Jesus’ burial site found - film claims

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I don’t know the answer to your question? LOL. Now you’re impersonating Carnac The Magnifcent, too? I’m impressed. 😃
Read again. I said you don’t know what I’m thinking vis a vis the question.

The question to you is do you accept on faith Church doctrine notwithstanding “evidence” or “proof” of a scientific nature.
That was my point with regard to my mention of the Eucharist.
Read again. I said you don’t know what I’m thinking vis a vis the question.

The question to you is do you accept on faith Church doctrine notwithstanding “evidence” or “proof” of a scientific nature.
That was my point with regard to my mention of the Eucharist.
I think my thoughts on this matter are fairly obvious, don’t you? In answer to your question, yes, as long as something doesn’t come along to make it obvious that The Church needs to look at a few things more closely. I’m open to that. Some Catholics aren’t. That’s them. This is me.
“as long as something doesn’t come along to make it obvious that The Church needs to look at a few things more closely”

That says everything you need to know about your faith. EOM
I don’t know the answer to your question? LOL. Now you’re impersonating Carnac The Magnifcent, too? I’m impressed. 😃
I think this is getting into the atheist canard of ‘There’s no such thing as a person who is agnostic on any issue, or uncertain, or certain but open to correction. You either believe wholeheartedly or you don’t and are an atheist.’

While I think the claims of this film (No, I haven’t seen it yet - but I’ve read the provided documents on the film, seen their arguments, and am thus far underwhelmed) are shoddy and easy to dismiss, I also know that the Catholic Church allows, even encourages, a whole lot of questioning and consideration on many issues of faith, despite certain topics considered to be more or less closed. Whenever unsympathetic people find out that, say, Catholics don’t subscribe to biblical literalism (It’s amazing how many people think this), I almost always get the impression that they consider that cheating.

Incidentally, has anyone stopped to think that the biggest uproar this film may cause could be an atheist one? I can picture it now: The “Christ never existed” faction versus the “Christ existed but only the DaVinci Code version” faction. 😉
“as long as something doesn’t come along to make it obvious that The Church needs to look at a few things more closely”

That says everything you need to know about your faith. EOM
Please, be more specific.
I saw the book prominently displayed just as you walked into a Borders I frequent. I was so tempted to rip those books up. :mad:
I’ve only read the front flap, but the tomb is supposed to contain sarcophagi with Jesus, Joseph, and Mary written on them, right?

Meaning the place where all three are buried?
Please, be more specific.
It simply means that you obviously are prepared to question your faith.

The Nicean Creed says:

“We believe (I believe) in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages. (God of God) light of light, true God of true God. Begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary and was made man; was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, **suffered and was buried; and the third day rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, **sits at the right hand of the Father, and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom there shall be no end. And (I believe) in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who together with the Father and the Son is to be adored and glorified, who spoke by the Prophets. And one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess (I confess) one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for (I look for) the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.”

It doesn’t say “We believe (I believe)…as long as something doesn’t come along to make it obvious that The Church needs to look at a few things more closely”

What the creed demands is that you believe regardless of proof and/or evidence. That’s my point.
It simply means that you obviously are prepared to question your faith.

The Nicean Creed says:

“We believe (I believe) in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages. (God of God) light of light, true God of true God. Begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary and was made man; was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, **suffered and was buried; and the third day rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, **sits at the right hand of the Father, and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom there shall be no end. And (I believe) in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who together with the Father and the Son is to be adored and glorified, who spoke by the Prophets. And one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess (I confess) one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for (I look for) the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.”

It doesn’t say “We believe (I believe)…as long as something doesn’t come along to make it obvious that The Church needs to look at a few things more closely”

What the creed demands is that you believe regardless of proof and/or evidence. That’s my point.
I’ve always beeb prepared to question my faith. If people are to be honest, most people have at some point.
News Flash!!!

The ossuary of James Cameron has been discovered in a back lot at the Paramount Studios. The cause of death was determined to result from jumping the shark on his latest venture, a film purporting to destroy the very foundations of Christianity. One of the sharks was quoted as saying, “I couldn’t help myself. My girlfriend has made me watch ‘Titanic’ five times. She gets all weepy and I just get hungry.”

The find has been authenticated by Simcha Jacobovici who took time off from his current project, uncovering the remains of Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
News Flash!!!

The ossuary of James Cameron has been discovered in a back lot at the Paramount Studios. The cause of death was determined to result from jumping the shark on his latest venture, a film purporting to destroy the very foundations of Christianity. One of the sharks was quoted as saying, “I couldn’t help myself. My girlfriend has made me watch ‘Titanic’ five times. She gets all weepy and I just get hungry.”

