This is precisely how I feel. Attend whatever liturgy you wish. Just stop the constant harping on the superiority of the one over the other. The Mass of Paul VI is promulgated for the whole Church, but an Indult can be granted for the TLM and I suppose the MPVI in Latin. If your bishop won’t grant an Indult, that’s not the fault of those of us who are attached to the MPVI. We’re sorry, we feel bad for you, we would hate to be in that position ourselves (and so, as I said earlier, many of us are supportive of the Indult, out of empathy), but don’t strain the sympathy/empathy we feel by disparaging the MPVI. If you want to criticize a lack of attention to the rubrics, fine, but stop dumping on the character of the MPVI. I tried to explain that earlier. It isn’t that we DON’T want you to attend the TLM, it’s just that we don’t want to attend it.Look, again, I have no problem with the Tridentine or those who prefer it. I don’t prefer it but I don’t think it’s bad. Why does ever difference have to be a bad thing? Argh! These arguments are just about as old as the Mass!