More so than the crowed that called for his execution? More so than those who beat him and physically nailed him to the cross? If you remember, those are the ones who Jesus was speaking when he said “Forgive them, they know not what they do.” But Judas, he knew, he knew and he knew that Jesus knew. At the Last supper this was evident.
The Deicide means the Death of God. And yes, it is true that the chief Priests, Pilate, Caiaphas, and all those that were complicit and called for the Death of Christ did commit the Deicide, in thought, in word, and in act.
However, the question concerning the matter of Judas is
a question of guilt, or of culpability. As the Sacred Scripture states:
“and the servant who was ignorant of his master’s will but acted in a way deserving of a severe beating shall be beaten only lightly. Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” - Luke 12:48.
“To whom much is given, much is demanded.” As I stated earlier, because he was part of the twelve disciples,
Judas had been given much. He received
knowledge due to being privy to Jesus’ most private lessons. He benefited from Christ’s love and example. For that fact, by being in the daily and constant company of Christ, Judas received greater
Grace; in very much the same way that St. Peter and St. John in comparison to the crowds of Jews and of Gentiles, received greater Grace. For that reason,
Judas had the responsibility of achieving greater sanctity.
In other to convey the above understanding, it is necessary that I provide some relevant examples.
Firstly, the Jews who had received the Decalogue and had formed an Alliance with God in the desert, had received the Old Law. The Pagans, however, had not. For that reason, God would have been stricter against the Jews, than against the Pagans.
Another case, is our revered religion, that of Catholicism. Catholicism, which is the truest form of Christianity, presents the Catholic with a fuller Grace in comparison to other Christian denominations. God will be stricter against the Catholic than against the Protestant, because the former has received greater Knowledge, and greater Grace. Greater Knowledge of God through the Magisterium, Tradition, and Sacred Scripture, and greater Grace through the Sacraments, the Marian devotions, and the Communion of Saints. Added to that, are a repository of two thousand years of civilization as evidenced in its intellectual life, its sacramental and artistic life, and the examples of countless Saints.
Consider, for instance, the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Blessed was born in the Immaculate Conception, that is,
she had the fullness of Grace. For this reason, she did not have the inclination to Sin. Her animal nature always was always subject to and obeyed her reason, and her spirit was always subservient to the Will of God. In comparison to the Catholic, and even to the Catholic Saint, Mary therefore had greater Grace, that is, greater Sanctity. Due to having received greater Grace, lived in greater sanctity, and exercised greater Justice, had Mary sinned, she would have had greater Sin, and greater Guilt, in comparison to the Catholic, and even to the Catholic Saint.
Finally, there is the Sin of the First Parents. Adam and Eve had been born in Paradise, innocent, intelligent, perfect, free, and not subject to mortality and the flesh. They had, hence, received the fulness of Grace.
Specifically, Adam and Eve were born in Paradise, where there was no Evil, and as such no cause for them to sin. For that reason, one act of Sin, was sufficient for them to lose their original Justice and Innocence. In regards to all humans born of woman, however, all of us who are born with the tinge, the inclination to Sin, God is understanding, and our multiple transgressions are not cause for us to lose our Salvation, unless we persist in sin, and reject God’s call and invitation to conversion.
All children of Adam, therefore, have extenuating circumstances due to the inclination to Evil inherited through Original Sin, as well as our Ignorance, and our mortality.
Mary, Adam, and Eve, had the fulness of Grace, and had no extenuating circumstances.
In Sacred Scripture, our Lord states the following:
“But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” - Matthew 5:28.
Our Lord also states the following:
“But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, unchastity, theft, false witness, blasphemy.” - Matthew 15:18-19
In other words, it is possible to sin in thought, in word, in act, in omission, and in intention. However,
it can be stated that Sin begins with thought, for thought governs will, and the will governs the inclination to act.