But, Vern, why would a woman make such an evil choice?
When people make evil choices, they
make those choices. A woman who chooses to kill her child
chooses to kill it. She isn’t “driven” by low self-esteem or any other reason except self-interest and denial of the humanity of her child.
Or put it another way, when a sane person does something evil, that person is fully responsible for his or her actions.
Because she doesn’t think the life inside her has any inherent worth. Because she doesn’t think she has any inherent worth, apart from her capacity to earn money, keep a husband/boyfriend who may not want the child.
This is what serial killers do – they don’t think their victims have any inherent worth, and see themselves and their desires as the ultimate good.
But we don’t make excuses for serial killers – we hunt them down and take them out of circulation, permanently.
And how do you get the idea that this sort of attitude would be used to justify the Holocaust?
Because abortion
is a holocaust. In this country alone, about four times as many innocent people lost their lives as in the whole of the Holocaust. When we adduce psycho-social reasons for killing our fellow man, we separate the act from the actor. In other words we justify or excuse the crime.
Oh, the Nazi Party managed to convince the greater part of the German Population that human life has no inherent worth?
Yes. They down-graded the Jews’ humanity, calling them “unter menschen” (sub-humans) just pro-abortionists donw-grade the unborn child’s humanity, calling it a “parasite” or "pregnancy object, and so on.
Oh, killing six million Jews, plus uncounted other “undesirable types” was OK, then.
Did you see “Judgement at Nuremberg?” In this film (which was fairly accurate) a German judge on trial stands up and says (as he actually said in real life), “We knew what was happening. We saw the trains loaded with Jews going by. We smelled the smoke from the Crematoria.”
Yes – Germans either supported the killing, or acquiesed at it. Those who claimed they didn’t know what was happening word self-imposed blindfolds.
It’s the attitude ingrained in our culture that is the source of most of the social injustices in our society, including abortion that is the problem. All the other problems stem from the objectification of human beings in general.
And until we accept individual responsibility for our actions, we will not have a just society. What boots a society that raises the Minimum Wage a couple of dollars an hour, and still kills between three and four thousand innocent victims a day?
How can there ever be social justice under those conditions?