Lack of Desire

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That is one area I think we do have worked out for when she’ll let me…😃
Thats good. My biggest problem is with NFP. After having twins 5 years ago, my wife is scared to death of having any more. We have 4 children now. She won’t let me breath on her anywhere around her fertility days. Thats like the best time :rolleyes: Tim
She won’t let me breath on her anywhere around her fertility days. Thats like the best time :rolleyes: Tim
It’s true, it’s the best time.

Sometimes, my wife confuses the **** out of me.
Here’s how: During her fertile cycle, she would tease me a bit. Due to her fertility, she would be a bit aroused (I can understand that, biologically her body wants to pro-create during this time), but then back off, since we are using NFP…but then when the non-fertile time arrives, she’s just not interested, even with my advances…How’s that for confused and mixed signals!!!

It’s true, it’s the best time.

Sometimes, my wife confuses the **** out of me.
Here’s how: During her fertile cycle, she would tease me a bit. Due to her fertility, she would be a bit aroused (I can understand that, biologically her body wants to pro-create during this time), but then back off, since we are using NFP…but then when the non-fertile time arrives, she’s just not interested, even with my advances…How’s that for confused and mixed signals!!!

That, my man, is how it goes - pure hormones and probably the same with all of us. You’re right - biological!
That, my man, is how it goes - pure hormones and probably the same with all of us. You’re right - biological!
Do they know that they drive us nuts?

Oh, by the way, thanks to whomever ****'ed out my word-use up there, sorry! 🙂
In case you did not know, over at (steve Ray’s site), the forum has a private married only NFP board, and a private men’s only area. You gentlemen might find some good support over there, and be able to discuss things in depth…
Funny, my wife calls and says she wants to get pizza on the way home from stations of the cross tonight and all I can think about is what are my chances.:hmmm:
Thats good. My biggest problem is with NFP. After having twins 5 years ago, my wife is scared to death of having any more. We have 4 children now. She won’t let me breath on her anywhere around her fertility days. Thats like the best time :rolleyes: Tim
When I was in my early 30’s after having 2 children…I felt the same way. Pregnancy is no trip to the beach. We also were concerned about our finances…and having more children would stretch us to the limits. To be quite honest…this was my fear…getting pregnant again, and again, and again. I worked outside the home…in this economy it just “is” that way. At 31 I thought I was pregnant again…turns out it was fibroid and I had a hysterectomy. It was a relief to me and to my hubby.

That was 18 yrs. ago…and our “intimacy” is 100% improved. And I am more receptive because I know I can’t get pregnant. I think if most women do a little soul searching, they will find it’s not "I have a headache, I’m not interested, I’m tired…etc. It’s “no way am I going to risk getting pregnant again”. No more measuring, temp taking, charting, wondering…it just ain’t gonna happen.

My husband does all the wonderful things described by some of the men here. Cooks, cleans, changed his work shift, so he could care for the babies during the night while I slept. I often felt horrible making excuses to him…when in my heart, I really, really, wanted to be with him…anytime, anywhere.

Now that is no longer an issue…life is great.

Talk to your wife and get the bottom of this.
She carried the twins full term and had a vertical c- section. Now she is finishing up her degree and working the first time in 15 years. She REALLY wants to avoid pregnancy. Thanks, Tim
When I was in my early 30’s after having 2 children…I felt the same way. Pregnancy is no trip to the beach. We also were concerned about our finances…and having more children would stretch us to the limits. To be quite honest…this was my fear…getting pregnant again, and again, and again. I worked outside the home…in this economy it just “is” that way. At 31 I thought I was pregnant again…turns out it was fibroid and I had a hysterectomy. It was a relief to me and to my hubby.

That was 18 yrs. ago…and our “intimacy” is 100% improved. And I am more receptive because I know I can’t get pregnant. I think if most women do a little soul searching, they will find it’s not "I have a headache, I’m not interested, I’m tired…etc. It’s “no way am I going to risk getting pregnant again”. No more measuring, temp taking, charting, wondering…it just ain’t gonna happen.

My husband does all the wonderful things described by some of the men here. Cooks, cleans, changed his work shift, so he could care for the babies during the night while I slept. I often felt horrible making excuses to him…when in my heart, I really, really, wanted to be with him…anytime, anywhere.

Now that is no longer an issue…life is great.

Talk to your wife and get the bottom of this.
Thank you Julianna for the post and for your honesty. I appreciate that very much. It makes me, andthe other guys here, I’m sure, feel better knowing that there is light and hope.

