It's Official: Hindus Did Worship in Fatima

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Come on, we have all seen the photos from this service. The rector can say that no profanations of the altar of the Holy God were committed, but we have seen the pictures. This is like the Groucho Marx line in A Night at the Opera: “who are you going to believe, me or your own two eyes?”
I agree. How can hindus enter the Shrine holdid their false idols of their gods, and carry on a hindu service inside a Catholic Church and especially the Holy Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. No, it is not okay, no matter what some say to have pagan rites inside a catholic Church there or anywhere. Especially with the Holy tabernacle present.:nope: :tsktsk: :mad:
I recall with my fuzzy memory, a Russian Orthodox church (or was it a chapel) that had been used once for a non-Christian event. The townspeople bulldozed the building down because it had been desecrated.
I guess that this could be what you have in mind?
** sacked and church destroyed over gay wedding row**
A priest has been sacked, his church bulldozed and the wreckage burnt after he allowed the building to be used for a gay marriage last month.

Church officials in Nizhni Novgorod, west Russia, said that the chapel in which the men were married had been destroyed because the marriage ceremony had “desecrated” it.

Father Andriy, spokesman for the Nizhni Novgorod eparchy told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper: “Father Vladimir Enert, who married the gay couple, committed a sin in doing so. He desecrated the place. We therefore needed to destroy the chapel.”

He added that Vladmir Enert had been defrocked by Russian Orthodox Church officials.

The marriage of Dennis Gogolev and Michail Borozov in early September caused outrage among many Russian Orthodox Christians.

Gogolev had first approached Father Enert to arrange a marriage ceremony but told him he wanted to keep his bride’s identity secret till the last minute because her parents did not agree with their wedding.

But he arrived at the ceremony with his boyfriend, Borozov, and asked the priest to go ahead with the wedding service.

Father Enert reportedly married the couple, despite initially protesting that he had been expecting Gogolev to arrive with a woman.
The story says in the second paragraph that its info comes from . Far from being a “schismatic group,” SIC is one of Portugal’s leading T.V. news-stations.
Yes I did recall that it came from SIC this morning while driving into work.

That being said, I believe that the original SIC story sourced the schismatic group to begin with.

That being said, it appears that you, and a few others on this thread, revel in pointing out the precieved faults and short comings of the Church and its leaders.

The bishops and priests of the Church deserve our respect. Until they are disciplined by the Church they are bishops and priests in good standing, I know you will attempt to throw the scandal from the USA in here but it doesn’t work for me.

I say, follow the saints examples in this.
The SIC newscast referenced nobody. It is a primary source. They had reporters there filming, interviewing, etc.
Thanks Salvo! I appreciate that clarification.

You know, that is an interesting point that I haven’t heard before. I will definatley keep that in mind as I sift through the material. 👍


Ya, this doesn’t get me too shook up either. I just chalk it up to bad PR advice. Whatever islam thinks about it, I am positive that JP2 was just being polite. My dad is Italian (and yes I do realize that JP2 is not) but kissing each other, relatives, friends, stuff and whatever else roles into the house is simply showing respect. Nothing more.
I also have a problem with the Fatima story. I have a problem with anything that is secret within the church. Our Lord always did everything in the open and in the light.Our Lord has nothing to hide from us.We are not to be in darkness. :confused:
Thanks Salvo for straightening that out for me. 👍

This whole area of Fatima, Church apostacy, the various schisms that have shown up recently is new territory for me so I’m still trying to sort it all out in my head. Calisthenics for my brain (Work that flab!!! Ha Ha Ha!).
Yes. Welcome to the wonderfully unfortunate world of church politics.
I agree. How can hindus enter the Shrine holdid their false idols of their gods, and carry on a hindu service inside a Catholic Church and especially the Holy Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. No, it is not okay, no matter what some say to have pagan rites inside a catholic Church there or anywhere. Especially with the Holy tabernacle present .
OK, once again, the pictures do not necessarily reflect what went on. The Hindu guy at the altar could have been giving an announcement, saying “thank you to the Catholic church for allowing us here” or singing the national anthem of Portugal. The picture does not necessarily mean he was saying a prayer over the altar.

I remember how Jews used to get all up in arms about the photos of Pope Pius XII “blessing the Nazis” when in reality it has long been known that these pictures were doctored since he was not a Pope at the time he was in Germany. But the hoax remains. So, pictures need to be taken at face value. Your “own two eyes” may not be sufficient to assess a situation larger than meets the eye.
How do you know I am ignorant of something or not? , Definitively enough to post, “It is easy to condemn what we are about. We are all guilty of that some time or other.” (Emphasis mine).]
2 points here:
a) It is a general statement and I included myself (see the word “we”) as having been guilty and ignorant. If you take that personally, it is very sad.
b) You expect everyone on this forum to know your life history sufficently to know why you write what you write? Come on!
"Getting upset with the Pope’s kissing of the Quran is akin to burning of all German books (including Bibles) during the 2nd World War
." (Emphasis mine). Thanks Bob, not only are you assumptive in your analysis of a person, but you’re accusatory as well. This reference is repulsive. I take serious offense to being linked to the Nazis of Germany. …I do not know why you felt compelled to passively label me a ‘book-burning German Nazi’. That was simply repulsive and grossly offensive. I await your apology.

