Woo hoo…now I have enough power to lead to divisions in the church…
Let’s be realistic…thinking that extending hands in blessing is not a bad thing, or done with bad intentions is not what leads to divisions in the church.
But I feel quite gratified to know that I carry such weight on an internet message board
Reread my comment - you don’t have the power - your arguments do:
“What’s uncharitable is to make arguments like yours that twist logic and lead to divisions in the Church.”
Arguments like the one you are making most certainly have led to divisions - some people think they or the priests can do anything in the Mass. You don’t think that nuns giving homilies has been divisive? You don’t think changing the words of consecration has been divisive? Read this thread - you can’t tell it’s divisive? Reread loads of the threads here and tell me there is no divisiveness due to the abuses of the liturgy - all of which are supported by arguments like yours.
What right do those who think like you have to make these innovations? Because they’re not prohibited??? Because they think they are not aliturgical - despite what others think?
People who think like you are tearing the very fabric of the Church. People who think like you are most uncharitable because you are unjustly tampering with things you have no right to tamper with. You are substituting your idea of what Mass should be for the Church’s. You are aggregating to yourself the right to do what you think is appropriate at the expense of the Church and everyone else.
No, these arguments you profer are dangerous, uncharitable and have torn at the fabric of the Church for too long.
Be sure, I’m not attacking you. I am attacking your arguments.