A personal observation:
It’s a bit concerning for me that the better intimacy happened only when there were no more chance of getting pregnant, since we have quite a few years to go before something like that happens naturally.

I truly hope that we can find other ways to sort out this problem, although I cannot see how, since the only option is NFP…
Thank you Julianna for the post and for your honesty. I appreciate that very much. It makes me, andthe other guys here, I’m sure, feel better knowing that there is light and hope.

A personal observation:
It’s a bit concerning for me that the better intimacy happened only when there were no more chance of getting pregnant, since we have quite a few years to go before something like that happens naturally.

I truly hope that we can find other ways to sort out this problem, although I cannot see how, since the only option is NFP…
It has been growing on me throughout a recent and on-going conversion in life, I guess, (and this forum) that the only answers are prayer and communication - prayer to be able to bear and understand the burden, resist sin and ask forgiveness, and communication to at least let my wife know how I feel. Praying has been hard and that is easier than discussing this with my wife even as loving and understanding as she can be. I am going to a healing mass tonight for this and other reasons and will keep everyone in my prayers. God bless to all.
searching, I can’t imagine that premature ejaculation could be considered anything other than an accident, and considering how rarely you can make time and how anxious the two of you are, it’s going to happen now and then. Doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be another chance available in 20 minutes or so, though 😉 As to pleasing – ah, ‘finishing’ – your wife before or after intercourse, it makes little to no actual difference to the chance of conception (if anything it might increase it very slightly) so I’d say it should still fall within the boundaries of the marital act – hey, foreplay still counts 😉 If a little ‘afterplay’ is necessary for her, I suggest you do it, frustration is nothing to belittle in men or women! I can’t remember any particular restriction on that in Catholic teaching; anyone with more current information know any different?

It sounds like you’re on the right track going out on dates, getting some time away and alone. If you think the two of you need counseling, I’d suggest one who isn’t Catholic but Catholic-friendly – by the nature of their job, counselors are often seen as authority figures, and your wife sounds plenty nervous without fear of feeling judged as ‘not Catholic enough’, whether or not that’s the counselor’s intention. Talking to a priest could help too – actually, more than one, some of these questions are a little esoteric, and just one priest might not have all the answers ready to go.
I didn’t read all of the replies, but I’m going to tell the OP this:


Get rid of it. Have the children, if that’s what happens! You’ll both enjoy sex MUCH MORE!

…needless to say, I’m not a big fan of “NFP”…
Thank you Julianna for the post and for your honesty. I appreciate that very much. It makes me, andthe other guys here, I’m sure, feel better knowing that there is light and hope.

A personal observation:
It’s a bit concerning for me that the better intimacy happened only when there were no more chance of getting pregnant, since we have quite a few years to go before something like that happens naturally.

I truly hope that we can find other ways to sort out this problem, although I cannot see how, since the only option is NFP…
For us NFP kills spontaniaty (sp). I could not take the pill as it messed with my pyschie and made me gain weight…20 lbs. in a year. So that wasn’t working. We had to move on to something else…and that also killed spontaniaty as well. I was a nervous wreck because I had to tell my husband “no”, even if I was really thinking “yes”. After our second child, we were trying to buy a house and that was stressful in itself. We moved into my parents house right after the second one was born, and stayed a month until the house we bought was ready to move in. If you have never moved with a 21 month old and a month old infant…my advice, don’t try it. After we were settled in I realized…oh great…my desire (after the baby) has returned red hot, and we are back to playing baby roulette. I was a basket case. My husband never knew. I understand why some women don’t share this with their husbands…especially if they are in total lock step with church teaching. Please know that I believe your wife loves you very much and wants to be with you. NFP has to be followed to the letter or it doesn’t work. Charting and temp taking are frustrating at best…and there is always a margin of error, and in 9 months you will know what it is. This is very stressful. I know people on here may think I am hard hard-hearted. But in my family’s case…it boiled down to pure economics. Can we afford another child? We now have 2 in college, and that is yet another expense…if we had 3 or more…more than likely none of them would be able to go unless they went into the military.

