Actually - that’s not all you said.elvisman: I suppose I should feel pretty special, to have delivered the most immature statement that you’ve ever read And I didn’t even mention the Truth(Jesus), I merely pointed out that on those occasions where I attended catholic churches, I thought maybe I had some type of disease, besides sin! The love of Christ was not evident in those parishes! I am not, however, condemning all cc parishes, just making an observation! And purgatory is only a catholic doctrine, based on an interpretation of said scripture!
You stated that “not many speak to you” and that “you are reminded, that you cannot do this, and cannot do this, unless you are catholic!”
Then you went on to say, “Good thing Jesus didn’t treat people like this, huh?”.
I pointed out to you that you were out of line because the demeanor of the people during the mass has nothing to do with what is taking place. We do not socialize during the mass - we are there to celebrate the Eucharist which is the source and summit of our faith.
I also instructed you that the ONLY thing you are not permitted to parttake in during the mass as a non-Catholic is Communion. Your problem is that you won’t become a Catholic, yet you want to be able to parttake in Communion, which is a statement that you are in full communion with the Catholic Church.
You say that Jesus wouldn’t have treated people like this? WRONG.
How many non-believers were at the Last Supper? At the Ascension? You see - Jesus said the following about his Church:
"The one who listens to you listens to Me, and the one who rejects you rejects Me; and he who rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me" (Luke 10:16).
He didn’t say that about one single, rebellious Protestant sect - only about the ONE Church he established.
As for Purgatory - it is simply another Doctrine of the Church that centuries of Protestant sects have abandoned because of their spritual pridefulness. Rejecting Christian doctrines doesn’t make you right. In fact, all it makes you is a rebellious child of divorce . . .