"It's fun to shoot some people"- only counseling?

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The comments weren’t wrong? What doesn’t cross the line around here?!
The comments weren’t wrong? What doesn’t cross the line around here?!
Apparently the sky’s the limit.
I think it’s interesting that no one’s responding to Matt25’s very clear Catechism and Biblical references.
Seems pretty cut and dry to me from a Church teaching perspective–we can’t morally relish in killing.
I wonder if David had to undergo psychatric counselling for exterminating whole cultures of people…
Meggie said:
He was saying it is fun to kill abusive men. Men who treat women so badly for being seen!!!

Does it feel good to know that you killed a wife-beater…probably a heck of a lot better than knowing you killed a good man who was just attacking you…

This is the military, not the playground

My! My! MY! So when he’s finished murdering all the Muslims - since a little dickey bird seems to have assured you that all Muslims are wife-beaters - will you then urge him to murder all the wife-beaters in the US? And elsewhere?

I wonder who it was who said there would be no more war if women were in charge? And just when did wife-beating become a capital crime?

Is this actually a ‘Catholic’ forum, a forum for folks who profess Christ’s religion of love?
The indifference of good men is what crosses the line…we have a moral resposibility to eradicate these thugs…if we don’t, then we are worst than the actual terrorist because we stood by and did nothing while have the capability to stop them…indifference is worst.

“Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its ugly hand”
The comments weren’t wrong? What doesn’t cross the line around here?!
mjdonnelly said:
It may be a gruesome topic, but the job of a Marine is to kill the enemies of the US. They get medals for being good with a rifle. They are trained to kick the snot out of bad guys. That is what he was trying to convey, he is proud of the job that they do.

I wonder if your sentiments will be quite as warm when someone decides to redefine you as an ‘enemy of the US’ and a ‘bad guy’?

You should be looking at the writing on the wall. . . .
My! My! MY! So when he’s finished murdering all the Muslims - since a little dickey bird seems to have assured you that all Muslims are wife-beaters - will you then urge him to murder all the wife-beaters in the US? And elsewhere?

I wonder who it was who said there would be no more war if women were in charge? And just when did wife-beating become a capital crime?

Is this actually a ‘Catholic’ forum, a forum for folks who profess Christ’s religion of love?
You are being disingenuous and mischaracterizing the general’s statement. He didn’t say anything about killing all Muslims, but if you have to overstate it to argue against a straw man, so be it.
I think it’s way too funny these “peace loving” folks are defending wife beaters. The general is 100% on the money.
Matt preach it to someone else. I am not Catholic.
We are not in the business of propaganda…
Nope. We’re in the business of “public relations” and “psychological operations”.
My! My! MY! So when he’s finished murdering all the Muslims - since a little dickey bird seems to have assured you that all Muslims are wife-beaters - will you then urge him to murder all the wife-beaters in the US? And elsewhere?

I wonder who it was who said there would be no more war if women were in charge? And just when did wife-beating become a capital crime?

Is this actually a ‘Catholic’ forum, a forum for folks who profess Christ’s religion of love?
He never said that… And a sure, there probably were assumptions, but if there was a guy atticking you, who you knew had done terrible things to his wife, and probably kids, too…wouldn’t you feel you were ridding the world of scum?

Its probably better than it feels to kill some guy who simply believes he is defending his rights. Not saying that it is right, just understandable.

I never said a society would be better with women in charge…but realize that the women in the socitey over there are not allowed anything. They cannot even be SEEN…could you imagine living every day of your life after 10 or 12 never being able to have a person in public see your face?

And im not the judge of what crimes should/shouldn’t be punished by death…but it seems to me out of all the reasons to kill someone in war that would be.

And it is a Catholic forum…there should be love…but there is a difference between a cold-blooded killer and a soldier who jokes about killing abusive men.
My! My! MY! So when he’s finished murdering all the Muslims - since a little dickey bird seems to have assured you that all Muslims are wife-beaters - will you then urge him to murder all the wife-beaters in the US? And elsewhere?

I wonder who it was who said there would be no more war if women were in charge? And just when did wife-beating become a capital crime?

Is this actually a ‘Catholic’ forum, a forum for folks who profess Christ’s religion of love?
He never said that… And a sure, there probably were assumptions, but if there was a guy atticking you, who you knew had done terrible things to his wife, and probably kids, too…wouldn’t you feel you were ridding the world of scum?

Its probably better than it feels to kill some guy who simply believes he is defending his rights. Not saying that it is right, just understandable.

I never said a society would be better with women in charge…but realize that the women in the socitey over there are not allowed anything. They cannot even be SEEN…could you imagine living every day of your life after 10 or 12 never being able to have a person in public see your face?

And im not the judge of what crimes should/shouldn’t be punished by death…but it seems to me out of all the reasons to kill someone in war that would be.

And it is a Catholic forum…there should be love…but there is a difference between a cold-blooded killer and a soldier who jokes about killing abusive men.
And it is a Catholic forum…there should be love…but there is a difference between a cold-blooded killer and a soldier who jokes about killing abusive men.
And there’s a difference between justice and giddy joy at the taking of human life
And there’s a difference between justice and giddy joy at the taking of human life
And there is a difference with giddy joy and what the lt Col said he felt.
“Actually it’s quite fun…you know. It’s a hell of a hoot,”
Fine, fine, this sounds like giddy joy to me, but whatever–We’ll say a difference between justice and having fun taking human life.
How’s that?
from swampfox---just a tad self righteous
Just to clarify…I’m self righteous because I don’t think murder should be fun?
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