"It's fun to shoot some people"- only counseling?

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If it wasn’t for them (and men like you), who knows where our country would be.
Well here’s an archbishop who got it:

"…Why is it that the soldiers have a better spirit for war-time than civilians? Because to them duty is primary; to civilians rights are primary…But the soldiers, the sailors, the marines, the air corps- all these young men- most of whom earn but a dollar a day, never use the word " right “; they talk about a " job to do.” It is not their salary that comes first; they sweat not for reward but for duty. And duty has a moral basis that makes brave men.

Let us of the civilian population imitate the soldiers and talk about duties. Such is the pattern of American life. In brief, if we want a victory over our enemies, let us first get on God’s side and then go out and drive the devil out of them that they may be on God’s side too! …"
I think that people with Religious Identity Disorder and who badmouth an honorable fighting man in the US Marine Corps is one sick son of a ******.

By the way, I love to shoot cats, too many of the nasty lil’ bas***ds around anyway. Heck, they just rats that meow.

I hope your shocked by this super, duper Catholic. 👍

all this goes for matt25 and norwich too…just because they disagree…
First of all, I don’t see why you need to get personal and accuse me of having a “disorder” that I don’t have. I haven’t gotten personal with anybody here, and I think it is very inappropriate. Disagree with my ideas and state your own about blood lust being fine and dandy, but stooping to this level just illustrates my point further.
I think it’s funny that TheGarg’s little tag line says:
“Love em all, no matter what”

I sure some one else caught this but I will clarify to make sure.

You are wrong, An Abortionist kills innocent life. I have never heard of a baby slapping around women because they didn’t wear a head covering.

Marines are trained to kill the enemies of the USA. Currently the enemies of the USA are terrorists who do very bad things and won’t listen to reason. Therefore the USA must eliminate the terrorist who pose a immanent threat to the security of the entire world.

Hope this helps clarify things a little.
Who needs clarity or reason when you have ideology?
Well here’s an archbishop who got it:

"…Why is it that the soldiers have a better spirit for war-time than civilians? Because to them duty is primary; to civilians rights are primary…But the soldiers, the sailors, the marines, the air corps- all these young men- most of whom earn but a dollar a day, never use the word " right “; they talk about a " job to do.” It is not their salary that comes first; they sweat not for reward but for duty. And duty has a moral basis that makes brave men.

Let us of the civilian population imitate the soldiers and talk about duties. Such is the pattern of American life. In brief, if we want a victory over our enemies, let us first get on God’s side and then go out and drive the devil out of them that they may be on God’s side too! …"
Soldiers need to dehumanize the enemy somewhat or they would go crazy. Also, if anybody is in a kill or be killed situation they have no choice but to kill. This is the essence of being a soldier–to kill the enemy. I am not a pacifist and don’t condemn soldiers for this.

I do, however, think that somebody who really thinks it is a jolly good time to shoot and kill people has a screw loose. Even if these people are Taliban, they are human beings and I believe that Jesus, the Pope and every other thinking, feeling Christian would agree that blood-lust and enjoyment in killing is a sin.

Unfortunately, it is a sin we see exhibited by people the world over from time immemorial. How would you explain the fun the Nazi guards had at concentration camps, the fun lynch mobs had stringing people up, etc? Some people think it is fun but decent people on a Catholic board should denounce it!!!
Soldiers need to dehumanize the enemy somewhat or they would go crazy. Also, if anybody is in a kill or be killed situation they have no choice but to kill. This is the essence of being a soldier–to kill the enemy. I am not a pacifist and don’t condemn soldiers for this.

I do, however, think that somebody who really thinks it is a jolly good time to shoot and kill people has a screw loose. Even if these people are Taliban, they are human beings and I believe that Jesus, the Pope and every other thinking, feeling Christian would agree that blood-lust and enjoyment in killing is a sin.

Unfortunately, it is a sin we see exhibited by people the world over from time immemorial. How would you explain the fun the Nazi guards had at concentration camps, the fun lynch mobs had stringing people up, etc? Some people think it is fun but decent people on a Catholic board should denounce it!!!
This is why I “attacked” you, because you need to separate “killing” from “murder”. You make anyone who takes the marine in question’s side, including me, out to be some kind of sicko.

Whether that was your intention or not, you did it.

Stop critisizing with insult, and maybe you’ll get a warmer reaction. If you don’t agree, then say " I don’t agree with what that soldier said", instead of “That sicko freak must be a nazi!”.
I bet you wouldn’t say that in front of him.

IF you’re not a pacifist, then stop acting like one and using ridiculous analogies that are irrelevant.

ps. I attack you out of tough love. If I were to tell you anything less than the truth, then i would be a liar.

Peace of the Lord be with you all, even all you pacifist 😉
I think that the General didn’t mispeak or do anything else, he spoke his mind and I tend to agree with him.
This is why I “attacked” you, because you need to separate “killing” from “murder”. You make anyone who takes the marine in question’s side, including me, out to be some kind of sicko.
Whether that was your intention or not, you did it.
Stop critisizing with insult, and maybe you’ll get a warmer reaction. If you don’t agree, then say " I don’t agree with what that soldier said", instead of “That sicko freak must be a nazi!”.
I bet you wouldn’t say that in front of him.
IF you’re not a pacifist, then stop acting like one and using ridiculous analogies that are irrelevant.
ps. I attack you out of tough love. If I were to tell you anything less than the truth, then i would be a liar.

Peace of the Lord be with you all, even all you pacifist 😉
Please show me a ridiculous analogy that I used. I stand by my assertion that anyone who thinks it is acceptable for a Catholic or any Christian for that matter to agree with blood lust is going against Church teachings and common sense decency. You also stated how you loved shooting cats, Mr. Garg. I don’t like cats, but shooting them for fun is sick.

