I see that Nullasalus has addressed most of your points much better than I can, but I did want to provide a few comments.
The Jesus character’s divinity was in doubt even among the very earliest Christians, so it couldn’t have been that obvious at the time, could it?
I’ve thought about this myself. If you compare it to people of today, simply because there’s something wonderful available doesn’t mean everyone will believe it, or even attempt to see for themselves. I work in Polysomnography (sleep studies). There are people who have sleep apnea, excessive daytime sleepiness, and/or snoring. Some of those don’t realize they have a problem – their spouse tells them they snore or stop breathing at night. For some, even if they realize they have a problem, they choose to ignore it. Then there are those who go to the doctor to seek help. The doctor may presribe a sleep study. The vast majority of patients show up for their study, but there’s the occasional person who simply won’t come in to have it done. For the patients that do have their study done, they use the available cure (CPAP machine, medicine for periodic leg movement syndrome, etc.), and find that they feel better as a result. Those that didn’t seek the cure don’t get better. My point is that I believe that Jesus offered a “cure,” but only some took advantage of it, either because they didn’t think they needed a cure, or they didn’t want to make the effort to walk to where Jesus was speaking at the time, or because they thought it was a hoax. The ones that did believe, well, they were so excited they had to share it with others, and went to their death proclaiming it.
I’ve always found that Christian believers are always ready to at least discuss the divinity issue, but they will fight tooth and nail any suggestion about there not having been any historical Jesus. The divinity thing can be argued, but proof of no historical Jesus would remove all basis for Christianity except as a gnostic mystery religion. If anything, a suggestion that remains of Jesus may have been found could be seen as a positive thing for Christianity. If that were the case, a Christian could still think of the resurrection as a more spiritual event rather than a bodily one (that’s exactly what I did before I finally left the Church). Even many of the early Christians thought of it that way, and they were a lot closer to the actual events than we are.
I’m probably not as well-read as you are, but this statement surprises me. The historicity and the divinity go hand in hand. If Jesus didn’t actually exist in human form, then His “teachings” were fabrications, the Crucifixion would be a hoax, and the Resurrection didn’t happen. If Jesus was a real person, but not the Son of God, then what’s the difference between listening to Him and anyone else saying nice things?
Larry, yes, I’ve read Aquinas, Augustine, etc. I see them as simply rationalizing in order to make philosophical ideas and theological ideas fit together within the religious box they lived in (the same as apologists do today). Religious mythologies throughout history have simply been ways of making ordinary people follow a certain philosophy without having to understand it (and almost always one suitable as a way of keeping the populace where the rulers wanted them).
I see them as attempting, as well as is humanly possible, to understand the important aspects of our faith. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think it’s uncommon, in many disciplines, to build a logical argument from certain known principles. Also, I’m sure you already know this, but Augustine fought AGAINST accepting Christianity for many years, and led a pretty bad life. However, his search for the truth (and his mother’s prayers for 30? years) eventually led him to accept it. BTW – Did you read ALL of the Summa? Congratulations! I’m only on Q16, and it looks like it’s going to take me years!
A mythology serves the same purpose on a larger societal scale as a parable does on a smaller personal one. Christianity is merely the mythology wrapper around a way of life which is the gradual marriage of Stoicism, Cynicism, Platonism, various mystery religions and Jewish mysticism, combined with the rituals and images of Mithraism (a traditional Roman Catholic church is basically a Mithraic temple, where just the names things have changed and some of the imagery has been revised). And even all of that goes back further to other ancient civilizations. All of these mythologies were honed gradually over thousands of years
It’s obvious that Christianity would share many things with Judaism. I would be very disappointed if it didn’t! I mean, Jesus and his Apostles were Jews, they started with the Jewish people when they began preaching the Gospel. (Gotta go. My patient just arrived. I’ll try to finish later.)