So I have to ask, as you appear to be very familiar with the details of NFP - *what are my wife and I missing here?! *Where do we need to look within NFP to figure out what we’re doing wrong? Is there such a thing as being too cautious (as it seems we are) based on her “physical signs” she checks to tell us if we’re “safe”? If there is help here, we have a few years of catching up to do!
The Church doesn’t teach that “if you cannot afford to get pregnant then you must use NFP”…
NFP is only information.
Before science revealed the details of NFP, married couples would choose to abstain completely if they felt they could not handle more children. NFP is a gift that allows married couples to have marital relations (which is an integral part of a strong marriage) when they’d otherwise choose to be celebate.
Reading your posts… I would say your largest problem is your particular work/schedule situation and a realationship issue between you and your wife… not the NFP.
Let me pose some other questions…
How long have you used NFP?
Was this a conversion from using artificial BC in the past?
Has this problem been ongoing, or is it fairly new (in recent years)?
My basic point is… there are MANY of us who use NFP that are enjoying marital relations many, many times a month.
It’s NOT the NFP that’s a problem… I guarantee.