a) Again this is a general statement here.
Do you actually see the word Nazi in my post?
Did I accuse you of being a book burning Nazi?
Aren’t you “assumptive”?
b) If you do not understand English let me explain my statement. The people who burnt the German books WERE ANTI GERMANS, and if you insist on using the word, ANTI-NAZIS.
c) So if I had accused you of burning German books, then you were ANTI-GERMANS, ANTI-NAZIS! So I actually praised you! Not accused you!
Read my post again, slowly. Ask your English teacher if necessary!
I think YOU owe me an apology here!
Satan referenced Sacred Scripture when trying to seduce Jesus while He was on his Great Fast before His mission. That does not make Satan holy simply because he can pray, or reference Sacred Scripture.
a) Satan referenced the Scripture, but he did not praise it. The Koran praised God, Abraham, Jesus(disputable), Mary, the Archangels, etc.
b) Satan did not dedicate a whole chapter to Mary.
c) The Koran also condemns Satan.
d) Granted, I did not read the whole Koran, So I give you the benefit of the doubt.
Finally, I find your misquote offensive as well. I did not write, nor do I endorse, what is ascribed to me in your quote. … Those were words written by another to whom I posted here for Dominus Vobiscum when he asked for documentation. These are words of a Mohammedan not I.
a) For the sake of brevity, I did not paste your whole post. I only need one sentence from that post.
I never “ascribed” the quote to you, never said you were the author. The readers of this forum can follow the thread as well.
They can read Englsh!
b) If I had given anyone the impression that you said it, then I apologise.
It reminds one of the tactics of the leftist media.(Emphasis mine)
Who is being definitive, offensive, assumptive and unfair here?

Did you actually read my quotation about the Catholic Church’s relationship to Islam?

You have been so defensive and offensive, that you have completely ignored my real reply. Missed the forest for the trees, so to speak.

Someone called the Pope a hypocrite. I was defending the Pope’s actions, in the light of Vatican II’s document/teaching.

Lastly, this is a forum to exchange opinions, views, defend the Church, not name calling and personal attacks.
I did not attack you in my post. I was defending my Pope.
Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future Maronite priest,
Dr. Donnchadh mag Eochadha, PsyD
For a future priest you are… “unworthy” (your own words, not mine) seems appropriate here. But I have to keep further comments to myself. God help the Maronites!
General Reminder:

The charity level of this discussion appears to be deteriorating. Please self-edit for tone and content before clicking the “Submit” button. If the charity level does not improve, this thread will have to be locked. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Paul Stephens


First, I did read your post and I did comprehend it. One does not become a double major as well as a PsyD without the ability to read and comprehend what is read. Your repeated tasteless comments in this regard are further proof of my analysis of your first post to me.

Second, I do not insist that everyone know my life story in order to post to me. That is as absurd as… well I will be charitable. However, it is common sense to not make a generalization about the person when writing to them. It is entirely another to comment on the post. Therefore, to assume something about someone based off of a post alone, given the limited ability of e-media, is less than desirable. Critiquing the post is fine. Yet, maligning one or their character over a post is not. That is why a wise person asks questions first before they jump off the deep end, which was my point.

Third, your obnoxious comments and - again - quoting out of context - this time in relation to my standard farewell - is repulsive and severely lacking in any semblance of charity. For the record, Bob, I sign of, “Your unworthy brother in Christ…” I am obviously referring to my basic human nature not being worthy of Christ and His sacrifice. It is common in the East to do this routinely - it is a sign of strength to admit one’s unworthiness and reliance on God’s Grace. I know many Romans, such as you, are very unfamiliar with this, but to abuse it like this Bob is…charity, Donnchadh charity… For example, one usually ascribes a ‘penitential’ to their name… like, “The Sinner” etc. To most Romans this is an act of folly, not strength. So, when I sign off like this it is to admit before God and community that I am unworthy of God and only His Grace suffices. You should look in the mirror if you think I am unworthy… for we all are brother.

Finally, I am happy that you feel so inclined to openly, disgustingly question my “worthiness” to the priesthood… and here’s me thinking that was God’s job only… I am happy because responses like yours remind me of how arrogant the Romans come off - whether intentional or not - and how thankful I am to be canonically switched to the Maronites where there is generally a better level of charity, humility and collegiality than here in Rome. Thank you for reminding me of what I am moving towards and away from. Allah Akhbar! – God is Good!

Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future Maronite priest,



Thank you to all those who have participated in this discussion. This thread is now closed.

Paul Stephens

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