I too was a bit confused by your post. But I’ll try to paraphrase it in my own words, and perhaps you could tell me if I’m accurate.
You’re in a situation where you can only be intimate once/month because you are using NFP to avoid pregnancy. Since you can only enjoy it once/month you would rather just dump it altogether? And not be close to your wife at all?
If I’m accurate, I can tell you that “yes” this is common. But it is indicative of problems.
This is the beauty of NFP. It’s situations such as this that spurs you to make changes in your life. God is using your sexuality to motivate you to improve your marriage and family life. Satan tempts you to think that the problem is NFP. But if you trust the Church, then you KNOW that NFP cannot be the problem.
Then what changes CAN you make that would not be sinful?
Parenting styles?
Try to get pregnant?
Children’s activity schedules?
In my experience the sexual tensions between my wife and I lead to arguements. It’s kind of interesting because we’ll argue sporadically for days. Neither one of us will role over and “surrender” - we’re both way to bullheaded for that. But we can tell we’re making progress when the other person quits making the same arguements. Eventually we come to an understanding. Had it not been for “problems in bed” we would not have done the arguing, which is just another word for intense communication.
I too was a bit confused by your post. But I’ll try to paraphrase it in my own words, and perhaps you could tell me if I’m accurate.
You’re in a situation where you can only be intimate once/month because you are using NFP to avoid pregnancy. Since you can only enjoy it once/month you would rather just dump it altogether? And not be close to your wife at all?
If I’m accurate, I can tell you that “yes” this is common. But it is indicative of problems.
This is the beauty of NFP. It’s situations such as this that spurs you to make changes in your life. God is using your sexuality to motivate you to improve your marriage and family life. Satan tempts you to think that the problem is NFP. But if you trust the Church, then you KNOW that NFP cannot be the problem.
Then what changes CAN you make that would not be sinful?
Parenting styles?
Try to get pregnant?
Children’s activity schedules?
In my experience the sexual tensions between my wife and I lead to arguements. It’s kind of interesting because we’ll argue sporadically for days. Neither one of us will role over and “surrender” - we’re both way to bullheaded for that. But we can tell we’re making progress when the other person quits making the same arguements. Eventually we come to an understanding. Had it not been for “problems in bed” we would not have done the arguing, which is just another word for intense communication.