True, fortunately I’m in the minor league as far as sin goes so the odd lie here, unkind word there would be quickly forgotten if I had to wait before confessing. My mind is not as it used to be. Another thing that is on my mind is not knowing for sure if the priest I’m confessing my little sins to is not one of those in the major pedophilia leagueSinning “out of the local church” is interesting indeed. Any ways, provision is made even for sins that you may have forgotten. But do you really believe that someone who commits adultery or steals on Monday or Tuesday forgets about that evil deed before Sunday? And, what about going to see the priest before Sunday?
Remember this: repentance, confession of sins and reparation have to go together. After stealing someone’s property, 1st repent, 2nd confess and 3rd give the property back to the rightful owner.
It is useless “repenting” and confessing your sin (to a priest or directly to God) while keeping the stolen property.