Condemnation without compassion will never stop abortion. Some women have abortions out of free, deliberate choice but that’s by no means the only (or arguably even the main) reason. Some are forced into it, some have been convinced by others that it’s their only ‘choice.’
Until my respectable, comfortable middle-class world was penetrated by the pain of women so scarred by life that they couldn’t feel their own pain, I didn’t understand it either.
Only when I heard their matter-of-fact accounts of abuse, and degradation did I realise how much people like me had failed them by not seeing, understanding and ministering to their needs. Meanwhile the “enlightened” of our times had gotten to them and convinced them that the only answer to their misery was to not bring other people into the world to share it.
There is a plane on which some people live, where it takes so much effort to draw the next breath or put one foot in front of the other, that they give no thought to concepts such as self-worth, value of life or even ‘right and wrong’. All they do is survive - barely.
The next time you meet a woman outside an abortion clinic, think about that as you approach her… If you do, maybe - just maybe, you’ll save a life.