It's Official: Hindus Did Worship in Fatima

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Paul W said:
1) It was “Duck Soup,” not “Night at the Opera.”
  1. It was Chico Marx who said the line, not Groucho.
  2. Chico did not mention the number of eyes.
  3. The line was spoken to Margaret Dumont, who was being deceived, because both Harpo and Chico were impersonating Groucho. Therefore, she should not have believed what she thought she saw with her own eyes! :confused:
Details, details… :o
In the same way, you should not believe what you think you saw in a photograph, but should listen to the Rector’s clear explanation of what transpired.
Uh-huh… :rolleyes:
Paul W:
In the same way, you should not believe what you think you saw in a photograph, but should listen to the Rector’s clear explanation of what transpired.

But there are those who wish to attack the Church and tear it down.

They will use everything at their disposal to do so.
But there are those who wish to attack the Church and tear it down.

They will use everything at their disposal to do so.
It is not obvious to me that those of us who draw the obvious conclusion from the photos provided do so because we wish to “attack” the Church or “tear it down.” Indeed, I would submit that we say what we say precisely because we love the Church and do not wish to wish to see Her torn down.
Our Lady will beckon whomever she will to her Son. He knows the hearts of all. There may be a mystical reason that we will never know in our lifetime.

St Julie
Interesting… I need some details.

How did they (Hindus) worship, whom did they worship?

Does praying equal worship? I mean may a non-Catholic worship God at a consecrated altar in other than prayer? Does worshiping God under a misunderstanding of His nature or his being reduce the value of the worship? (And if the answer is Yes or “It eliminates it.” what’s the ramifications for us little “s” saints who don’t worship perfectly?)

I sense that the original post was to provoke discussion, but the discussion jumped to a higher level than was useful to me. Any clarification is appreciated.
I agree that it’s disgusting and I’m not even Catholic. I wonder how Mary feels when she looks down from heaven and sees all the Hindus worshiping at the alter, Hindus who REJECTED her dear Son? It’s like a spit to her face. Disgusting.
It is hard to know exactly what happened over there. I don’t mind Hindu’s asking for Mary’s prayers. Certainly anyone can visit the shrine. Dominus Iesus was written to address this kind of problem. I seriously doubt Rome is going to let Fatima become a pagan shrine.
I have seen the pictures also and all I saw was an Indian praying at the Altar. If he was praying to Mary, whats the problem?
Excuse me, how does a Hindu pray to Mary?

Antonio :confused:
No one, and this is clearly stated in Canon law, and that means any Non Catholic, can pray at an concecrated altar. I know this is extreme to say, but I question the faithfulness and the intelligence of both the Bishop in charge of Fatmima(Thinkfully because of his age he will retire soon) and the shrine rector of Fatima. If I personally see non Catholics walking up to the altar of ANY parish to worship, I would stand in the way.
And you would be correct and I would do exactly the same thing. Over my dead body!

Antonio 😦
For one thing - we Catholics do not worship the Blessed Virgin Mary, we honour her.

It is against our beliefs and teachings!

For the same reason we do not let other Christians receive the Eucharist although they may desire it, THEIR BELIEF IS NOT THE SAME.

Ecumenism does not mean allowing others to interpret our religion in their own way. If they want to pray to the Blessed Virgin, fine! BUT teach them what we believe about her first.

They want to pray after this, fine! BUT NOT at the altar!

In agreement but no one has used the word “worship” to refer to what we do when we communicate with Mary. Prayer and worship are not exactly the same thing.

Antonio 🙂
After viewing the pictures and reading about the events all I can say is that what happened what totally pathetic, nauseating and indefensible. The Bishop and shrine rector have either lost their minds or hold completely unorthodox beliefs.

There is no way any clear thinking orthodox Catholic can look at those photos and think there is any room for a “non-judgmental understanding” or “maybe it was ok” mentality.

The Church in America is in a crisis today not because the laity have failed but because the bishops and priests have failed. I lament to see this isn’t a purely American problem.
:amen: Antonio
Shame on the Bishops and Priests who allowed this. The entire shrine now needs to be Re-Consecrated…

I have no doubt that the Most Holy Virgin can work thru these Hindus and lead them properly to her Son…but this is Ecumenism at its WORSE.

Oh…that Devil…he’s a WILEY ONE for SURE!
It is not obvious to me that those of us who draw the obvious conclusion from the photos provided do so because we wish to “attack” the Church or “tear it down.” Indeed, I would submit that we say what we say precisely because we love the Church and do not wish to wish to see Her torn down.
I will take this on face value from you as I do not know you that well, but I will add that the few posts I have read from you are nothing but critical of the Church.

As for the pictures, do they really tell us everything?

I will take the word of the rector as he was there. Pictures can be subjective as we do not really know where/when they were taken or if they were edited at all. All they can show is what happened at the moment they were taken. And I would say that the captions that go with the pictures is suspect. I would also question the source of the pictures. The source for these pictures is a known group that dissents from the Church.

I think I have said enough here on this.
There’s a reasonable question we could ask ourselves here, was Christ previously Krishna?
Dominus Vobiscum,

First, my name is not “dude”. I know you meant no disrespect by it, but please refer to me as either dcmac, or as Donnchadh, not dude. Thank you.

