake, not all women think like k2!!!
I for one, applaud The General’s comments, and believe we need MORE men like him in the world…
I for one, applaud The General’s comments, and believe we need MORE men like him in the world…
St Augustine, who developed the Just War doctrine said this caae.phil.cmu.edu/Cavalier/80130/part1/sect3/texts/R_Augustine.html

What is the evil in war? Is it the death of some who will soon die in any case, that others may live in peaceful subjection? This is merely cowardly dislike, not any religious feeling. The real evils in war are love of violence, revengeful cruelty, fierce and implacable enmity, wild resistance, the lust of power, and such like; and it is generally to punish these things, when force is required to inflict the punishment, that, in obedience to God or some lawful authority, good men undertake wars. (Contra Faustum manichaeum 22.74)
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