Let’s Blame Mother Earth..... really?

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How many languages do you speak?
Can you see in the article “the pachamama ”?
Since when do we write proper nouns preceded by “the” and without using capital letters?

the zeus and the hera and the apollo …
the johnny and the mary went to the movies.

Since what is written in the article is what it is: a noun, and not a proper noun.
Were it referring to an historical goddess which is not the case , it would have taken capital letters.

Can you speak Quechuan?
The noun “pacha” means earth the word mama means “mother”. Same as in German many words are made from a couple or more words together to make one word.
There is no way you’ll understand it seems because you ve already made up your mind , not because it isn’t spelled out ,and this was my last attempt of a language lesson to native speakers who definitely know or should know more than me about your own language.
So if you are going to pick that article, from Vatican . Va please read it as it is written.
I don’t really care any more about it but it is kind of easy to grasp : nouns and proper nouns
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But were in fact idols, and were in fact venerated whether intentionally or not by catholic Leaders.
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But we’re in fact idols, and we’re in fact venerated whether intentionally or not by catholic Leaders.
No, they almost certainly are not. Why would any Catholics bring an idol to a ceremony at the Vatican? They weren’t random pagan Amazonians.
I also give my earlier advice to you as well
Kei . . .
It literally quotes him as saying that they were there without idolatrous intent.
Yes but I don’t think that is a good argument about anything.

Popes are people too and do not know what is in people’s hearts.
Popes have no way of knowing people’s intentions.

You might say . . . “Well someone TOLD the Pope of their intentions”.

OK fine.

Then I think it is a better argument to quote that statement and leave the Pope’s opinions about other people’s intentions out of it.

Just my 2 cents.
Pope Francis is correct, because God created the earth, the human, everything with Justice. The main reason is because there is Justice in this world. That’s why God offered us 10 commandments to follow, and stated every rules like what food we can eat, and what we cannot eat. And gave all rules on what we can do, and what we cannot do. This is because Justice existed in this world when God created this world.
Pachamamma was bad enough, now we’re getting our theology from a 1960’s margarine commercial

Pray for the Pope and for Holy Mother Church!!!
His words should be crystal clear to prevent confusion in these sorts of things. The Catholic laity should not have to strive and work to put his words into an orthodox box.
Two things: 1) many times (perhaps most of the time) it’s certain outspoken laity who create the confusion. 2) It’s not as if every single teaching of every single Pope in the past until Francis has avoided using theological subtleties which could be interpreted in bad ways.

The second point isn’t as relevant here, given that this interview isn’t an instance of the Pope exercising his teaching office, but it definitely applies to other things he has taught.
Yes, this is true, but considering what happened at the Amazon Synod (where the Amazon indians literally bowed to an idol on Vatican grounds. The same idol that was in one of God’s churches, the same one that was rightfully chucked into the river) it has many faithful on edge about Pope Francis and his management of Jesus’ flock.

This is the context(Amazon Synod and Pachamama fiasco) in which Pope Francis decides to use these terms on a global pandemic. “Let’s remember that he is the Pope and look at the things he says in a charitable and orthodox way.” Seriously? Give me a break. Why shouldn’t he remember that he is the Pope and say things that are charitable and in an orthodox way. We shouldn’t have to presume and stretch things of the context of his papacy to get them to appear orthodox in our minds.

I used to just think he was naive about his off the cuff remarks but realize that he enjoys the ambiguity that his words cause or doesn’t care. He fuels the fires that mislead many on what catholicism teaches. Sadly, this is the state of much of our episcopate and why the church is collapsing in on itself in the US and Europe.
I have a strong dislike for this type of coverage on the Holy Father. Stop listening to trash and find the primary sources :roll_eyes:
Man there are so many people who are very quick to (get five seconds in, a few minutes in or whatever) automatically label the video as trash.
Like I said before. It is very well backed up and researched using traditional sources. You may not agree with it, but it’s not trash. It’s pointing out problems that many Catholics see.
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Dr. Marshall has had Archbishop Schneider, Cardinal Burke and other Catholic clergy on as guests. In fact, Bishop Schneider wrote the forward to his book. So that’s good enough for me. He is not the only one who has a problem with some of the things the Pope says. I might not agree with everything Marshall says just like I don’t agree with some of Pope Francis’ opinions.
Not to derail this thread, but you’re making me feel old! I know that commercial by heart. I also know this one by heart:

And this one too:

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The problem is not the pope but the talking heads who spin the pope’s words to mean something he is not saying. This video of is an example of how the talking heads twist the Vicar of Christ’s words, to mean something completely different than his point. The talking heads dissect his words, even colloquial sayings, and assign a meaning that the talking heads define, rather than understanding the point the Pope is making. Interestingly, it was St Francis of Assisi who referred to our planet as mother earth. St Francis was not saying that earth is a deity, but rather that God made us from “the slime of the earth” as Scripture puts it.

But according to these talking heads we can all infer that the pope is saying that the mother earth is a deity and that the pope wants to install pachamama as an idol in the Catholic Church.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

But the truth is that the video snippet that the talking heads furnish as evidence, the Pope’s response to the guy’s question was simply echoing the language of Scripture. For example, here are a few of many references:

Therefore the land mourns, and all who dwell in it will waste away with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air; even the fish of the sea disappear” Hosea 4:3

How long will the land lie parched and the grass in every field be withered? Because those who live in it are wicked, the animals and birds have perished.” Jeremiah 12:4

The earth mourns and withers; the world languishes and withers; the highest people of the earth languish. The earth lies defiled under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are scorched, and few men are left. Isaiah 24:4-6

The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants . . . and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.” Revelation 11:18

For the land is full of adulterers–because of the curse the land mourns, and the pastures of the wilderness have dried up–their course is evil and their power is misused” -Hosea 4:3

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.” -Romans 8:19
I remember counting my licks trying to find out, but always lost track! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I see what your saying. However like many of these passages point out, the cause of the turmoil is the sins of the people who live there. It is gods wrath that is inflicting these punishments and chastisements on the people, not mother nature’s short temper.

Also pointed out, in this video or another similar video Taylor Marshall does, is that much of these chastisements are directed towards the Israelites for their sins against god, specifically for worshipping idols and false gods.
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