IMHO, your sex life is “your” business. The nay sayers on here, (mostly men) haven’t a clue what it is like to carry a child and all the biological changes that go with it. They don’t understand that to play you must pay…and it is the women who has the bulk of the work. Just look around your parish on Sunday, how many mega-children families do you see? A scant few with more than 3 kids. I do think you need to talk to your wife and point blank ask her if that is why she is turned off. It is not a sin to say, “yes”, I’m scared to death of having another child that we can’t afford, or I my preganancies were complicated and I am having a rough time thinking about going through it again. You will find, it is NOT “you”. She loves you and she loves the church…she is in a tug of war. Your prayfulness, understanding, and as Mirdath has made some great suggestions. I wish you well.
Cynic asked about “rights” and those are what I discussed. 🙂
I didn’t mean person(s) don’t or shouldn’t have the right (as in legal right) to withdraw from the relationship. Just wondering whether this is the er…right…thing to do. Is it fair, to expect the other to live a life in cold isolation in what will be, at best, a platonic freindship, with no effort to to rekindle the romantic side of the relationship, and no desire to? I think a lot of women marry men thinkign of them as a second dad, without actually that much attraction involved (and in some cases even fondness for him), as some sort of nieve young-women need to be loved thang. As they get older they grow out of this need, and the husband is left completely alone, as it were, with absolutely nothing he can do about this, nothing that at all, she views the marriage (and any relations within it) as a cross to bear, and he’s left feeling like garbage. If this sounds like a bit of an extreme generalisation then I guess it is, but some women just aren’t being honest with men and themselves about what is they want (or most likely don’t want)
I didn’t mean person(s) don’t or shouldn’t have the right (as in legal right) to withdraw from the relationship. Just wondering whether this is the er…right…thing to do. Is it fair, to expect the other to live a life in cold isolation in what will be, at best, a platonic freindship, with no effort to to rekindle the romantic side of the relationship, and no desire to? I think a lot of women marry men thinkign of them as a second dad, without actually that much attraction involved (and in some cases even fondness for him), as some sort of nieve young-women need to be loved thang. As they get older they grow out of this need, and the husband is left completely alone, as it were, with absolutely nothing he can do about this, nothing that at all, she views the marriage (and any relations within it) as a cross to bear, and he’s left feeling like garbage. If this sounds like a bit of an extreme generalisation then I guess it is, but some women just aren’t being honest with men and themselves about what is they want (or most likely don’t want)
I think that this could be an indication that someone is married to a spouse that is very selfish. There is no cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all explanation why some people get married when they have no interest in being intimate, but sometimes I think it does boil down to being selfish. Sex between a husband and a wife is supposed to be a total gift of self, but unfortunately sometimes one of those spouses might not be willing to be that giving. You’re right that one spouse should not be left feeling unwanted and like garbage.

I’m not really what the right answer is. I think the spouse who is left feeling unwanted ought to really try to communicate with the other. I don’t think that they should just let them off the hook. Ultimately marriage is about helping each other make it to heaven. To reject a spouse and leave him or her open to temptation is to neglect your duty. By the same token, allowing one’s spouse to live day after day, month after month, in a selfish state with no consequences is dropping the ball on one’s duty to help one’s spouse become more holy. Again, I have no idea what the right answer is. I guess one needs to review one’s marriage and consider what is best for everyone involved. I do think though that if one party entered into marriage without the expectation of being sexually available to the other party, then perhaps that marriage might not be valid.
I didn’t mean person(s) don’t or shouldn’t have the right (as in legal right) to withdraw from the relationship. Just wondering whether this is the er…right…thing to do. Is it fair, to expect the other to live a life in cold isolation in what will be, at best, a platonic freindship, with no effort to to rekindle the romantic side of the relationship, and no desire to? I think a lot of women marry men thinkign of them as a second dad, without actually that much attraction involved (and in some cases even fondness for him), as some sort of nieve young-women need to be loved thang. As they get older they grow out of this need, and the husband is left completely alone, as it were, with absolutely nothing he can do about this, nothing that at all, she views the marriage (and any relations within it) as a cross to bear, and he’s left feeling like garbage. If this sounds like a bit of an extreme generalisation then I guess it is, but some women just aren’t being honest with men and themselves about what is they want (or most likely don’t want)
cynic said:

Now, you’re quite right that a loveless marriage is a sad and unfair thing, but once again, you’re applying at most a couplefew experiences to more than three billion people. Maybe you were involved with a woman who grew distant for whatever reason or maybe even had some Electra-complex issues. I don’t know, and you haven’t offered any backstory there – but to say ‘women in general are like this’ is completely unfounded and unfair itself.

Sure, some women aren’t honest with men about their ideals for a relationship, but guess what, that goes both ways. If, perhaps, you had been honest about what you wanted it wouldn’t have turned out like that, no? Immaturity in any form is not limited to women, and to imply otherwise speaks volumes on your own faculties in that regard.
In general though, men can and do like the woman they are married to, as individuals - while women tend to want more of a generalised male figure in their lives (as long as he’s not a loser). I think that’s it… most of the time.
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