"It's fun to shoot some people"- only counseling?

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How about we ask them nicely to give up?

Bake them a cake.
How about we view warmaking and killing others as something on occassion we must do, but we never enjoy doing. How about because we find it so distasteful, we do all in power to find alternatives to save us from the situation where we must fight and kill.

On a much lesser matter, there is an adage about spanking your children – spanking isn’t always wrong, but if you enjoy doing it, you should stop.

The same could be applied to killing in war.
Have you ever had to fight for your life?

Ever get that adrennaline rush?

Only those who have been in the military, or a police officer, or under similar situations could understand.

Ever go on the roller coaster, it felt great, but it made you sick afterward. Then you turned around and went back on it again?

It is something like that.
How about we view warmaking and killing others as something on occassion we must do, but we never enjoy doing. How about because we find it so distasteful, we do all in power to find alternatives to save us from the situation where we must fight and kill.

On a much lesser matter, there is an adage about spanking your children – spanking isn’t always wrong, but if you enjoy doing it, you should stop.

The same could be applied to killing in war.
Katherine, I agree with you 100%. No matter how provoked, no one should make sport of killing another human being. My stepson is a Marine…he does not speak like that…he does not think like that. No decent child of God does.
Not everyone that has shot others in battle feel the same way as the Lt Col in question.

"By putting my weapon down, I chose to reassert myself as a human being. I have not deserted the military or been disloyal to the men and women of the military. I have not been disloyal to a country. I have only been loyal to my principles.

When I turned myself in, with all my fears and doubts, it did it not only for myself. I did it for the people of Iraq, even for those who fired upon me-they were just on the other side of a battleground where war itself was the only enemy. I did it for the Iraqi children, who are victims of mines and depleted uranium. I did it for the thousands of unknown civilians killed in war. My time in prison is a small price compared to the price Iraqis and Americans have paid with their lives. Mine is a small price compared to the price Humanity has paid for war."

For the complete article by Camilo Mejia -
Elaine's Cross:
Not everyone that has shot others in battle feel the same way as the Lt Col in question.

"By putting my weapon down, I chose to reassert myself as a human being. I have not deserted the military or been disloyal to the men and women of the military. I have not been disloyal to a country. I have only been loyal to my principles.
As long as he did it before going to war. Once there and you quit you endanger your platoon. Your causing more harm then good, no matter what you think your principles might be.

Also note: you really should examine your principles before signing up in the military. What do you think the military is, a welfare society?

People going to war need to be ready to kill if they have to. That is their job.
And he should still be in prison. He pledged an oath, and indicated he was not an objector before he volunteered.

Very bad things happen war, it is not preventable. It has ALWAYS been that way. WW2 artillary missing it’s target and blowing up a building full of families, or children.
As long as he did it before going to war. Once there and you quit you endanger your platoon. Your causing more harm then good, no matter what you think your principles might be.

Also note: you really should examine your principles before signing up in the military. What do you think the military is, a welfare society?

People going to war need to be ready to kill if they have to. That is their job.
We are digressing. The point was that this fellow used the word fun.
Were these comments appropriate?

Here’s the article:
the comments IS appropriate.
quoting without context is no better than slander. considering he says he is fighting terrorists before this sentence, “some people” definately means “terrorists”.

I may as well read a piece of news with the topic “Americans will go to hell” with the whole article is Laden says Americans will go to hell.
Katherine, I agree with you 100%. No matter how provoked, no one should make sport of killing another human being. My stepson is a Marine…he does not speak like that…he does not think like that. No decent child of God does.
thnak you, my faith-filled friend. i will pray for your son that he may stay out of harms way. You, good Christian parent, have raised a REAL Marine. God bless you for your faithful witness.
We are digressing. The point was that this fellow used the word fun.
I think this is a good answer:

Throughout our history, Marines have given their lives in the defense of this nation and human rights around the globe," Hagee’s statement read. “When necessary, this commitment helps to provide us the fortitude to take the lives of those who oppress others or threaten this nation’s security. This is not something we relish, yet we accept it as a reality in our profession of arms.”

“Lt. Gen. Mattis is a superb leader and one of the Corps’ most courageous and experienced warriors,” Hagee wrote. “I remain confident that he will continue to serve this nation with dedication and distinction.”

Added Marine Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “The last three times that that general has been in combat, when he was leading Marines in Afghanistan and the two times that he led his division in Iraq, his actions and those of his troops clearly show that he understands the value of proper leadership and the value of human life.”

I don’t think you can condem this marine since he said that some times it is fun to kill evil people who deserve to be dead and who are trying to kill him. Better he think that than to hesitate.

The Marines, as you know, are our 1st line of defense, and in this war, they are the ones taking the heavy losses, and winning this war, not priests.
speak for yousefl. Jesus is my first line of defense.
Jesus is with them when they fight, hopefully, but sometimes fight they must to protect you so you and I can write silly things on the Internet.
Some you people are taking 15 to 20 words that the General said and running as if your hair was on fire. Listen to what he actually said, then ask yourself what the man’s job is. Do you think that an infrantry officer has an office job? He is responsible for the lives of his men who down in the dirty part of the war - the enemy is tring to kill those men.

He is not a PR man, he is an infrantry officer! His job is break things and kill people. If some noncambatant said the General needs counciling I’d say the General would probably council the councilor.

If one of my boys was in the Marine Infrantry, I’'d rather have a man like the General in charge of him than a wimp.
of course the irony here is that IIRC “wall to wall counseling”
is military slang for dealing with “problem” soldiers outside of regular channels

i.e beating the …errr…stuffing out of them
As long as he did it before going to war. Once there and you quit you endanger your platoon. Your causing more harm then good, no matter what you think your principles might be.

Also note: you really should examine your principles before signing up in the military. What do you think the military is, a welfare society?

People going to war need to be ready to kill if they have to. That is their job.
He’s got a point there. A lot of people think that they’re getting a free job, housing, medical care and education. Then they’re shocked that they have to actually fight. :eek: Go figure! :rolleyes:
He is not a PR man…
Yep, that’s pretty obvious! :rolleyes: Maybe he oughtta be a good soldier and keep his fat trap shut from now on. What idiot put that guy in front of a mike anywho???
I don’t think “being a good soldier” is “keeping his fat trap shut”…I think he needs to do what he does best…and that is killing bad guys…I personally liked what he had to say and didn’t find it the least bit offensive…his job is not to sell ice cream cones and sing songs around campfires…he is doing what he is supposed to do and I don’t see you cursing the freedoms you have right now…the freedom to speak out against him…your air conditioning, your electricity, your education, your freedom of religion, etc…you owe it all to him and people like him…so quit bashing him.
Yep, that’s pretty obvious! :rolleyes: Maybe he oughtta be a good soldier and keep his fat trap shut from now on. What idiot put that guy in front of a mike anywho???
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