
Hi Phil, thanks for the welcome. Yes, you’re right there are disagreements among Protestants on Perseverance.Hey coach, I’ve seen you on other boards (Julie Staples, and the Envoy board). Welcome. It seems there are many disagreements among Protestants on this issue:
However, as one who has rejected it in the past, I couldn’t answer John 6, Romans 9 and Ephesians 1 (among others). I had to conclude that the Bible teaches Calvinism.
Well, I don’t know how dogmatic I am about it. I don’t hold that believing in TULIP is necessary to salvation. I do feel that it is the clear teaching of the Bible, although it is hard for our human egos to accept (“What!? I have no say in whether or not I go to heaven? That’s riduculous therefore I won’t verify whether or not the Bible teaches it.”)Just a quick search produced these links. Is it right to be so “dogmatic” on eternal security when so many of your fellow Protestants disagree?
Is it wrong for Neo-Conservative Catholics to speak ill of Traditionalists or the SSPX because there is disagreement there? I don’t see that it follows–if there is disagreement then one must not try to discuss an issue. Maybe you’d like to clarify?
God bless,