The find has been authenticated by Simcha Jacobovici who took time off from his current project, uncovering the remains of Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
Funny satire above but let’s get serious for a bit.
I am really concerned for those who are weak in their faith (marginal Christians/Catholics) and those gullable enough to believe such heresay.

The question I’d like to pose is this:
How many priests today spoke about this topic in their homilies? Our pastor did and put the address and e-mail address in our buliten to write to complain to the Discovery Channel.
So if your pastor or priest did or did not comment about this subject, please comment. How serious is the Catholic Church and Protestants faiths taking this being Sunday?
Our Priest talked about this in his homily today. Man , was he on fire. He talked about the Lenten retreat that addressed the antichrist and put this in with it. He pulled no punches today. Tim
If you have the time, can you share some of the details the book addresses? I’ve seen a lot of misunderstandings about what was said in interviews and news articles so it would be great to read from someone who’s read the book. :bounce:
The tomb is empty now because the ossuary that contained the bones of the individuals was removed and stored. If I remember correctly the bones were reburied by rabbis. These ossuray were ignored when first found in 1980 because in addition to a Jesus, Mary, and a son, there was a Mariamene which did not appear to belong to the Jesus Family. Subsequently the authors found out that Mariamene was the name used by the Greek Orthodox for Mary Magdalene.
  • Kathie :bowdown:
So many weak Catholics! You let the atheist/agnostic crowd with the standard pseudo-intellectual responses unravel you faster than superman on laundry day.

Geez, this ‘find’ was exhaustively debated 20 years ago. Don’t you people follow history - especially that which involves the Church???
So many weak Catholics! You let the atheist/agnostic crowd with the standard pseudo-intellectual responses unravel you faster than superman on laundry day.

Geez, this ‘find’ was exhaustively debated 20 years ago. Don’t you people follow history - especially that which involves the Church???
Was it really? I knew that it had been found 27 years ago and dimissed not long after. I also know that science is much further advanced now than it was back in 1980. Can you link me to the sources explaining in detail how it was thoroughly studied and debated exhaustively back then? I’m really interested in learning all I can about this.
The tomb is empty now because the ossuary that contained the bones of the individuals was removed and stored. If I remember correctly the bones were reburied by rabbis. These ossuray were ignored when first found in 1980 because in addition to a Jesus, Mary, and a son, there was a Mariamene which did not appear to belong to the Jesus Family. Subsequently the authors found out that Mariamene was the name used by the Greek Orthodox for Mary Magdalene.
  • Kathie :bowdown:
That’s pretty much what I’ve already read in the media. Someone in another thread about the same topic posted that this tomb and ossuaries were “exhaustively debated” and dismissed decades ago. When I read that, I wondered if I’d missed something. Perhaps I didn’t.
I’m not sure that complaining to the Discovery Channel is the right tact to take. What I did was to write to them, point out that, despite my being a devout Catholic, they had every right to show whatever they wished but also asked them when they intended to air a program on the historic accuracy of the claims of Christianity.
As usual I attended worship at the First Congregational Methodist Church this morning and the sermon made mention several times about the new James Cameron documentary in which he makes the (ridiculous) claim of finding the tomb of Jesus Christ.
Our Pastor, Rev. Sparks said that it is his opinion that this is just part of a Hollywood plan to discredit Christianity as a whole and that the church should not just sit back and take it, he believes Christians everywhere should protest the film.
Has this been mentioned in any of the Baptist, United Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic etc. churches you folks attend?
Do you think my pastor is taking it to far or is he on the money?
I’m not sure that complaining to the Discovery Channel is the right tact to take. What I did was to write to them, point out that, despite my being a devout Catholic, they had every right to show whatever they wished but also asked them when they intended to air a program on the historic accuracy of the claims of Christianity.
That’s more or less what I did.

I said that, despite enjoying their programming, I wouldn’t be watching anymore until I saw a documentary of same - or a show that challenged atheism based on what we know of the universe. (Easy to present that side of the story as well, really.)
Not a word mentioned during mass this morning. We tend to focus on why we are there (to celebrate Christ in the Eucharist) than to mention things that other people are doing that we think is wrong. That is typical in most Catholic Churches I have attended too. As a parent it is my responsibility to decide if my children or I should watch it, and I don’t know of any faithful Catholic that would allow their children to watch such heretical stuff.
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