Part I (because this thing said I was too long I have divided it into two parts)
I have listened to about 30 of Joyce Myers published and taped lectures. I was first introduced to her about 15 years ago by a tennis friend who gave me a single tape to examine and added that she speaks plainly and bluntly as I do, but has a good message and would probably like her. I thanked her for the thoughtful gift and promptly tossed it aside. The playing season was over until fall season.
After the summer had passed and the tennis season was about to begin, I remembered the gift of the Joyce Meyers tape and fear of being asked about it since I had not listened to it, I plugged it in during my morning walk…the talk was on procrastination! Wow, it hit me between the eyes. It was like listening to your Mom on a good lesson for living daily life. Laced in the message was scripture and “love Jesus” stuff, but all and all, an uplifting, plain message for living life more fully as a Christian.
I am a cradle Catholic, went to eight years of Parochial school,and made my confirmation about the time Vatican II began to make changes in the mass. We began to have mass in the vernacular, which for us in Alabama was English. I was and am today as Catholic as it comes. However, during the next twenty years plus, the Ca*holic Church in the United States seemed to try to blend into a more protestant type forum in its instruction, CCD classes, RCIA (which was then called “Instruction Class”) and there was no formal Adult Education available. We grew up with the belief and understanding that the Catholic Church was the one true church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and since the deposit of faith was in place, we didn’t really need to worry about the details of theology, philosophy, logic…etc, just “love every one” “be kind to the earth” “be kind to your neighbor” “he ain’t heavy…” “plant a tree” “do a play” “sing folks songs from John Foley with the guitar” “Hey man, ain’t we nice folks”…type of evangelization.
There was no internet, no catholic library or book stores, no teaching from the pulpit as we know it today (ie: Scott Hahn, David Currie, Tim Staples, Tim Gray, Stephen Woods…Avery Dulles…etc., no sunday school for adults, no formal catechism (they actually told us to throw away the baltimore catechism which is where I learned most of the truths about God, Jesus, and the meaning of sin and grace!), and on and on in the generation of uncatechised Church! We went to mass, HolyCommunion, Confession, and gave a dollar at the collection and went to lunch with the family.
Meanwhile, the protestants were introducing Jesus and Holy Scriptures in an entertainment style right in line with our culture and what we spoiled Americans have come to expect…quick, emotional, fun, …etc. Being contrary to what was available for the average Catholic in the south, this put many on fire with the “Holy Spirit” and affected the way they lived their daily lives in a huge way. Since they were actually begining to incorporated Jesus into their lives, and it was fun, that seemed the perfect combination especially in a protestant community where you were a little odd if you said you were “Catholic”. The Catholic kids wanted to be protestant because everyone else was and they “knew” Jesus and seemed to be living it! So, if they are not going to hell for being protestant, why not “jump the fence” and worship with them?! And, they did! We lost so many Catholics because they really didn’t realise what it meant to be Catholic and was not Shepherded properly so they strayed.
Back to Joyce Meyers…she released tapes and books on individual “sins”, personal shortcomings, real problems people deal with on a daily basis like Anger, Resentment, Laziness, (actually the seven deadly/capital sins broken down individually) and offered solutions for growing in holiness and growing closer to Jesus. She would speak honestly about leadership, grief, sorrow, broken hearts, broken feelings and pain, and give concrete suggestions and hope for a better life based on Jesus and the scriptures all to prepare us for our heavenly reward. In comparison, it would be on the edge of our Catholic beliefs of “Redemptive Suffering”.
I began my second journey of holiness because of Joyce Meyer and I thank God she was there when there was nothing else offered. I didn’t see any Catholics fronting the crusade to save souls for Jesus! I didn’t see any books and tapes being released by Catholics and there was never suggested reading such as the beautiful Encyclicals of John Paul II and Theology of the body as we do today. After about four years of listening to her TV program and books and tapes, I was handed a conversion tape of Scott Hahn…who is he I wondered? This was rocket fuel for me and I am in another Catholic Universe and can’t get enough or get to all the material now available.