Jesus’ burial site found - film claims

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Time for CA to get started on some new tracts I suppose. This sounds even worse than the DaVinci Code.
Simcha Jacobovici’s archeological “investigations” are like houses of cards! His recent show about the Exodus, while interesting, assumed one thing on top of another with little or no scientific or even anecdotal proof until the whole thing was ridiculous by the end.

And I’m wondering why some of THE most common Jewish names would take so long to dicipher? Pu-shaw.
Didn’t I see on another thread that these so-called coffins were discovered over 10 years ago??? and that the bigwigs in archeology noted that the names were ‘most common Jewish names in that era?’

If this is such a big deal, why was it repudiated 10 years ago? If the coffins were pretty much shown by reliable authorities not to be those of Jesus and family then, why the ‘news’ now?

Are the Hollywood Hot shots hoping to make capital of the Da Vinci hoax and feeling that the American public, being now properly ‘prepared’ to accept **rank fantasy ** as gospel truthwhen presented by the media elite, will fall for this now, since they’ve either forgotten the ‘reality’ or will be willing to accept that they’ve been hoaxed by the big bad Catholic church about that 10 year old ‘discovery?’

Boy, I surely do understand what Jesus meant when He said, “But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith upon the earth?”
Great…Here’s another guy claiming Jesus’ Body has been found to the public. When will we run out of such people? :mad:
I mean, many popular figures today seem to have made it a point in their career to discredit Christianity in some form. James Cameron has just become one of them.

Now, how do we reconcile that with the belief that Jesus’ Tomb was here in Japan or in India? Are there multiple Jesuses of Nazareth? :confused:

You know, I have heard that there was once this man digging in the empty lot in Scotland when he saw an ossuary titled ‘Peter that is also named Pan’. He opened it and saw the bones of a 70-year old man.

We can deduce that:
  1. Peter Pan is a normal human who did not go to Neverland, never remained young, had a wife named Wendy and children, and was apparently quite popular to gain a following.
  2. He was killed in his 70’s by being hung on a tree and had his corpse thrown to the dogs. His corpse was rescued by Wendy.
  3. Peter’s followers began to look on him as the One who went to Neverland and had a group called Lost Boys (the main propagator is someone named Paul (Revere), who had a head bump at a car accident and thought He saw Peter). Meanwhile, Wendy and her children began hiding from the Peter Pan-ists who tried to kill them because they will reveal the ‘truth’ about Peter Pan.
  4. Peter’s contemporaries (the real Lost Boys) wrote a biography about Peter that was kinda popular. At the legalization of Peter Pan-ism in the 310’s, the Emperor Walt D., who was a convert to Peter Pan-ism from Mickey Mouse-ism, ordered that the Biography be altered to support the beliefs of the Peter Pan-ists.
  5. Peter Pan-ists, in their 2000 year history, persecuted the remaining descendants of Peter to hide the fact that he is just a normal human who married, instead showing the story that he never grew old, stayed in Neverland, and had an enemy named Capt. Hook. (itself a fictional character)
  6. But not everyone is fooled by Peter Panists. Daniel Orange, in his latest controversial book ‘The Duccio Cryptograph’, claims that Duccio di Buoninsegna’s artworks reveal the fact that Peter is just a man. The main character is chased by an
    Irish Altar Boy (named Barnabas) from the Pan-ist order of Deus ex Machina, founded by a Spanish Priest (now a Pan-ist Saint) Joselito Marina Estrema.
Likewise, The Biritish pop group Bugges’ recordings, when you backmask their songs, you could hear the phrase ‘Pete is dead, Pete is dead’ over and over, obviously referencing the Founder of Peter Pan-ism.

Plus, the Peter Seminar, founded by J.D. Croissant (Jacob Derrick Croissant), and Mattheus Cyborg, attempt to reconstruct the original Peter’s Biography.

This discovery will shake the foundations of Peter Pan-ism, I tell you.
Anyone else recall Geraldo Rivera’s live coverage of the opening Al Capone’s vault (which turned out to be completely empty on live television)? Mr. Cameron is about to make a donkey out of himself. Especially on Judgement Day.
Oh no!