I already stated that I’m not a pacifist, but I think war should be a last resort and soldiers must do their jobs for which I admire them. However, to get joy from killing the enemy is not how the soldiers I know would describe their feelings about the matter.

I know the difference between killing and murder. Nobody should get joy from either.
You attacked me out of tough love? I am glad I’m not your wife, poor woman might get attacked out of tough love a lot.
That comment is unnecesaary and contibutes nothing to the topic at hand. If you want to start a topic regarding the commonality of opinionate men and spouse abuse, you are free to do so.
Please remove your post Mr. Lafrance. I was already editing while you jumped on the bandwagon. I am afraid I was guilty of anger for being attacked again by the Garg.
43% of respondents to this survey think this man’s comments were fine. They don’t have a problem with somebody who has blood lust.
Please show me a ridiculous analogy that I used.
How would you explain the fun the Nazi guards had at concentration camps, the fun lynch mobs had stringing people up, etc?
You compared this marine to a nazi and a member of a lynch mob.

you shouldn’t say something about someone that you wouldn’t say to their face.
I am pretty sure you wouldn’t talk your bologne to his face, cause my guess is he might kick your a**, and rightly so.
Please show me a ridiculous analogy that I used. I stand by my assertion that anyone who thinks it is acceptable for a Catholic or any Christian for that matter to agree with blood lust is going against Church teachings and common sense decency. You also stated how you loved shooting cats, Mr. Garg. I don’t like cats, but shooting them for fun is sick.

I already stated that I’m not a pacifist, but I think war should be a last resort and soldiers must do their jobs for which I admire them. However, to get joy from killing the enemy is not how the soldiers I know would describe their feelings about the matter.

I know the difference between killing and murder. Nobody should get joy from either.
He did not say that Marines are shooting these people for fun, he indicated from his comments that he had no remorse for shooting them. There is a big difference.

The difference would be me getting in my car with a gun and driving through a crackhouse neighborhood and taking potshots at people for kicks, versus shooting a crackhead who invades my house intent to kill my family. I would incapacitate this individual and have no remorse in doing so. I may not go so far as to say it was “fun” shooting him, but this is a simple, hypothetical situation. I have been in combat with Marines and I understand what you have to do to be able to survive the horror of combat mentally. If you have never been there, you absolve yourself of the right to comment on it.
bapcathluth said:
43% of respondents to this survey think this man’s comments were fine. They don’t have a problem with somebody who has blood lust.

Just so long as that “blood lust” is directed at my enemies, you’re right…I really don’t have a problem with it. What I DO have a problem with is judging everyone by our own yardstick. Not everyone is into “love one another as you love yourself”. That’s a reality that we just have to face.
Not a person of your word I see - didn’t you announce that you were “leaving” a few days ago?
Sorry Hagia but its called the fascination of the macabre.

And to scott laffrance, yes, been there, done that, thrown up, changed trousers on many occasions, its not only the marines that get into these situations, there are other military personel in the world, some even better than the marines.

Been shot at, have shot at others, spent time in hospital recovering, had bombs and mortars thrown at me, and dug very deep holes. (bloody surprising how fast you can dig when somebody’s trying to shoot you).

And I stick to my original comment, the day you start enjoying it is the day to turm the gun around and shoot yourself, because at that time you are no longer a human being, you are no longer anyone who has regard for life and it takes very little to justify ANY action you want to take, shooting somebody because he hits a woman? how long before you shoot a child because he learning to play with a toy gun? or the driver in the next car because he gave you a one finger salute? or maybe a president because he’s the wrong political party? or maybe we will take a load of weapons onto the tower of a local university and shoot everybody at random because you don’t like your mother?

ANYBODY that enjoys killing, irrespective of the justification needs watching!
He did not say that Marines are shooting these people for fun, he indicated from his comments that he had no remorse for shooting them. There is a big difference.

The difference would be me getting in my car with a gun and driving through a crackhouse neighborhood and taking potshots at people for kicks, versus shooting a crackhead who invades my house intent to kill my family. I would incapacitate this individual and have no remorse in doing so. I may not go so far as to say it was “fun” shooting him, but this is a simple, hypothetical situation. I have been in combat with Marines and I understand what you have to do to be able to survive the horror of combat mentally. If you have never been there, you absolve yourself of the right to comment on it.
If he had only said that he had no remorse, then that is a whole other comment and I wouldn’t have an issue with it. I don’t think that soldiers should be racked with guilt for doing what they are sent to do. But he didn’t say what you are implying. He said it what was a whole lot of fun. There is a big difference.

As far as having a right to comment, nobody who commented about the two headed baby has given birth to one, but we still had a discussion. We may as well not have these forums if we can only comment on things we have personal experience with. I have never had an unwanted pregnancy or an abortion, but I think I have a right to comment on that topic, as do most people on this forum.
Surprised this old thread is still going, but as someone who served in the military I will throw in some of my experience:
  • The general knows his words got ahead of himself, hyperbole, call it what you will, and I’m sure he’s been kicking himself since. Military officers usually hate giving press interviews because they fear foot-in-mouth episodes like this one.
  • I don’t think it reflects on him as an immoral person, it was obviously passionate “venting”.
  • “Counseling” in this sense usually refers simply to one of the lower levels of military discipline–a letter in his file that may make it hard to get promoted, but nowhere near a court martial.
  • The general knows that after a SNAFU like this that something is going into his file, so he’s not surprised or outraged. The military documents just about everything.
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