The article in the News & Observer is about my parish. The priest there is very orthodox. He was a healing balm that soothed my battle -weary heart after leaving my old parish. This priest has very reverent masses -no matter which one he is celebrating. His homilies are straight forward and no-nonsense!! If only every priest had such courage!!! In the last six months, I have heard homilies on confession, living in sin, abortion, the rubics of the mass, why Latin is encouraged ( he even read from Vatican II documents), marriage, voting, and many other important topics. This is a great priest!!!
A few comments on the Latin Mass. It is a very quiet mass. I can see why they use to talk about little old ladies reading their prayer books. It’s harder for children to sit still during a Latin Mass, or maybe you notice their fidgiting more because its so quiet. We’re not required to wear veils, or dresses, however; many families in our church choose to do so. But then, a lot of the famiies in our parish agree 100% with the Pope and Cardinal Ratzinger on women’s roles in society.
All in all, I think everyone should attend Latin Mass at least occasionally. It’s our heritage. It helps us to understand older folks, and old writings. Hey, it even helps us understand old Catholic movies.