Let’s Blame Mother Earth..... really?

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This is a big problem for all Catholics.

No, it’s not a big problem for “all” Catholics. Many see it as a very good thing that the Pope is willing to speak about a major contemporary issue that affects the life and dignity of billions of people.

As far as the language: it’s known as “personification” and many saints (including St Francis, whom the Holy Father took the name of) have spoken in this way about nature. It’s completely and absolutely a non-issue.

The person in the video - it would appear - is intentionally playing dumb in order to drive a wedge between their political views and the Pope’s views. If you don’t agree with the Pope: okay. I’m sorry to hear that. Many Catholics do. Many non-Catholics do.
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That’s in 2016. So I would love to see something addressing the mayhem with the coronavirus and the shut downs of the holy mass today.
Why the church leaders: because they are our leaders and ultimately the ones responsible for the good the bad and the ugly in the church. They set the precedent or should at least for all of the laity.
Let’s hear your full thoughts on it. Maybe your reading comprehension is better than mine.
Ludwig Ott actually does go into the importance of what is said and how it is said to prevent heretical comprehension wether intentional or not.
It is indeed important. Supremely important. In the correct situation and in the correct context.

Human beings are not machines. We share a rational soul with the angels and we have bodies with passions. It is sadly mistaken to think our problems would go away if our clergy and lay speakers refrained from all forms of language except highly precise, laser-focused language. There needs to be a balance and a synthesis of all of these forms of language.

A handful of people might walk away confused. A far larger number might walk away inspired. It’s always a give-and-take and the reality is that we can never completely control how people are going to react to anything that is being said.
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Ludwig Ott actually does go into the importance of what is said and how it is said to prevent heretical comprehension wether intentional or not.
There is a solidarity among all creatures arising from the fact that all have the same Creator and are all ordered to his glory: May you be praised, O Lord, in all your creatures, especially brother sun, by whom you give us light for the day; he is beautiful, radiating great splendor, and offering us a symbol of you, the Most High. . .

May you be praised, my Lord, for sister water, who is very useful and humble, precious and chaste. . .
May you be praised, my Lord, for sister earth, our mother, who bears and feeds us, and produces the variety of fruits and dappled flowers and grasses. . .
Praise and bless my Lord, give thanks and serve him in all humility.
(CCC 344)

The harmony in which they had found themselves, thanks to original justice, is now destroyed: the control of the soul’s spiritual faculties over the body is shattered; the union of man and woman becomes subject to tensions, their relations henceforth marked by lust and domination.282 Harmony with creation is broken: visible creation has become alien and hostile to man.283 Because of man, creation is now subject “to its bondage to decay”.284 Finally, the consequence explicitly foretold for this disobedience will come true: man will “return to the ground”,285 for out of it he was taken. Death makes its entrance into human history .286 (CCC400)

In what way is the Pope being ambiguous in his description of what’s happening? It is very clear to me.
In what way is the Pope being ambiguous in his description of what’s happening? It is very clear to me
Your post (and your excellent quotes from the Catechism) shows part of the real problem, IMHO.

The makers of this video are presumably reasonably educated in the faith. Certainly they hold themselves out to be. So they MUST know that the kind of symbolic language used by the Pope has been used for literally thousands of years by Saints and Popes, and Catholics of all stripes. So, either they are not educated (despite holding themselves out as such) or they are straining for reasons to attack the Pope. A quick look at this person’s website answers that question for me. My advice is to stay away.
There’s another thread about this topic here:
Pope blames coronavirus on Environmental damage Catholic News
You can watch the video here:
This word keeps appearing in posts about Pope Francis:
against heresy and problems like this
heretical comprehension
Wow..... I can only hope this isn’t true Liturgy and Sacraments
Apparently well enough cannot be left alone.
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It’s Taylor Marshall, I automatically don’t believe it. I called him out on misquoting Pope Francis once, and do you know what he did? Deleted my comment from his website. It’s clear to me, he’s not trying to be objective. This is sensationalism at its worst
He could also say that the Trinity has been upgraded to a quartet
The Holy Trinity is and always will be +Father, Son and Holy Spirit and NEVER a quartet. That’s why many faithful Catholics get concerned. They love the Holy Father and want the best for him but let’s face it, most of them have a hard time understanding what he says. I’m fairly well versed in the Faith and I still have a hard time understanding him.
but let’s face it, most of them have a hard time understanding what he says.
I dispute the ‘most’ part. I personally have been so spiritually enriched by perceiving Catholic life through the papacy of Pope Francis. I’ve never met anyone in real life who regards him with caution as not being properly orthodox. The only people I have met that reject him are hard and fast anti Catholics.
Well you should probably watch the video see what research he uses to back it up and then decide if you don’t believe it. He has a lot of compelling evidence that he has uses to back up his position including the tradition of the church, scripture, Ludwig Ott etc…
What the Pope seems to imply is that the earth can make it’s own decisions instead of God being in 100% control of the earth
Oh, good grief. Mother Earth, like Mother Nature, is a very common figure of speech. To try to turn it into heresy is beyond a stretch. :roll_eyes:
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Did you watch the video or read the interview. It really is not a stretch… it is the literal thing that he says.
Yes, this is true, but considering what happened at the Amazon Synod (where the Amazon indians literally bowed to an idol on Vatican grounds. The same idol that was in one of God’s churches, the same one that was rightfully chucked into the river) it has many faithful on edge about Pope Francis and his management of Jesus’ flock.
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There is no hate.
There is concern. As there has been throughout history. If we stop caring about orthodoxy and never stand up for it and create those hard discussions than were not doing our jobs as Catholics. Obviously not everybody has to do this to the same extent, but to simply shrug off or even talk down about those who do out of concern for the church is not charitable nor prudent.
It’s a stretch to expect anyone to watch Taylor Marshall. Is there a transcript? Everything I’ve seen about this interview doesn’t contain heresy—it’s certainly not heretical to refer to Mother Earth.
What the Pope seems to imply is that the earth can make it’s own decisions instead of God being in 100% control of the earth. Thus deifying the earth (making it into the Nachomama the Amazonian pagans worship).
Without watching the video (because there is no way I’m giving Taylor Marshall any ‘views’) I’ve looked at excerpts from this interview. And the pope doesn’t imply anything heretical in any transcript I’ve seen so far.
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