… I can tell you that many, many people’s opinions of what is good music for the Catholic Mass has more to do with personal preference than with anything else. … One person’s experience may be enhanced only by traditional hymns; someone else may find that style meaningless, but be terrifically moved by a more “contemporary” style of music.
A few more observations based on the quote I included … I know SO many teens who are bored with Mass, and who would leave for a Protestant contemporary worship service if they could. It is irresponsible of any parish to ignore this desire on their part. The church has always endorsed the adaptation (within limits, of course) of the liturgy to meet the needs of the culture it functions within. Yes, there are things that should not change - many of them. But style of music is one of the adaptable things.
Also, I definitely agree with the comment about singability…
My last comment, I promise - what’s wrong with including Protestant hymns, as long as they do not contradict Catholic doctrine? Sounds like a prejudice to me…
… this is a topic which touches me deeply! Thanks for listening to my rant!
Thank you for your kind words! And looking back on my post, I’ve also realized that it’s not just youth who are lacking something when it comes to music. There are so many adults who attend mass and are
not filled. We find that our “youth mass” has many adults in it, the majority of them don’t have youth-aged children. (And it’s a jam-packed mass!) We find that it’s not only youth who are moved to tears, but adults too! Songs like Shout to the Lord and Sanctuary and I Can Only Imagine (yes, that song that you hear on the radio sometimes!) have moved the entire congregation to tears.
Of course, I believe that the mass is large enough to hold those who love modern christian worship-style drums & guitar music as well as those who love the traditional hymn mass,
and those who love the gregorian chant!
Just because I really love these two songs (and because I’m listening to a CD of them right now… hehe.), I posted the lyrics. We sing the second song, Sanctuary, every Sunday right before communion (after the Lamb of God). It’s the song that every member of the 5:00pm mass knows extremely well. The first song here, Shout to the Lord, is a favorite too.
Shout to the Lord
My Jesus, My Savior,
Lord there is none like you,
All of my days
I want to praise
The wonders of your mighty love
My comfort, my shelter
Tower of refuge and strength!
Let every breath; all that I am (!!)
Never cease worship you!!!
Oh, Shout to the Lord,
All the earth let us sing!
Power and Majesty,
Praise to the King!
Mountains bow down
And the seas will roar
At the sound of your name!
I sing for joy at the work of your hands!
Forever I’ll love you,
For ever I’ll stand.
Nothing compares to the promise I have
in you…
Lord prepare me
to be a sanctuary
Pure and Holy
Tried and True
In thanksgiving
I’ll be a living
For you.
Make my life
A living sacrifice
Holy and acceptable
to you, Oh Lord
Make my life
A living sacrifice
Knowing it’s the least
that I can do.