Second, your interpretation of the meaning of the kiss is false in the eyes of none other than the Iraqi-Shiite Imam who gave him the Koran in the first place! The whole story of that picture was that the Imam was quoted in the chief Mohammedan newspaper of Rome after the Holy Father kissed that damnable, blasphemous book, which he and the other Mohammedans there and in Rome took to mean submission to and belief in, called for his conversion and renunciation of Christ as God.

Third, I have spoken to many of my Lebanese friends who while Maronite Catholics still have much better knowledge of Mohammedan and Arabic customs/mannerism than you or I and they have each confirmed what that stupid Imam had said – that kissing it was an act of submission and assent to its truth. Please…

Finally, I will pull the article on it from another MB I am on where it was posted in Arabic and English.

Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future Maronite priest,

I have read and re-read the:


He said that the Hindu pilgrims … did not speak about a similarity or transference between this name and any entity of their religion.

Although I cannot agree with the mode and publicity with which that visit was conducted, in Christian charity, I am prepared to accept his explanation that “We do not intend and we have never intended to hold any celebrations in the church which is being built, that are not in accordance with the directives prescribed by the Catholic Church.”

Let’s pray and hope that such excesses do not occur again.

Second, your interpretation of the meaning of the kiss is false in the eyes of none other than the Iraqi-Shiite Imam who gave him the Koran in the first place! The whole story of that picture was that the Imam was quoted in the chief Mohammedan newspaper of Rome after the Holy Father kissed that damnable, blasphemous book, which he and the other Mohammedans there and in Rome took to mean submission to and belief in, called for his conversion and renunciation of Christ as God.
Documentation, please?
Third, I have spoken to many of my Lebanese friends who while Maronite Catholics still have much better knowledge of Mohammedan and Arabic customs/mannerism than you or I and they have each confirmed what that stupid Imam had said – that kissing it was an act of submission and assent to its truth. Please…
And I have acquaintances of Middle Eastern descent wh ocan confirm that the gesture did not necessarily mean what you take it to.

As a Catholic and perhaps a future priest, which seems like the most probable explanation of the pope’s action? A diplomatic gesture of gratitiude for a good-will gesture; or a submission to Islam, from which he is now a closet Muslim.


And I myself would be very suspicious about what Muslim propoganda makes of incidents like this. These are the same idiots who believe that Jews 1) are trying to take over the world and 2) practice ritual cannibalism on Good Friday . . .


Our Lady appeared to the three children of Fatima to ask for two specific things: The **consecration of Russia ** by the Holy Father in unison with all the bishops of the world on the same day to her Immaculate Heart is one request. The formal propogation of the **Communion of Reparation ** on the First Saturdays is the other. In return for the accomplishment of these requests, she promised the ****Conversion ** of Russia ** and **a period of peace ** throughout the world. She gave catastrophic warnings, however, if her requests were not heeded. These warnings were re-iterated by Our Lord to Sr. Lucy at a later time. We are suffering under some of these catastrophies now, with more to come.

Any human being must be welcomed to pray quietly in any Catholic Church or Shrine. However, praying quietly is not the same thing as allowing (or much worse, inviting) an heretical organization, by any name or representation, to USE such sacred facilities to practice their sacriligious ceremonies and/or to spread their heretical beliefs. ** This is a most grievous sin: Thou shall not have false gods before me.**

In addition, for anyone who would take the time to research and read the 1000’s of letters, memoirs, conversations, etc. that Sr. Lucy (also the two younger children before their deaths) have presented as a clear and simple testament of Our Lord’s and Our Blessed Mother’s purpose for the Fatima and subsequent apparitions, there can be no question as to the total obscenity of the desecration of the Fatima Shrine.
First, can I start by saying “Fatima-Schmatima”. I don’t believe in the apparition, so I couldn’t care less about this particular altar over any other.

Second, ByzCath (David) is right. Pictures are entirely subjective. It is best to listen to what the Priest/rector said went on rather than a website with an agenda.

Third, DominusVobiscum, I personally don’t believe the pope kissed the Qur’an. I have never seen a picture where his lips or face are touching it. The pope is old and hobbled. He is almost always bent over like a question-mark when he walks or stands. That picture in my opinion does not show him kissing it but merely holding it close and straining under it’s weight.

I have met the pope on several occasions and know his stance on Islam. This would have been completely out of character. Possible? Yeah. Probable? No.
Dominus Vobiscum, here is your documentation:

See the picture here… he is not falling into it as a result of being old and feeble as some may suggest…

From the “Italian Muslim Association” web site ( links at bottom ).
Start of Qoute From the Italian Muslim Association web site:


Wojtyla humiliates himself in front of the Glorious Qur’an!

A marvelous example of double-face exposed

On May 14, 1999, a delegation of Christian and Muslim leaders from Iraq visited pope John Paul II in Vatican City.
A Muslim representative brought the Noble Qur’an, and the pope, in his hypocrisy, affected respect and humilty toward the Glorious Book by kissing it in front of all the participants.

One should ask him: “O man, if you really respect the Book of Allah as you pretend, why do you refuse to abide by it, and go on praching false beliefs which are refuted by it?”

Allah Ta’ala says:
“Verily those to whom the Book was given know that it is the Truth from their Lord; and Allah is not unmindful of what they do.” (al-Baqarah, 144)
End of Qoute from the “Italian Muslim Association” web site
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