I guess I’ll have to go find another religion. It was fun while it lasted.
Looks like another Dan Brown type looking to cash in on the ever growing popular Christian bashing.

This information is not new however. The cave was discovered 30 years ago and the inscriptions were decoded about 10 years ago. Any connection with Jesus, Mary and Joseph is mere coincidence since these names were very common in Judea during that time period. The senior Israeli archaeologist who did the research on the tombs a while back already dismissed the notion of references to Jesus Christ.

Besides, There is too much testimony for the resurrection. Why would the Apostles and many other disciples give their lives for Christ if they knew where his grave was? The Roman and Jewish authorities would have simply pointed to the grave when they opposed the new religious movement.

We need to be vigilent since more attacks are coming. There is an atheistic movement in the UK and Canada headed by people like Richard Dawkins and their tactics are becoming more organized and sophisticated. With perceived science on their side they can make compelling arguments and catch marginal Christians off guard. I hope the Church meets these challenges the way they did with the Da Vince Code.

Besides, There is too much testimony for the resurrection. Why would the Apostles and many other disciples give their lives for Christ if they knew where his grave was? The Roman and Jewish authorities would have simply pointed to the grave when they opposed the new religious movement.Byron
Excellent points Clearthinking.👍
The Israeli Insider link notes:
“An earlier discovery in which Simcha Jacobovici was involved, the supposed ossuary of “James, brother of Jesus,” was later deemed to be a fake.” (Per the article, Jacobovici is teaming up with James Cameron on this project.)
Wasn’t it Simcha Jacobovici who “found” the last fake Jesus-related ossuary? Jacobovici is somehow allowed to pass himself off as an archaeologist even though his degrees are in Philosophy and Political Science. Does Cameron now do so little research that he is anaware of Jacobovici’s soiled reputation or does he just no longer care about his own reputation? Just what we need, more manure for the anti-Christians to liberally spread around.
Yes, and he has teamed up with Simcha Jacobovici, the same guy who “found” the last fake Jesus-related ossuary. Jacobovici is somehow allowed to pass himself off as an archaeologist even though his degrees are in Philosophy and Political Science. This will be another laughable attempt to damage Christianity that will unfortunately convince far too many un-informed people.
This is what happens when someone from Hollywood like James Cameron is teamed up with Simcha Jacobovici, the same guy who “found” the last fake Jesus-related ossuary. Jacobovici is somehow allowed to pass himself off as an archaeologist even though his degrees are in Philosophy and Political Science. This will be another laughable attempt to damage Christianity that will unfortunately convince far too many un-informed people.
[shrug] Eh. Mother Church is an anvil that has worn out many hammers. At first glance this Cameron looks to be more of a tack-hammer. If anyone is still talking about him ten days from now, maybe I’ll take a look at what they’re saying.
I suppose the media will wait until Holy week to report this. They always wait until then to drop some offensive bomb.
Absolutely! They’re getting an early start this year - right after Ash Wednesday!👍
What gave this away as a fraud is the part that says they found coffins with cross marks on them-the cross as a symbol of Christianity was not used by first century Christians; that came much later. Those who know their history will not fall for this one.
Even if this hokus pocus is true, they found coffins with some of the most popular names in History on them. There were a lot of Jesus’s about in those days. There were a lot of Mary’s about to.
They found coffins with inscriptions but hey no bodies!!
So where is the threat???
Remember our faith is based on the Ressurection.
If the coffins are empty then they have further compounded the central truth of our faith.
There again you could always dismiss it for the nonsense it is.😛

“Brace yourself. James Cameron, the man who brought you ‘The Titanic’ is back with another blockbuster. This time, the ship he’s sinking is Christianity.”

“Let’s go back 27 years, when Israeli construction workers were gouging out the foundations for a new building in the industrial park in the Talpiyot, a Jerusalem suburb. of Jerusalem. The earth gave way, revealing a 2,000 year old cave with 10 stone caskets. Archologists were summoned, and the stone caskets carted away for examination. It took 20 years for experts to decipher the names on the ten tombs. They were: Jesua, son of Joseph, Mary, Mary, Mathew, Jofa and Judah, son of Jesua.”
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