And it is true that individuals make up the institutional church is it not? Are you going to tell me that the institutional church has never made errors at all? History would not in any way shape or form support that argument.The thing is, the Church, the Institutional Visible Society Hierarchically Structured Bride of Christ, CANNOT be in error or wrong. It is spotless. It is our Holy Mother and we are to submit to her and to the Vicar of Christ with full assent of will.
Individuals within the Church can be, and sometimes are, wrong or in error.
Papal Infallability is limited of course, but we are still to give assents of the will to all Papal pronouncements and documents.
That belief is the very reason all the problems that came about did so. People confuse the physical institutional church with the mystical body of the church. They confuse the physical with the spiritual. They are not the same thing. Connected yes, but not the same.
I think what is really ment is that errors will not prevail in the end. It doesn’t mean that the church won’t make mistakes. It means that those mistakes, man made mistakes, will not last forever and will be corrected