When I was in my early 30’s after having 2 children…I felt the same way. Pregnancy is no trip to the beach. We also were concerned about our finances…and having more children would stretch us to the limits. To be quite honest…this was my fear…getting pregnant again, and again, and again. I worked outside the home…in this economy it just “is” that way. At 31 I thought I was pregnant again…turns out it was fibroid and I had a hysterectomy. It was a relief to me and to my hubby.
That was 18 yrs. ago…and our “intimacy” is 100% improved. And I am more receptive because I know I can’t get pregnant. I think if most women do a little soul searching, they will find it’s not "I have a headache, I’m not interested, I’m tired…etc. It’s “no way am I going to risk getting pregnant again”. No more measuring, temp taking, charting, wondering…it just ain’t gonna happen.
My husband does all the wonderful things described by some of the men here. Cooks, cleans, changed his work shift, so he could care for the babies during the night while I slept. I often felt horrible making excuses to him…when in my heart, I really, really, wanted to be with him…anytime, anywhere.
Now that is no longer an issue…life is great.
Talk to your wife and get the bottom of this.