I’m going to call 'em as I see it. If you can’t or won’t see what has been foisted on the Church by those who believe as you seem to, so be it. Oddly, the folks who think like you have simply ignored Rome, ignored the rubrics and made disingenuous arguments to continue as they want. That’s the fact of the last 40 years.Ah and here is where the whole thing really rests! You’re fed up and you’re not going to take it any more. And you’re going to decide which things have “gone too far” when the Church, whose job it is to do so, has clearly not done so. And anyone who disagrees with where you draw the line is intellectually dishonest and “rejecting Rome”.
QED You throw out that quote as some sort of talisman. But, perhaps it applies to you? You have the ability to think separately and impose motions and acts as you see fit. You are not bound by dear old Hidebound Roman limitations. No my friend - check the “beam in your eye.”You can make all the charges you want against me of “intellectual dishonesty” and make all the implications you want that I’m impious, lack devotion, want to hijack and tear apart the Church, and all the other “thank you for not making me like those other siners” statements you want.
I’ve never claimed to be a “better Catholic.” You have decided I said that but I haven’t. I have pointed out problems with your reasoning, etc. I’m glad to see that what you determine as “my” is all that matters. Perhaps you need to learn what the Church teaches.I will let my devotion to the Church, my piety, my adherence to the gospel, and my love of my fellow man speak for themselves. If you really feel you’re in a position to start proclaiming yourself a “better Catholic” than me–or anyone else for that matter–you might want to go spend some time with the Catechism and chatting with your priest or spiritual director.
I never said I wanted hands folded - you did. Reread the posts. I said I wanted the Wave and hooah cheers. I guess you think they’re OK. I, of course, was sarcastic, but…As to intellectual dishonesty, if you want to quote chapter and verse to me to tell me something can’t be done and then claim I’m being dishonest for bringing up that what YOU want to do can’t be done according to the same documents because the documents just don’t address the subject, then so be it.
Well, I sure haven’t met them in the last 40 years, but I guess they are there. The ones I have met tend to be the most arrogant and selfrighteous folks I’ve ever met.Believe it or not, there are people out here who are committed and devoted, intellectually honest and knowledgeable of scripture and theology who just don’t agree with you. I can respect your opinions–as opinions–without having to agree with them. And I can do it without having to be disrespectful of you or judge your motivations or devotion.
'guy"? Makes wonder what you believe about Jesus. But, I won’t be shocked no matter what it is.I’m not going to take this any further off-thread. I really don’t care about this particular subject one way or another, but I definitely do care about the Church being torn apart by people on either side thinking that criticizing each other’s prayerful positions–or how we receive communion, or whether or not women wear head covering–is an “ok” thing to be doing. It is “looking at the bowl without looking at the contents” in the worst possible way, and the guy I follow in my religion had an awful lot to say about that stuff.
Back at yaPeace,