Lawyers: We can't find parents of 545 kids separated by Trump administration

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Please prove they were separated at the border. Otherwise, this statement is scurrilous.
Uh . . . the government has admitted to this policy?

“The administration later confirmed that it had actually begun separating families in 2017 along some parts of the border under a pilot program.”
Uh . . . the government has admitted to this policy?

“The administration later confirmed that it had actually begun separating families in 2017 along some parts of the border under a pilot program.”
Maybe parental abuse is involved too, stories have already been posted that children are used as “mules” on the border. Just coming across appears to be participating in a crime.

I note too, nobody was killed in this so-called family separation, but people have been killed by what comes across the border.
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There was a stated reason for the separation. It was to discourage others from coming.
It has to do with “welfare” versus “incarceration”. The Ninth Circuit ruled that adults being held by the government are “incarcerated” by the very fact that they’re being held. Minors cannot be “incarcerated” but must be cared for by the government. That automatically precludes them being held together, at least initially. People really should read the “Flores” decisions, especially the more recent ones which are against Loretta Lynch.
There will be bumps in the road with the border.

But do not those who are in favor of a lenient border control ultimately see more people die as a result of that?

Some professor at UTEP, Univ. of Texas at El Paso, no immigration-hawk, has chronicled what these people go through coming up here, some of the stories are horror stories.

There have been kidnaps of migrants, even massacres by the cartels. If the border was sealed up, there would be much less of this. Who is truly in favor of aiding the migrants vs. making human trafficking more lucrative?

The Border Patrol probably try to do the best they can under trying circumstances.
But they did find the parents in most of those cases.

See article and also, I don’t know if proof exists the parents ever left Mexico or whatever other country.

There really is no reason to absolutely believe the reports .
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But they did find the parents in most of those cases. So, you are posting something false, seriously.
I said it was (rhetorically) criminal to separate kids from parents at the border without a way to reunite all of them. Do you not think that’s a true statement? Do you think it’s okay to separate kids from parents with no chance of them being reunited?

By the way, it’s wrong whether Obama did it or Trump did it. It’s simply wrong.
Whatever is hostile to life itself, such as any kind of homicide, genocide, abortion, euthanasia and voluntary suicide; whatever violates the integrity of the human person, such as mutilation, physical and mental torture and attempts to coerce the spirit; whatever is offensive to human dignity, such as subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution and trafficking in women and children; degrading conditions of work which treat labourers as mere instruments of profit, and not as free responsible persons: all these and the like are a disgrace, and so long as they infect human civilization they contaminate those who inflict them more than those who suffer injustice, and they are a negation of the honour due to the Creator”.132
The narrative of separated at the border is now questionable, Coyotes bring these people across, so in every case the whole family is there?

Yet they contacted something like 480 plus of the families and they don’t want the children back?

The story is not holding up.

Also, what we are hearing may be the ACLU saying this. For many, not a trusted source.
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These people largely aren’t seeking asylum. They’re seeking economic opportunity to the detriment of America’s working poor. Americas first duty is to its own citizens, not the rest of the world.
I’ll fix that for you
They are seeking economic opportunity through the guise of seeking asylum.

Great example was the tragic photo of the man who drowned with his toddler. Turned out he was gainfully employed back home, living with relatives. But he crossed illegally so he could quickly amass the money to buy a house back home.
Parts of this story remind me of the story of Moses, where his mother set him in the river in a basket because she would rather he be raised by Egyptians than be killed as a Jew.
Great example was the tragic photo of the man who drowned with his toddler. Turned out he was gainfully employed back home, living with relatives. But he crossed illegally so he could quickly amass the money to buy a house back home.
Oftentimes the objective is simply to live better than the “Joneses” back in the home country; to have a bigger house; to have a business, etc; motives we would consider unworthy if we were talking about Americans going to “get ahead” by working in, say, Kuwait…
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Oftentimes the objective is simply to live better than the “Joneses” back in the home country; to have a bigger house; to have a business, etc; motives we would consider unworthy if we were talking about Americans going to “get ahead” by working in, say, Kuwait…
Nothing wrong with the motives, if the action was legal.
Nothing wrong with working in Kuwait legally, if you got the skills they want.

My objection is the how illegals are misrepresented to garner sympathy,
that they are simply fleeing persecutions rather than just chasing $$$
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